How to find out Azure resources using ResourceGUID from an Azure invoice - azure

I have an Azure invoice from Microsoft sponsorship. In that, I can see the details of the usage of Azure services using an identifier called "ResourceGuid". Is it possible to find out the resources in the Azure console using the identifier "ResourceGuid"?
I've checked the normal resource pages and couldn't find a mapping between the identifier in the invoice and the details in the Azure console. Is there a possible way?


how to export/move my Azure Machine Learning Workspace to different subscription?

I am using azure machine learning services. I have created an experiment and deployed as a webservice on Azure Machine Learning Workspace.
My problem Is my subscription has expired and now I want to export/move my Azure Machine Learning Workspace to different subscription so I can reuse its all content(model, experiment etc.) without losing.
How can I save my all important work and export or move Azure Machine Learning Workspace with all working functionalities in different subscription?
Thank you
The following document demonstrates how to migrate Azure resources across subscriptions. You should be able to migrate your workspace as indicated here.
As highlighted in the document above, if the tenant IDs for the source and destination subscriptions aren't the same, use the following methods to reconcile the tenant IDs:
Transfer ownership of an Azure subscription to another account
How to associate or add an Azure subscription to Azure Active Directory
The source and destination subscriptions must be active. If you have trouble enabling an account that has been disabled, create an Azure support request. Select Subscription Management for the issue type.
This document says that moving an AML workspace is currently not supported:
In this doc referenced in a previous answer, .MachineLearning refers to the classic ML studio. You should be looking for .MachineLearningServices which refers to the new AML studio which clearly states that moving between resource groups or subscriptions is not supported.
I'm looking to do this myself but I haven't found a complete solution.

Need help creating a Azure Bot service

Click Create new resource link found on the upper left-hand corner of the Azure portal, then select AI + Machine Learning > Web App bot. After filling all the details, I get an error message stating 'the service id is not available' and the create button disappears.
Sign out and re-login to the Azure portal and then re-try the operation has mentioned in the below article
Make sure you have enough amount in your Azure subscription (or) your subscription is Active.Like(changing "consumption plan" to "app service plan.)
However Azure Portal is a simple GUI to create any resources easily. But it doesn't mean to stop you from using other ways like Azure CLI, Powershell, ARM templates, Other SDK's
Azure CLI to create a WebApp Bot
Dot Net SDK to create a WebApp Bot
Node.js SDK to create a webApp Bot
Additional information: After you've registered your client with Azure, you need to create the Web App. Be sure to use the following in the body:kind "webapp"
location Geographic location used to create the bot service resources. For example, eastus, westus, westus2, and so on.
You won't be able to test this due to Azure subscription limitations.
This error is because the service name has already been assigned within Azure. That name must be unique across all Azure services, not only the ones in your group or resource groups. This is a common error new comers may experience.

Question about support of some resources via ARM

I am about to publish an app on Azure Market Place and I am trying to create a "Test drive".
My application is based on several Azure resources :
App Service (webapp + api)
Azure search index
Azure storage
SQL Database
PowerBI Embedded
My question is: Are these resources all supported via ARM?
(especially the creation of an azure search index and PowerBI Embedded "linked" to a PowerBI account)
Thank you.
The resources except Azure search index are all supported via ARM.(Azure search service is supported)
For the ARM templates of them, you could refer to the Reference in this link. Also, in the portal, you could check them when you creating the resource in Automation options of the creation blade after filling the properties.

Not able to see the Azure Microsoft.classiccompute provider to register

I am using the CSP subscription. I need to create a cloud service within the azure portal. But it gave me an red line saying that the "subscription not allowed to register Microsoft.classiccompute".
Is this because its using the CSP subscription ? Is there any workaround ?
I tried to find the "provider to register" to my subscription but cannot be found in the list to register it.
How do we possibly include the provider to my subscription or is it that CSP subscription is not allowed to register?
Do I have to use a Non CSP subscription.? Please help
Azure CSP supports only the Azure Resource Manager model, the cloud service Microsoft.classiccompute is classic deployment model, you need to use another subscription, refer to this link.
For example, because Azure CSP supports only the Azure Resource Manager model, non-Azure Resource Manager services are not available in the program.

Only give PS access to a specific VM?

I have an VM running in Azure which I would like the client to be able to turn on/off easily. I tought this would be simple; just a PS-script that performs an startup/shutdown/dealloc. But it seems I can't generate a "Azure Publish Settings"-file that only gives access to that VM? At the moment it seems I can only control this at the subscription level?
The Azure Publish Settings file basically contains the access information for an entire Azure subscription. It does not specify access to a specific resource (e.g. VM) but to all resources inside of a subscription.
To limit access to a subset of resources in Azure, you should be looking at the new role-based access (RBAC) functionality, which is available in the Azure preview portal and the latest Azure PowerShell cmdlets.
How it works is that you create an Azure resource group, to which you can assign roles with specific rights, and to this role you can then assign individual users.
Check the following Azure documentation link for details on how to do this.
