Mongoose: how to add new schema only if field does not exist? - node.js

I need help with my code.
Trying to figure what is the best way to give some errors if specific fields already exist.
Add if statement maybe on the client side if the user trying to save with a name that already exists.
Or add a statement on the server side, something I'm trying to do right now...
Here is my code;'/save-file', async(req, res) => {
// Test nr3;
const saveExists = await savefile.exists({
saveFileID: req.body.saveFileID
if (saveExists) console.log("Save file exists")
// Note: This will log if field exist. But I need to stop somehow...
// My original code;
const SaveDB = new savefile(req.body)
try {
status: 'Success',
data: {
} catch (error) {
status: 'Failed',
message: error
Example, if my "savefiles" on my mongoDB have field --> saveFileID = "game01"
and the user writes that name, then that code should stop and give some error,
else add a new schema.


NOT WORKING: Mongoose findByIdAndUpdate() does not work

I am trying to create a (MERN stack) management system that keeps track of vacant rooms in a hotel.
I am trying to change the roomTypeAOccupiedTotal from 2 to 3.
From the client side, it sends an axios.put()request as follows:
.put(`http://localhost:8082/api/myHotel/${}`, data)
this is the server-side code:
router.put('/:_id', (req, res) => {
req.params looks like this:
{ _id: '63b4d533fabbf31cdb519896' }
req.body looks like this:
roomOccupied5F: 3,
roomOccupied6F: 5,
roomTypeAOccupiedTotal: 2,
roomTypeBOccupiedTotal: 8,
let filter = { _id: mongoose.Types.ObjectId(req.params._id) }
let update = { $set: req.body }
MyHotel.findByIdAndUpdate(filter, update, {new: true})
.then(data => res.json({ msg: 'updated successfully' }))
.catch(err =>
res.status(400).json({ error: 'Unable to update the Database' })
Below are the GET request and PUT request sent using POSTMAN.
after the message "updated successfully", I sent another GET request to check, but there are no changes to the variable(roomTypeAOccupiedTotal).
Could someone help me with solving this problem? the findByIdAndUpdate() method is working, as its not throwing any errors, but its not updating.
I believe your problem is the filter object. Looking at the docs for findByIdAndUpdate, it expects to receive the id param, not a filter object.
id «Object|Number|String» value of _id to query by
Additionally, when you create an objectId out of the request param, you aren't creating a new instance of it, so whatever was passed in would have failed to match anything. My IDE highlights this for me:
Your fix is likely something like this:
const id = new mongoose.Types.ObjectId(req.params._id)
MyHotel.findByIdAndUpdate(id, update, {new: true})
No need to convert id, and no need to use the update operator(i.e. $set).
try this:
MyHotel.findByIdAndUpdate(req.params._id, req.body, { new: true }, (err, hotel) => {
if (err) {
} else {

MongoDB: findOne not working as expected?

I'm creating an API to my database of coins and I don't want to add duplicate coins to my database so I've created this line of code in my function
const addCoin = async (req, res) => {
const { coinId, seconds, bidAmount } = req.body;
const coinExists = await Coin.findOne({ coinId });
if (coinExists) {
res.status(400).send({ message: 'Coin Exists Bad Request' }); // bad request
throw new Error('Coin already exists');
In my Postman I am inputting a different coinId in the request body and I am getting the error that Coin Exists?
Is findOne here not working as expected?
Ahh after some documentation reading
I have to specify which property in the Coin Model I want it to find specifically
so in this case
I did
Coin.find({ itemId: coinId})
Since in my model its defined as itemId but user input is coinId

How to make sure that even if no data is given in the required field, it will consider is empty?

I am using Node.js and MongoDB. I want to make sure that if the user writes in the specific field, the database should be updated with that value, else it should be null.
Following is the code I am using:
exports.updatingUser = async (user_,request,res)=> {
let result = "";
const updateUserInfo = {
fullName: request.fullName,
userName: request.userName,
password : request.password,
await User.updateOne({_id:request._id},{$set:updateUserInfo})
.then(docs => {
result = docs;
.catch(err => {
error: err
return result;
This works when the user writes in the specific fields but not when any of the field is empty.
Try like this
fullName: request.fullName ? request.fullName : '', // You can put null if you want
Note: Need to put in all

Best practice for validating input in Express/Mongoose app (controllers and models)

I'm new to node/express/mongoose and backend in general, and I'm building an API from the ground up.
I split my code into controllers and DAOs (mongoose models) and I'm not sure where validation should be taking place, what exactly should the controller and model each be doing?
For example, for the route GET /users/:id, I want it to:
Return 400 if the id given is not a valid ObjectId
Return 404 if the id is a valid ObjectId, but no documents exist with this id
Return 200 if a document is found, and remove some fields (password, __v, and _id (because I made a virtual field "id" without underscore)) before sending the response
Return 500 otherwise
Here's what I tried. It's currently doing everything I want above, but I'm not sure if it's the best implementation:
const UserModel = require('../models/users.model')
const mongoose = require('mongoose')
exports.getById = async (req, res) => {
// Check that the id is a valid ObjectId
if (!mongoose.Types.ObjectId.isValid( {
return res.status(400).json({ error: 'Invalid ObjectID' })
try {
const user = await UserModel.findById(
if (!user) return res.status(404).json({ error: 'No user with this ID' })
} catch (err) {
exports.findById = async (id) => {
let user = await User.findById(id)
if (!user) {
return null
user = user.toJSON()
delete user._id
delete user.__v
delete user.password
return user
Is this the best way to structure things? Please critique and suggest any improvements and best practices.
I prefer to do all validation and logic in Controllers file and helpers classes in separate small js files.
Also trying to keep the models as lean as possible. Actually you can create different middleware functions to validate some inputs.
It is also helpful to create ErrorResponse middleware so you can do such simple and easy to read validations as:
if (!userFromDB) throw new ErrorResponse({code: 404, msg: "User doesn't exist"})
than catch it and handle in separate file with different options of the answer.
Backend has 100+ ways of implementing it. You need to choose you own 😁

Sequelize - Creating Multiple Tables Using Id of First Table Created

I'm doing a project using Express, & Sequelize and have run into an issue:
I'm trying to create an api route that, on a button click, will create a row in my 'member' & 'memberinstrument' tables. Those tables have an association in my models that: member 'hasMany' memberinstruments & memberinstruments 'belongsTo' member.
This is what I have right now:"/api/individual/signup", async (req, res) => {
try {
const member = await db.Member.create({
memberName: req.body.memberName,
location: `${}, ${req.body.state}`,
profilePicture: req.body.profilePicture,
const memberInstrument = await db.MemberInstrument.create({
instrument: req.body.instrument,
res.json({ member, memberInstrument });
} catch (error) {
res.status(500).send('Sever Error');
I'm testing it out in postman and it simply says I have a 'server error' (which doesn't happen if I delete the whole memberInstrument posting section) and in node I get "Cannot read property 'id' of undefined". I know it must have something to do with the timing of trying to create member, and then trying to get that member id for memberinstrument, but I can't figure out how to resolve this.
Any help would be much appreciated!
I commented out both UserId & MemberId and it successfully posts.
uncommenting just UserId creates the same error:
UserId is a nullable field so I don't know why it's doing a server error if I don't define it (or maybe I have to define it as null but I do not know how to do that in postman since it's coming from .user instead of .body
uncommenting just MemberId creates the same error)
Since I'm doing this in Postman, and don't know how to send a req.body with that, I was getting that id error. I changed to which will be populated with information from a front end state and it is now working correctly.
I think it's unnecessary for you to include all the fields in your .create()
try this"/api/individual/signup", async (req, res) => {
try {
const data = req.body;
const member = await db.Member.create(data);
const [registration, created] = member;
//insert more of your code here on creating **MemberInstrument**, this is just a sample.
await db.MemberInstrument.create(registration.member_id);
} catch (error) {
On your postman request, you will input the body or fields in json format, except the ID, IDs should not be included on the postman body.
