How to create and update with the same form - shopware

I use the repositoryFactory in a custom plugin's Vue file in Shopware 6. When I save an entity I do this:
.save(this.setting, Shopware.Context.api)
.then((result) => {
In case the person sends the form and this function is called, I want to get back the id of the setting in case the person hit's the save button again. But then the entity needs to be updated and not created. As I see from the response, there is an id, but it's in -> json serialised.
How's the default way of solving this issue?

The best practice would be to re-fetch the entity after persisting it. This is because some entities may have fields that get automatically computed or indexed server-side and you'd probably always want to have the entity in its actual current state. If you're absolutely sure you don't want to fetch the entity again, you could manually set the _isNew flag to false after persisting:
this.setting._isNew = false;
This will then cause the save function to use the update instead of the create route. Keep in mind that this is actually kind of an internal property, as there is no setter for it and as already mentioned fetching the entity again is encouraged.
Also you shouldn't have to worry about the id. It should've already been generated client-side and set to the entity, when using the repository to create a new entity like that:
this.setting = this.settingsRepository.create();


Handling soft deletes with jhipster

I need to perform soft deletion using jhipster.
If user click on delete button I need to mark is_active flag to false.
Writing custom code will be the only solution or is there any way to do it?
Things I have done so far :
I have followed Jhipster web site and created Monolithic application.
Then I have created new entity called 'Student' using the entity sub-generator . (filed names : id, name age, address and is_active. )
The Sub generator generated files contain all the basic CRUD operations and provided a CRUD front-end for student entity.
The front end contains buttons for create student, view, edit and delete.
When I Click on a delete button the studuent record will be permanatly delete from the database.
But my Requirement is to keep the record in the database and mark only the is_active filed in to false.
Basically I need to keep history data of the student without permanatly deleting them.
you will have to edit it yourself. First of all, I recommend you to extend all classes generated by JHipster (except for Resources, you will have to create another class and use a custom mapping thus changing the service in the frontend)
Extend your StudentRepository and create a method that updates the is_active value (it would be better if it receives the id and the value: true or false)
Extend yout StudentService and create a new method (e.g. call it public void disableAddress(Long id))
In that method the your newly created method in the repository layer
Edit StudentResource and change the code inside the deleteStudent method and call your newly created method in the service layer
If you created a new resource, change the service calling your api.

Azure-mobile-apps-net-client just patch changes

I use Xamarin Forms with azure-mobile-apps-net-client with the .net backend. What I noticed is, that if I change a value in my mobile app for my model like
var dog = get_dog_from_sqlite_database();
dog.Color = "black";
and call
await dogTable.UpdateAsync(dog);
and then sync with the server, the Delta<Dog> patch object in the
public Task<Dog> PatchDog(string id, Delta<Dog> patch)
method in the backend, contains every property from my dog model, although changing just one value.
Is it possible to change some settings, that just changed values are patched to the backend? I ask, as I have to do some restrictions on who can change what values, so my backend code would be cleaner as I just have to look if a forbidden property was changed and then throw an exception.
No - when we do offline sync, we don't necessarily know which fields have changed - we don't keep that granular information. We just keep the new record. You can check out the operations queue in the SQLite database to confirm this.

Sails model validation only when updating and not while creating

While using sails validation I need some fields only to get validated while updating and not during creation. The scenario is that when the user is getting creating the i am just taking username and password and later I ask for all the remaining data for the user and I need to apply some validation rules only during updation and not creation.
I know I can do some manual validation using lifecycle callback beforeUpdate but then I wont be using sails validation which I think is not the proper way.
How can tell the model that these rules need to be applied only during updation?
what rules specifically? One thing you can do is give the rules a true/false check to see if the record has as an Id. If it does, then its an update, if it does not, then its a create.
favorite_color : {
required : function(){
return 'id' in this // ID should be your primary key field.
I will say it would be nice if you could specify when validations occur, but currently you can not.
You may split DB entity into two separate entities and use two models. First model will require username and password and second model will require other fields.

is there a way to see which objects in a managedobjectcontext have not yet been added to the persistent store?

is there a simple and efficient/fast way to query a managedobjectcontext to get an array of all the managedobjects in the context that have not yet been added to the persistent store?
i ask this because i would like to be able to save nsmanagedobjects that have been added to the MOC only if they conform to certain criteria. basically i want to be able to do this so that if some unexpected event happened before my managed object attributes were properly populated, i can catch this fact and purge the object(s) before saving the context. given the complexity of the navigation possible in the app, i'd like to have a look at the data to be sure they are good before i save.
i suppose i could also do this with some kind of validation rule and a flag field that doesn't get set until i am sure the user has added all the data to the record, but i don't yet know how to implement this...
any help much appreciated.
The insertedObjects method of NSManagedObjectContext
returns the set of objects that have been inserted into the context but not yet saved in a persistent store.

I want absolute atomicity on a single couchdb instance (insert, fail if already existing)

I've come to really love the couchdb style of organizing and updating data, but there are a few situations where I really need to be able to create an entry and determine if an equivalent entry is already in existence before returning to the user. The only situation that this is absolutely necessary for my application is user registration. I'm fine with having all user registration writes go to a particular, designated couchdb instance known as the "registration-instance".
I want to hash the user_id into some _id to use. Then execute a put with this _id, but fail if the _id is already inserted. I need to return to the user that the user name is already reserved, and I cannot detect the conflict later and resolve it at that point, because the user would be under the impression that they had reserved the user name.
I don't see why couchdb couldn't provide some way to do this, under the assumption that you designate that inserts for a particular "type" of document always are routed to a particular instance.
If you send a single CouchDB server a PUT request for a new user document you should get the behavior you want already.
If the document does not exist then it will create the new document.
If the document does exist then it is guaranteed to return a 409 conflict error. This is due to the fact that you did not supply a _rev property because you aren't trying to update the pre-existing document.
Only when the _id and _rev properties match will CouchDB update the existing document.
You might also want to read up on document update handlers:
You might use an update handler to hash the user_id and dynamically assign the appropriate _id. You can also customize what kind of error response couch sends with an update handler.
Good luck!
