Sails model validation only when updating and not while creating - node.js

While using sails validation I need some fields only to get validated while updating and not during creation. The scenario is that when the user is getting creating the i am just taking username and password and later I ask for all the remaining data for the user and I need to apply some validation rules only during updation and not creation.
I know I can do some manual validation using lifecycle callback beforeUpdate but then I wont be using sails validation which I think is not the proper way.
How can tell the model that these rules need to be applied only during updation?

what rules specifically? One thing you can do is give the rules a true/false check to see if the record has as an Id. If it does, then its an update, if it does not, then its a create.
favorite_color : {
required : function(){
return 'id' in this // ID should be your primary key field.
I will say it would be nice if you could specify when validations occur, but currently you can not.

You may split DB entity into two separate entities and use two models. First model will require username and password and second model will require other fields.


How to create and update with the same form

I use the repositoryFactory in a custom plugin's Vue file in Shopware 6. When I save an entity I do this:
.save(this.setting, Shopware.Context.api)
.then((result) => {
In case the person sends the form and this function is called, I want to get back the id of the setting in case the person hit's the save button again. But then the entity needs to be updated and not created. As I see from the response, there is an id, but it's in -> json serialised.
How's the default way of solving this issue?
The best practice would be to re-fetch the entity after persisting it. This is because some entities may have fields that get automatically computed or indexed server-side and you'd probably always want to have the entity in its actual current state. If you're absolutely sure you don't want to fetch the entity again, you could manually set the _isNew flag to false after persisting:
this.setting._isNew = false;
This will then cause the save function to use the update instead of the create route. Keep in mind that this is actually kind of an internal property, as there is no setter for it and as already mentioned fetching the entity again is encouraged.
Also you shouldn't have to worry about the id. It should've already been generated client-side and set to the entity, when using the repository to create a new entity like that:
this.setting = this.settingsRepository.create();

Pre defining and pre populating a field in Couchdb

I am trying to pre define and possibly pre populate a field in CouchDB every time a new document is created by the user. That is until a user enters a different value the initial value that I created will stay.
According to this article it is not possible to do so: (CouchDB: Pre-filled fields when adding new documents?)
I was just wondering if there was an update to this. Or is there an easier way to do this?

How to selectively populate waterline associations via query param in sails.js

By default, sails will populate all relationships within a model when it's corresponding API route is hit. Does anyone know if it's possible to toggle this functionality? If I'm working with a one-to-many association, I may not want to populate the association when doing a listing of all items for performance reasons. But when viewing a single item, it would be nice to complete the population.
For example, say one ticket can have many comments. I don't care about the comments when fetching a case listing but would be important when viewing a specific case. I took a guess at how it could function but it fails:
I implemented the above functionality within balderdashy/sails#1695. The only change is that you selectively choose which associations to populate using:
localhost:1337/tickets?populate=[] // Don't populate anything
localhost:1337/tickets?populate=[comments] // Only populate comments
This would override whatever is defined for populate within your blueprint config.
You just need to separate your assosiactions via comma, just like this:

I want absolute atomicity on a single couchdb instance (insert, fail if already existing)

I've come to really love the couchdb style of organizing and updating data, but there are a few situations where I really need to be able to create an entry and determine if an equivalent entry is already in existence before returning to the user. The only situation that this is absolutely necessary for my application is user registration. I'm fine with having all user registration writes go to a particular, designated couchdb instance known as the "registration-instance".
I want to hash the user_id into some _id to use. Then execute a put with this _id, but fail if the _id is already inserted. I need to return to the user that the user name is already reserved, and I cannot detect the conflict later and resolve it at that point, because the user would be under the impression that they had reserved the user name.
I don't see why couchdb couldn't provide some way to do this, under the assumption that you designate that inserts for a particular "type" of document always are routed to a particular instance.
If you send a single CouchDB server a PUT request for a new user document you should get the behavior you want already.
If the document does not exist then it will create the new document.
If the document does exist then it is guaranteed to return a 409 conflict error. This is due to the fact that you did not supply a _rev property because you aren't trying to update the pre-existing document.
Only when the _id and _rev properties match will CouchDB update the existing document.
You might also want to read up on document update handlers:
You might use an update handler to hash the user_id and dynamically assign the appropriate _id. You can also customize what kind of error response couch sends with an update handler.
Good luck!

couchdb design views, updating fields on doc creation

Is it possible to have couch update or change fields on the fly when you create/update a doc? For example in the design view.... validate_doc_update:
function(newDoc, oldDoc, userCtx) {
Within that function I can throw errors like:
if(!newDoc.user_email && !newDoc.user_name && !newDoc.user_password){
throw({forbidden : 'all fields required'});
My Question is how would I reassign a field? I tried this:
newDoc.user_password ="changed";
with changed being some new value or hashed value. My overall goal is to build a user registration/login system with node and couchdb and have not found very good examples.
The validate_doc_update function cannot have any side effects and cannot change the document before storage. It only has the power to block an update or to let it through. This is important, because the function is not only called when a user requests an update, but also when changes are replicated from one CouchDB instance to another. So the function can be called multiple times for one document.
However, CouchDB now supports Document Update Handlers that can modify a document or even build it from scratch. These can be used to convert non-JSON input data into usable documents. You can find some documentation in the CouchDB Wiki.
Before you build your own user registration/login system, I'd suggest you look into the built-in CouchDB security features (if you haven't - some information here). They might not be enough for you (e.g. if you need email validation or something similar), but maybe you can build on them.
