Sonos - Connecting additional speaker - connect

I wanted to see if there is a guide on how to connect a wireless speaker to my Sonos device? Any help much appreciated.


using external bluetooth transmitter without sound card

The sound card in my desktop tower is busted. I am planning to get an external Bluetooth device so that I can connect external sound devices. I am trying to do some research on this matter to find out if it will work before I commit my resources. Please help if you have resources that can explain if this is possible and I could add to my knowledge. Please Help!

Where is the google home ble specification?

I have searched everywhere but I cannot seem to find what profile or (custom) services are used to connect a ble device to a Google home. like a smart lock or smart lighting for example. Can anyone point me in the right direction? There must be some protocol specification somewhere for ble devices connected to google home?
I am asking specifically about ble, not bluetooth classic.
We are developing a bluetooth 5 enabled device and are looking into the effort it will take to support google home/assistant.
Thank you.

Bluetooth Device Tracker/ Finder

I lost my Bluetooth earphones and had been searching for it recently. I would like to ask if there are any programs (or how I can code my own) that can help look for a paired but not connected Bluetooth device. Thanks in advance and much appreciated.
Any app can find your bluetooth earphones, only if it is ON. From my perspective, one suggestion is to [save the name or device address]remove pairing from your phone for the headset and do a bluetooth search . If your headset appears on the device discovery list, then it should be around.

Bluetooth EarBuds with Mic for Voice Recognition On Raspberrypi 3

Please has anyone had success on using bluetooth earbuds with mic for voice recognition on the raspberrypi 3.Can't seem to get the pi to use the bluetooth earbuds as both input for the speech and output through the earbuds. Tried connecting using the inbuilt bluetooth on the pi 3. Any suggestions on how to go about this? Thanks
Unfortunately,I would have to believe the inbuilt bluetooth has some problems or doesn't support that yet. By using a bluetooth dongle I was able to set the active profile to HSP and it works well. Thanks to the detailed steps explained here .Minimal versions needed for HSP (A2DP included) are: Bluez 5 / PulseAudio 6. Thanks

Paired with hc 05 but not connected

Main Problem
My mobile phone is already paired with my HC-05 bluetooth module. But the problem is it is not connected.
Do you have any solution about this kind of problem guys?
Need help. Thank you.
It will connect only when requested, for example, while using a bluetooth terminal application. Try searching for a bluetooth terminal app in the google play store, install, then you should be able to connect.
