In debugger, pretty-print hash map is great.
(gdb) p h
$1 = HashMap(size=4) = {[1] = "Jan", [3] = "Mar", [2] = "Feb", [4] = "Apr"}
But it doesn't seem to work for RwLock
(gdb) p h
$1 = std::sync::rwlock::RwLockWriteGuard<std::collections::hash::map::HashMap<i32, &str, std::collections::hash::map::RandomState>> {lock: 0x7fffffffde98, poison: std::sync::poison::Guard {panicking: false}}
Is there a way how to pretty-print Hashmap inside RwLock?
Looks like this works:
(gdb) p
$5 = core::cell::UnsafeCell<std::collections::hash::map::HashMap<i32, &str, std::collections::hash::map::RandomState>> {value: HashMap(size=4) = {[1] = "Jan", [4] = "Apr", [3] = "Mar", [2] = "Feb"}}
How to count a character occurrence in string in Nim, mainly using its native statements prior go to module ? eg.
str = "Hello World"
c : int
c = numChar( "o", str ) # <- illustration only ?
The earlier answer is correct but if you do not want to import any modules you can write your own procedure:
proc count_char(value: string = "Hello World", ch: char = 'o'): int =
var cnt_c: int = 0
for c in value:
if c == ch:
cnt_c += 1
result = cnt_c
val: string = "Mother Goose"
ch: char = 'o'
echo $count_char(val, ch)
PS: Unrelated - Need syntax highlight for nim-lang on SO.
Use the count function from strutils:
import std/strutils
let str = "Hello World"
let count = count(str, 'o')
assert count = 1
There’s also a string overload for counting sub strings as well.
Let x be a vector and M a matrix.
In R, I can do
D <- diag(exp(x))
crossprod(M, D%M)
and in RcppArmadillo, I have the following which is much slower.
#include <RcppArmadillo.h>
// [[Rcpp::depends(RcppArmadillo)]]
// [[Rcpp::export]]
arma::mat multiple_mnv(const arma::vec& x, const arma::mat& M) {
arma::colvec diagonal(x.size())
for (int i = 0; i < x.size(); i++)
diagonal(i) = exp(x[i]);
arma::mat D = diagmat(diagonal);
return M.t()*D*M;
Why is this so slow? How can I speed this up?
Welcome to Stack Overflow manju. For future questions, please be advised that a minimal reproducible example is expected, and in fact is in your best interest to provide; it helps others help you. Here's an example of how you could provide example data for others to work with:
## Set seed for reproducibility
## Generate data
x <- rnorm(10)
M <- matrix(rnorm(100), nrow = 10, ncol = 10)
## Output code for others to copy your objects
This is the data I will work with to show that your C++ code is in fact not slower than R. I used your C++ code (adding in a missing semicolon):
#include <RcppArmadillo.h>
// [[Rcpp::depends(RcppArmadillo)]]
// [[Rcpp::export]]
arma::mat foo(const arma::vec& x, const arma::mat& M) {
arma::colvec diagonal(x.size());
for ( int i = 0; i < x.size(); i++ )
diagonal(i) = exp(x[i]);
arma::mat D = diagmat(diagonal);
return M.t() * D * M;
Note also that I had to make some of my own choices about the type of the return object and types of the function arguments (this is one of the places where a minimal reproducible example could help you: What if these choices affect my results?) I then create an R function to do what foo() does:
bar <- function(v, M) {
D <- diag(exp(v))
return(crossprod(M, D %*% M))
Note also that I had to fix a typo you had, changing D%M to D %*% M. Let's double check they give the same results:
all.equal(foo(x, M), bar(x, M))
# [1] TRUE
Now let's explore how fast they are:
bench <- microbenchmark(cpp = foo(x, M), R = foo(x, M), times = 1e5)
# Unit: microseconds
# expr min lq mean median uq max
# cpp 22.185 23.015 27.00436 23.204 23.461 31143.30
# R 22.126 23.028 25.48256 23.216 23.475 29628.86
Those look pretty much the same to me! We can also look at a density plot of the times (throwing out the extreme value outliers to make things a little clearer):
cpp_times <- with(bench, time[expr == "cpp"])
R_times <- with(bench, time[expr == "R"])
cpp_time_dens <- density(cpp_times[cpp_times < quantile(cpp_times, 0.95)])
R_time_dens <- density(R_times[R_times < quantile(R_times, 0.95)])
plot(cpp_time_dens, col = "blue", xlab = "Time (in nanoseconds)", ylab = "",
main = "Comparing C++ and R execution time")
lines(R_time_dens, col = "red")
legend("topright", col = c("blue", "red"), bty = "n", lty = 1,
legend = c("C++ function (foo)", "R function (bar)"))
As helpfully pointed out by Dirk Eddelbuettel in the comments, in the end both R and Armadillo are going to be calling a LAPACK or BLAS routine anyways -- you shouldn't expect much difference unless you can give Armadillo a hint on how to be more efficient.
Can we make the Armadillo code faster?
Yes! As pointed out by mtall in the comments, we can give Armadillo the hint that we're dealing with a diagonal matrix. Let's try; we'll use the following code:
// [[Rcpp::export]]
arma::mat baz(const arma::vec& x, const arma::mat& M) {
return M.t() * diagmat(arma::exp(x)) * M;
And benchmark it:
all.equal(foo(x, M), baz(x, M))
# [1] TRUE
bench <- microbenchmark(cpp = foo(x, M), R = foo(x, M),
cpp2 = baz(x, M), times = 1e5)
# Unit: microseconds
# expr min lq mean median uq max
# cpp 22.822 23.757 27.57015 24.118 24.632 26600.48
# R 22.855 23.771 26.44725 24.124 24.638 30619.09
# cpp2 20.035 21.218 25.49863 21.587 22.123 36745.72
We see a small but sure improvement; let's take a look graphically as we did before:
cpp_times <- with(bench, time[expr == "cpp"])
cpp2_times <- with(bench, time[expr == "cpp2"])
R_times <- with(bench, time[expr == "R"])
cpp_time_dens <- density(cpp_times[cpp_times < quantile(cpp_times, 0.95)])
cpp2_time_dens <- density(cpp2_times[cpp2_times < quantile(cpp2_times, 0.95)])
R_time_dens <- density(R_times[R_times < quantile(R_times, 0.95)])
xlims <- range(c(cpp_time_dens$x, cpp2_time_dens$x, R_time_dens$x))
ylims <- range(c(cpp_time_dens$y, cpp2_time_dens$y, R_time_dens$y))
ylims <- ylims * c(1, 1.15)
cols <- c("#0072b2", "#f0e442", "#d55e00")
cols <- c("#e69f00", "#56b4e9", "#009e73")
labs <- c("C++ original", "C++ improved", "R")
plot(cpp_time_dens, col = cols[1], xlim = xlims, ylim = ylims,
xlab = "Time (in nanoseconds)", ylab = "",
main = "Comparing C++ and R execution time")
lines(cpp2_time_dens, col = cols[2])
lines(R_time_dens, col = cols[3])
legend("topleft", col = cols, bty = "n", lty = 1, legend = labs, horiz = TRUE)
This code shows how to make a function mutate its input - one of the things we come to F# to avoid.
type Age = { mutable n : int }
let printInside a = printfn "Inside = %d" a.n
let inside a =
a.n <- a.n + 1
let a = {n = 1}
printInside a //a = 1
inside a
printInside a //a = 2
That being said, how do I do the same bad thing with [<Struct>] Records? I suspect that ref or byref may be involved but I just can't seem to get it to work.
type [<Struct>] Age = { mutable n : int }
let printInside a = printfn "Inside = %d" a.n
let inside a =
a.n <- a.n + 1
let a = {n = 1}
printInside a //a = 1
inside a
printInside a //a = 2
The fundamental issue is that a mutable field can only be modified if the struct itself is mutable. As you noted, we need to use byref in the declaration of Age. We also need to make sure a is mutable and lastly we need to use the & operator when calling the function inside. The & is the way to call a function with a byref parameter.
type [<Struct>] Age = { mutable n : int }
let printInside a = printfn "Inside = %d" a.n
let inside (a : Age byref) =
a.n <- a.n + 1
let mutable a = {n = 1}
printInside a //a = 1
inside &a
printInside a //a = 2
Now that I get the pattern, here is a simple example (just an int instead of a struct record) of how to mutate values passed into a function:
let mutable a = 1
let mutate (a : byref<_>) = a <- a + 1
mutate &a
a //a = 2
Is there an easy way to split a string like this:
M34a79 or M2ab943 or M4c4
M,34,a,79 or M,2,ab,943 or M,4,c,4
without any separators?
You can do it with a pair of gsub calls:
x = "M34a79 or M2ab943 or M4c4"
x, _ = x:gsub( "(%d)(%a)", "%1,%2" )
x, _ = x:gsub( "(%a)(%d)", "%1,%2" )
print( x )
M,34,a,79 or M,2,ab,943 or M,4,c,4
Might not work in all cases, but does work on your example.
If you don’t mind using the LPEG
local lpeg = require "lpeg"
local C, Ct, P, R = lpeg.C, lpeg.Ct, lpeg.P, lpeg.R
local lpegmatch = lpeg.match
local extract
local digit = R"09"
local lower = R"az"
local comma = P","
local space = P" "
local schema = Ct( C(P"M")
* (digit^1 / tonumber)
* C(lower^1)
* (digit^1 / tonumber))
local extractor = Ct((schema + 1)^0)
extract = function (str)
return lpegmatch (extractor, str)
This will match all sequences of characters of the input
that consist of (in that order)
the letter M,
a sequence of 1 or more decimal digits,
a sequence of 1 or more lowercase characters, and
another sequence of 1 or more decimal digits.
When processing the input each match is put in a subtable,
the digits are converted to Lua numbers on the fly.
Since the question requested it, the leading M is included
in the entries.
Usage example:
local data = extract [[M34a79 or M2ab943 or M4c4]]
for i = 1, #data do
local elm = data[i]
print (string.format ("[%d] = { [1] = %q, [2] = %d, [3] = %q, [4] = %d },",
i, table.unpack (elm)))
[1] = { [1] = "M", [2] = 34, [3] = "a", [4] = 79 },
[2] = { [1] = "M", [2] = 2, [3] = "ab", [4] = 943 },
[3] = { [1] = "M", [2] = 4, [3] = "c", [4] = 4 },
function string:split( inSplitPattern, outResults )
function val(x)
x = x:gsub( "(%d)(%a)", "%1,%2" )
x = x:gsub( "(%a)(%d)", "%1,%2" )
Table = string.split(x,",")
for i = 1, #Table do
print( Table[i] )
returns M 3 a 5
I'm sure this is simple, but I cannot find a solution ...
I would like to use a variable containing a character string as argument for a function.
x <- c(1:10)
myoptions <- "trim=0, na.rm=FALSE"
Now, something like
foo <- mean(x, myoptions)
should be the same as
foo <- mean(x, trim=0, na.rm=FALSE)
Thanks in advance!
You can use eval and parse:
foo <- eval(parse(text = paste("mean(x,", myoptions, ")")))
A more natural way to do what you want is to use For example,
R> l[["trim"]] = 0
R> l[["na.rm"]] = FALSE
R> l[["x"]] = 1:10
##Or l <- list(trim = 0, na.rm = FALSE, x = 1:10)
R>, l)
[1] 5.5
If for some reason you really want to use a myoptions string, you could always use strsplit to coarce it into a list form. For example,
R> y = "trim=0, na.rm=FALSE"
R> strsplit(y, ", ")
[1] "trim=0" "na.rm=FALSE"
R> strsplit(y, ", ")[[1]][1]
[1] "trim=0"
Here's a third answer that both uses parse, alist and My motivation for this new answer, is in the case where arguments are passed interactively from a client-side as chars. Then I guess, there is no good way around not using parse. Suggested solution with strsplit, cannot understand the context whether a comma , means next argument or next argument within an argument. strsplit does not understand context as strsplit is not a parser.
here arguments can be passed as "a=c(2,4), b=3,5" or list("c(a=(2,4)","b=3","5")
#' convert and evaluate a list of char args to a list of arguments
#' #param listOfCharArgs a list of chars
#' #return
#' #export
#' #examples
#' myCharArgs = list('x=c(1:3,NA)',"trim=0","TRUE")
#' myArgs = callMeMaybe(myCharArgs)
callMeMaybe2 = function(listOfCharArgs) {
CharArgs = unlist(listOfCharArgs)
if(is.null(CharArgs)) return(alist())
.out = eval(parse(text = paste0("alist(",
paste(parse(text=CharArgs),collapse = ","),")")))
myCharArgs = list('x=c(1:3,NA)',"trim=0","TRUE")
myArgs = callMeMaybe2(myCharArgs),myArgs)
[1] 2
Using all of, eval and parse (combining kohske's and csgillespie's answers, and also WoDoSc's answer to 'Pass a comma separated string as a list'):
x <- c(1:10)
myoptions <- "trim = 0, na.rm = FALSE"
what = mean,
args = append(list(x = x), eval(parse(text = paste0("list(", myoptions, ")"))))
This solution can be quite resilient in a more complex case, such as shown below.
myfn <- function(x, y = 0, z = 0, ...) {
print(paste("x:", x))
print(paste("y:", y))
print(paste("z:", z))
if (length(list(...)) > 0) {
myextraargs <- paste(
"y = c(11, 14), z = 47,",
"t = data.frame(p = c('apple', 'plum'), j = c(7, 2), k = c(3, 21))"
what = myfn,
args = append(
list(x = 7),
eval(parse(text = paste0("list(", myextraargs, ")")))
results in:
[1] "x: 7"
[1] "y: 11" "y: 14"
[1] "z: 47"
[1] "other:"
p j k
1 apple 7 3
2 plum 2 21
myextraargs <- NULL
what = myfn,
args = append(
list(x = 7),
eval(parse(text = paste0("list(", myextraargs, ")")))
results in
[1] "x: 7"
[1] "y: 0"
[1] "z: 0"