mkdir not working as expected with mode option - linux

I am trying to create a directory using mkdir with mode option. But in some cases, it is showing wrong output.
ls -ld test
ls: cannot access test: No such file or directory
mkdir -m g+w test
ls -ld test
drwxrwxrwx 2 root root 6 Jul 12 10:27 test
Ideally it permission should be set 775, but why others also getting write permission. Its a same behaviour when running with o+w. But rest option working fine.


ownership of file is changing automatically

How can I prevent changing the ownership of a file?
I have a file with permission as follows:
-rw-r-----. 1 netcool ncoadmin 1689 May 8 14:54 NCI_Constellation.proj
As part of RPM package installation, I am running a script which is supposed to write data into NCI_Constellation.proj file. Whereas the permission of the file is getting changed as follows during package installation and the writing to the file is not happening.
-rw-r-----. 1 root root 1689 May 8 14:54 NCI_Constellation.proj
Is there a way to not change the ownership of NCI_Constellation.proj file and keep it as it is as follows so that I will be able to write data to the file?
-rw-r-----. 1 netcool ncoadmin 1689 May 8 14:54 NCI_Constellation.proj
Please help.
The question is: what package does that file belong to and with what permissions?
rpm -qf /path/to/NCI_Constellation.proj
will give you the package owning this file (let's say NCI.rpm). Then
rpm -qlv NCI.rpm | grep NCI_Constellation.proj
will give you the owners and rights of this file as packaged by NCI.rpm. If you are the one packaging NCI.rpm; you should put something like this in your %files section:
%attr(640,netcool,ncoadmin) /path/to/NCI_Constellation.proj
By the way make sure that you really can write to the file with those permissions; test that first... Who is running the script to change this file? As which user? then run it yourself manually as that user to make sure these file permissions will suffice.
you have two options in my opinion,
first : set netcool to root group by doing this:
$ sudo usermod -a -G root netcool
with this command you user is able to change and modify the file even after the permissions changed.
second : set netcool user a second root user by changing /etc/passwd file.
for this open the file with every file-editor you want then change UID and GID to 0. after doing this if you run $ grep netcool /etc/passwd you should see :
netcool:x:0:0: {the rest may change for anybody}.
We can prevent the changing of group of file by using setgid bit on directory. So if you add user netcool to ncoadmin and give write permission to ncoadmin then you can edit the file. Here is how you can set the SetGid bit on directory.
chmod g+s your_directory_containing_file(NCI_Constellation.proj)
Bit more about the setgid on directory:
setgid can be used on directories to make sure that all files inside the directory are owned
by the group owner of the directory. The setgid bit is displayed at the same location as the x
permission for group owner. The setgid bit is represented by an s (meaning x is also there)
or a S (when there is no x for the group owner). As this example shows, even though root
does not belong to the group proj55, the files created by root in /project55 will belong to
proj55 since the setgid is set.
root#RHELv4u4:~# groupadd proj55
root#RHELv4u4:~# chown root:proj55 /project55/
root#RHELv4u4:~# chmod 2775 /project55/
root#RHELv4u4:~# touch /project55/fromroot.txt
root#RHELv4u4:~# ls -ld /project55/
drwxrwsr-x 2 root proj55 4096 Feb 7 17:45 /project55/
root#RHELv4u4:~# ls -l /project55/
total 4
-rw-r--r-- 1 root proj55 0 Feb 7 17:45 fromroot.txt

Git add permission denied ubuntu

My application is hosted on ubuntu in public_html folder. When I run the command git add . it gives me the error:
warning: could not open directory 'public_html/': Permission denied
Entire code is in public_html folder
How can I solve it?
You should make sure so that your user has access or is the owner of the folder and it content. You can check the current owner and permissions by running:
ls -l public_html
Here I list all non-hidden files in a test folder:
who:test who$ ls -l
total 0
-rwxrwxrwx 1 root admin 0 Oct 3 18:04 test1
-rwxrwxrwx 1 root admin 0 Oct 3 18:04 test2
The output shows that both files are owned by the root user and belongs to a group named admin. The first column also shows the access permission, which in this case is set to read and write access to everyone.
If you would like to change the owner you can do:
sudo chown -R <user>:<group> public_html
The above will set the owner of the folder and all its content to the specified user and group; you might need sudo privileges to do this.
There is possible to only change the owner or group with the same command:
sudo chown -R <user> public_html
sudo chown -R :<group> public_html
To change the permission you would use:
sudo chmod -R <mode> public_html
Where mode is the permission, for instance 0777 for full read and write access to everyone. You can also use letters instead of an octal number when setting permissions, for instance:
sudo chmod -R a+rwx public_html
gives the same result as the first chmod command.
The chown command:
The chmod command:

Linux Hosting files outside the htdocs directory

I followed this instructions to be able to host files outside of the htdocs directory, but I alwyas get 'Access Forbidden' (
The file those permissions: $ ls -l ~/Documents/code/xampp/
total 4
-rw-r--r-- 1 julian users 3337 Apr 10 2017 test.php
How do i fix this issue ?
Aache is not able to execute the php file, because apache don't have permission to execute the test.php file.
Try giving permission to the file.
sudo chmod +x test.php
Any user can execute the file.So change the file group to www-data and give executable permission.
sudo chown root:www-data test.php
sudo chmod 775 test.php

Can't write on hard drive owned by user and with permissions to write, read and execute

I am very puzzled by this problem I am having. I am trying to execute a file in Ubuntu 12.04 LTS via command line. I have a script that calls a program to run and write the results in a hard drive. I changed the permissions and ownership of everything to be wxr. Here is the ls -l of my script (called TEST-star):
-rwxrwxrwx 1 root root 950 Nov 15 13:16 TEST-star
Here is the ls -l of the package my script calls:
-rwxrwxrwx 1 root root 1931414 Nov 10 12:37 STAR
Finally the ls -l of the hard drive mounted in /media/CLC"
drwxrwxrwx 1 root root 8192 Nov 15 13:04 CLC
I have been trying to run it since yesterday and always get a message that I don't have permission to write the results:
EXITING because of FATAL ERROR: could not create output file ./_STARtmp//Unmapped.out.mate1.thread14
Solution: check that you have permission to write this file
I thought if I change the permissions to rwx and run my script as root it would not have a problem (using sudo). Right now I run out of options. Any suggestion would be appreciated. Please let me know what other information you would need solve this issue.
Thank you.
Here is the first line of script I am trying to run:
cd /media/CLC/ANOPHELES-STAR-v2.4f1/; mkdir GambFemAnt1 && cd GambFemAnt1; echo $PWD && echo Starting mapping of GambFemAnt1; /home/aedes/Documents/STAR_2.4.0f1/STAR --genomeDir /media/Galaxy/Galaxy_data/Anopheles/STAR/Genome --readFilesIn /media/Galaxy/Galaxy_data/Anopheles/QC/GambFemAnt1/GambFemAnt1.fastq --runThreadN 23 --outFilterMismatchNmax 4 --outFilterMatchNminOverLread 0.75 --seedSearchLmax 30 --seedSearchStartLmax 30 --seedPerReadNmax 100000 --seedPerWindowNmax 100 --alignTranscriptsPerReadNmax 100000 --alignTranscriptsPerWindowNmax 10000 --outSAMstrandField intronMotif --outFilterIntronMotifs RemoveNoncanonical --outSAMtype BAM SortedByCoordinate --outReadsUnmapped Fastx; mv Aligned.sortedByCoord.out.bam GambFemAnt1.bam; mv Unmapped.out.mate1 GambFemAnt1-unmapped.fastq; cp *.fastq /media/CLC/ANOPHELES-STAR-v2.4f1/UNMAPED-reads/; cd /media/CLC/ANOPHELES-STAR-v2.4f1 && echo $PWD && echo GambFemAnt1 mapping finished;
I also posted a question for the authors of the package.
Turns out all the permissions were set correctly. The problem resigns within the package. I found out that it works using --runThreadN 12 instead of --runThreadN 23.

Unable to execute script file with +x permission, even with sudo

I am unable to run scripts from a mounted partition. I have created a basic "Hello World" script that will execute from my home directory fine, but when I move it to the mounted partition, I am unable to execute the file.
$ ls -l
-rwxr-xr-x 1 user user 31 Mar 4 21:33
$ ./
-bash: ./ Permission denied
$ sudo ./
[sudo] password for user:
sudo: unable to execute ./ Permission denied
$ cd ..
$ ls -l
drwxrwxrwx 6 user root 4096 Mar 4 21:34 sda5
I have no idea what to do.
ETA: I am able to use "bash" to execute the file, just not ./ I am able to do ./ in the home directory.
The file system was mounted with noexec which prevented executing files.
