Filter Excel data when importing into Visio OrgChart - excel

In Visio I am creating an Org Chart, using the 'Import Organization Data', and using 'Information that's already stored in a file or database'. When I select my xlsx file, it pulls in all of the data. However, what if I wanted to only create an org chart out of a subset of the data? Currently I'm applying a filter to the data in Excel, copying the result to a new Excel file, and using that new file to import into Visio. A slightly less bad version of this would be if I could at least copy the filtered data into a different sheet in the same file, but the Visio Import doesn't even seem to let me select which sheet to use. This is very annoying - is there a better way?

Though I could never get Visio to ask me which table/sheet I wanted to use within a single file, I found what I consider an acceptable workaround using inspiration from #y4cine's suggestion.
I created separate "slice" xlsx files, where in each of those I used a Power Query against the data in the main xlsx file. Then I can point Visio to one of those slice files and it will happily make an org chart with the slice of data I was interested in.
A bit clunky, but it sure beats repeated copy/pasting :)


Power Query to open XML file formatted as Excel would open it

I have an XML file generated by EasyPower (electrical software). If I open the file in Excel it comes up as a series of formatted sheets like the image below. It appears this way without any prompts or dialogs.
I’m creating a Power Query routine that can extract the data from the sheets. Unfortunately when I use the Power Query wizard to select the XML file as a source, it doesn’t see the data as sheets, but rather a table with columns of Tables, seemingly an infinite number of levels deep. Digging through them I’m unable to clearly see the data. This is not a very good approach.
A work-around is for me to manually open the XML file with Excel and save it as XLSX, then it’s easy to work with the data in Power Query. I know a VBA script could be used to this but my question is, is there a way for Power Query to open an XML file and interpret the layout the same way that Excel does? This way would allow my script to also work within Power BI.
Edit: A sample file has been requested. This link will provide a very simple example containing two worksheets when opened in Excel. EasyPower_Test_Schedule.xml

Is it possible to import Excel file into OBIEE or OAS and use it with other subject areas?

It is known that you could upload an Excel file in Visual Analyzer as a dataset and use that Excel file in Analysis as a separate Subject Area.
However, there was no way (or at least we couldn't find it) to make any connections between this Excel dataset and other subject areas, for example setting connectiong between Excel file's date column with OBIEE's Caledar.Day column, etc.
With new OAS, is there any update on this? Can we somehow make relationships between user-defined datasets and subject areas from rpd? Or is this feature not implemented?
Once you're on OAS you can create data sets which mash up any data source you want. Excel uploaded as a data set can be combined with other uploaded data sets, data sets created by data flows as well as Subject Areas. You have full freedom.
I believe only way to make relationship between data sources is to import them into repository of Analytics.
Maybe if you can import excel as data source into repository, you can manage to relate with other data sources. Here are some links :
I hope these helps.

Programmatically add rows to an Excel data model via C#

We're looking at allowing our customers to download an Excel file from our web application which contains a raw export of their data along with some basic charts and pivot tables based on that data.
The basic way, we want to make this work is that we have a fixed Excel file which contains all the reporting elements in one worksheet and have room for the underlying data in another worksheet. When the user requests their Excel report, we programmatically fill out the data worksheet with their results and send them the final Excel file.
Everything seemed a bit to easy when doing the prototyping with a fixed set of data. The dataset we worked with was added to the Excel Data Model and we then set up the charts and other reporting elements. However, when using that file as the template for the generated Excel file in our application we are finding that the definition of the data model still remains - meaning, that we built the "protype" with a table definition of $A$1:$T$5879
but when generating the report, that definition isn't changed to contain whatever size the added dataset might have.
We're using EPPlus to work with the generation of our Excel sheets and have so far been unable to find any sort of solution to this kind of problem. This might very much be due to us being quite Excel novices. The goal is to have the user experience, that the charts and pivot tables contained in the Excel sheet reflects the total dataset contained in the Excel file without them having to do anything.
Ok, I've actually found a solution for it.
The solution was right infront of us.
We define the dataset as a named set - this is done under under the "Formulas" and inside the "Name Manager". We have a range which defines our dataset - the "Refers To" field when defining a range can take a formula. So intead of giving it a fixed size, we use this: =OFFSET(Data!$A$1;0;0;COUNTA(Data!$A:$A);COUNTA(Data!$1:$1))
This counts the amount of rows and columns, with reference to A1 in our Data worksheet. All our pivots are set to reload on startup and that seems to work.

Consumer PowerPivot/Excel DataModel from another Excel file?

Short version: Is there any way/hack to use the embedded DataModel/PowerPivot cube of an Excel 2013/6 file from another Excel file?
Long version:
We have a large Excel Data Model with >400k rows and >100 measurements, feeding multiple reports (i.e. PivotTable on separate worksheets). As all this is growing, we want to split this out into a (large) data model and multiple reports. I know this could be done with SharePoint or PowerBI - however one of the key requirements is to be able to analyse the data offline. Hence, I'm trying to figure out any way to connect to the data model from another file....
There's no way that I know to do what you're asking. Is there any reason you can't just include all the reports in one workbook with the data model? Since you have to be able to analyze offline, anyway, everyone will need a local copy of the model. If the concern is just that there will be too many sheets in a single workbook, you could just put a thin veneer of VBA in it to hide and unhide sheets in groups for ease of use.
It looks like Microsoft has added an option to establish connection via ODC file.
See this f.e.
However it's not working out for me, I am using Excel 2016, exported data model from the file with data model as a separate odc file but when I try to add this as a connection in another file - I get the message - can't open the file. Looks like creating ODC file is not that straightforward.
Anyone had similar issues?

Import additional excel data into Access Table

We need to upload a small amount of additional records to a table from an Excel sheet. Is there a way to use the Access Import function to add the additional data to the table (truncate it). The table was created by uploading the same Excel sheet. But now, when records are added, we need to add them to the table. The tables are linked to SQL but I do not want to use an SSIS because there are only a few records and there must be a way to use Access functions. Suggestions please.
It may be easiest to link the excel sheet and run an append query to add data from Excel to existing table. Once linked, this can be done in the query design window.
You did not specify versions of Excel or Access.
I did this with a test 2003 Excel sheet with cells containing 1000+ characters. An import in Access 2003 detects the data type as a memo field, which is correct, when there are that many characters, so it should work for you. It may be your Excel data has other ingredients causing an import issue. How is the excel data derived?
Have you tried importing to Access? It should work fine. If your ultimate target is another database why use Access as an intermediary?
I agree a linked table seems like a really simple method to update a table if you are using Access, but that is your choice.
