Triggered pipeline uses different commit as triggering pipeline in Azure DevOps - azure

I am struggling with the configuration of pipelines in Azure DevOps. I have the following situation:
Same repository, branch develop.
Pipeline A triggers pipeline B.
Pipeline A definition:
- develop
pr: none
name: $(Build.SourceBranchName)__$(Build.SourceVersion)__$(Date:yyyy-MM-dd_hh-mm)
- job: Test
name: 'Default'
- task: CmdLine#2
displayName: Simulate 3 min. task
script: |
echo $(Build.SourceBranchName)
echo $(Build.SourceVersion)
sleep 180
workingDirectory: '$(Build.SourcesDirectory)'
Pipeline B definition:
trigger: none
pr: none
- pipeline: PIPELINE-A
source: PIPELINE-A
- develop
name: $(Build.SourceBranchName)__$(Build.SourceVersion)__$(Date:yyyy-MM-dd_hh-mm)
- job: Test
name: 'Default'
- task: CmdLine#2
displayName: Simulate task
script: |
echo $(Build.SourceBranchName)
echo $(Build.SourceVersion)
echo $(resources.pipeline.PIPELINE-A.sourceBranch)
echo $(resources.pipeline.PIPELINE-A.sourceCommit)
workingDirectory: '$(Build.SourcesDirectory)'
If push 2 commits to develop, let´s say c1 and c2, I see that pipeline A is correctly triggered with 2 different runs, one for c1 and another for c2.
After completion of c1 in pipeline A, pipeline B is correctly triggered, but pipeline B has as Build.SourceVersion the value c2 (latest commit in develop branch) instead of c1. Moreover, resources.pipeline.PIPELINE-A.sourceCommit has the correct value c1 (the value that I was expecting for Build.SourceVersion in pipeline B).
After completion of c2 in pipeline A, pipeline is again correctly triggered and this time Build.SourceVersion and resources.pipeline.PIPELINE-A.sourceCommit have both c2 (that is correct because c2 is the last commit in develop branch).
Even if I trigger manually pipeline A for commit c1, pipeline B gets triggered but, again, with commit c2.
With this behavior we see several problems:
At the web page of pipeline B all the runs show c2 as commit (last commit of branch) and is impossible to distinguish between pipeline A runs for commits c1 and c2.
The checked out code is always the code of the commit c2.
Am I missing something? Jenkins handles this without any problem and it would trigger 2 different executions in pipeline B (one for c1 and another for c2).
Please note that trigger:batch: true is not an option because we want to have different concurrent builds for different commits.
Many thanks in advance for your help. Any suggestions would be really appreciated

I have tested with your yaml script but it works well on my side:
This is my pipeline-A:
And this is my pipeline-B:
So the issue may not be related to yaml script. Here are some troubleshooting advice:
Check the UI triggers. Please go to the edit page of your pipeline and click on the three dots button on the top right corner and select "triggers". Make sure that the option "Override the YAML continuous integration trigger from here" is unchecked and no triggers are set in "Build completion" part.
I suggest you to create two new pipelines to check whether they can work to narrow down the issue.


Can we trigger Azure Pipeline after completion of other pipeline for any tag?

Is there a way that we can trigger pipeline after another pipeline when triggering pipeline build on any existing/new tags?
like following:
- pipeline: name1
source: pipeline1
- master
- '*'
This is failing with
Tags set for trigger didn't match any pipeline.
I know we can add wild character with some character as prefix, something like
- 'tag*'
But in my repo tag naming convention is not consistent. which starts with numeric/any character.
I Looked here, but no luck yet.

Azure devops optional stage

I have a yaml pipeline that builds and deploys a project. it deploys to dev & tst. But i dont always want to deploy to tst. at the moment i have solved this with approvals. when the dev stage finishes the pipeline waits for approval.
this introduces some problems:
all developers get an email every time, which can be annoying.
the pipeline waits for deployment to tst, even when deploymen to tst isnt needed. it keeps
new ci builds dont start when the pipeline is waiting
If there is a well defined way how to determine whether to run the tst stage or not, you can either specify a custom condition on the stage or conditionally include the stage using an expression
Specify a condition
From the docs:
You can specify the conditions under which each stage, job, or step
runs. By default, a job or stage runs if it does not depend on any
other job or stage, or if all of the jobs or stages that it depends on
have completed and succeeded.
There are a number of ways you can customize this behavior, either by built in or custom defined conditions, for example, to run tun the tst stage only if the branch is main:
- stage: dev
- job: dev1
- script: echo Hello from dev!
- stage: tst
condition: and(succeeded(), eq(variables['Build.SourceBranch'], 'refs/heads/main'))
- job: tst1
- script: echo Hello From tst!
The tst stage will still be visible when you open the pipeline run, it will be marked as skipped
The condition under the tst stage can be altered to fit your need (it can include both variables, parameters and even output from previous stages.
Conditional expression
From the docs:
You can use if, elseif, and else clauses to conditionally assign
variable values or set inputs for tasks. You can also conditionally
run a step when a condition is met.
Conditional insertion only works with template syntax, which is evaluated when the pipeline yaml is compiled (i.e before the pipeline starts). Thus it cannot evaluate output of previous steps. In the below example the tst stage is completely removed from the pipeline run when the pipeline is instantiated (and the template compiled) if the branch is not main
- stage: dev
- job: dev1
- script: echo Hello from dev!
- ${{ if eq(variables['Build.SourceBranch'], 'refs/heads/main') }}:
- stage: tst
- job: tst1
- script: echo Hello From tst!

Gitlab Runner to run jobs on selected runners according to custom variable

I am planning to schedule jobs on runners based on variable from pipeline web UI. I have two runners registered for a project and currently both are on same machine for now.Both runners are having the same tags so differentiation from tags is not possible too.
This is my yaml file
stages :
- common
- specific
stage: common
- runner
- linux
- echo "This is run on all runners"
stage: specific
- runner
- linux
script: echo "This is run on runner 1"
stage: specific
- runner
- linux
script: echo "This is run on runner 2"
So variable on which the selection happens is "num". The description of the runners can be 1 or 2.
The default value for num is 0 and according to variable passed from pipeline UI, the jobs are to be selected and run.
But when I execute the test with num 1 or 2, only test1 gets executed which is common to all runners.
Is such a implementation possible or am I facing issue because the runners are on same machine ?
Using variables only is not the right approach to select runners. Right now you select one of the 2 runners and try not to execute job if runner description doesn't match. Even if this worked it wouldn't make much sense as you don't know if the job will be executed or not.
I suggest you add specific labels for runners and specify which job should run on which runner.
stage: specific
- runner_1
script: echo "This is run on runner 1"
stage: specific
- runner_2
script: echo "This is run on runner 2"
If you want to select runner for the job based on UI input, maybe you can add variable to tags section. To be honest I didn't test such solution and donno if it's gonna work. Yet still it would require to create specific tags for your runners.
- $tag_variable_selected_from_UI
You cannot do this currently with gitlab. As you noted in your comment on the accepted answer, this will be available when is resolved.
That being said, while the "accepted" answer correctly states "only" is the incorrect way to do this, it suggests another way that also doesnt work.
Once dynamic tagging support is added into gitlab-ci, this will be possible. Currently, the solution is to provide unique jobs each with their own tags.
Depending on what exactly you are trying to accomplish, you can keep your code as DRY as possible for now by adding job templates in combination with extends to reduce duplication to a couple of lines per job.

Run Specific Stages on Schedule via YML

In Azure Devops YML Multi-stage pipeline:
Is it possible to run a specific stage on a schedule without manual input to the pipeline to specify the stage?
Thank you in advance
What you can do, is use a condition on the stages of your yaml build. You can use the "Build.Reason" variable (see to determine whether or not a stage should run:
- stage: Stage1
condition: and(succeeded(), eq(variables['Build.Reason'], 'Schedule'))
- some jobs
- stage: Stage2
condition: and(succeeded(), ne(variables['Build.Reason'], 'Schedule'))
- some jobs
The above example runs only stage1 when the build was triggered from a schedule, and only stage2 if the build was not triggered from a schedule. You can of course adjust the conditions to your need.
Another option is to move the stages to templates, and then create 2 separate yaml pipelines using the template files containing the correct stages. This way you only need to define the contents of a stage once, but you can re-use it in several pipelines. See
You can schedule a stage's run-window by creating a "check" for the stage's environment.
*If you have an environment already, skip to step 4.
in ADO, mouse over the Pipelines icon and click Environments
click the New Environment button at the top.
give it a name that your scheduled stage will use and click Create
click the 3 dots next to the "Add resource" button and select Approvals and Checks
click the plus button and choose Business Hours
schedule the stage run then click Create
make sure to add the environment name you created to the first job in the stage you're scheduling for.
Just expanding on the above answer. Since variables definition is after the schedule triggers, would have define the schedule as a variable and then set a conditional statement when the build is triggered based on a schedule and equal to schedule1 variable then run the schedule 1... stage 1... and similar applies to schedule2 which runs the stage2. Only downfall is that you would need to define cron schedule twice.
- cron: "0 0 * * *"
displayName: Daily midnight build
- master
- releases/*
- releases/old/*
- cron: "0 */6 * * *"
displayName: Every 6 hours build
- releases/*
always: true
stage1schedule1 = "0 0 * * *"
stage2schedule2 = "0 */6 * * *"
- stage: Stage1
condition: and(succeeded(), eq(variables.stage1schedule1, "0 0 * * *"), eq(variables['Build.Reason'], 'Schedule'))
- schedule1 jobs
- stage: Stage2
condition: and(succeeded(), eq(variables.stage2schedule2, "0 */6 * * *"), eq(variables['Build.Reason'], 'Schedule'))
- schedule2 jobs

Azure Build.SourceVersionMessage returns Null on pipeline task level

In Azure pipeline I use Build.SourceVersionMessage variable to get last commit message. Based on that I want to decide if to build docker image or not (if commit message contains 'BUILD-DOCKER' then build docker image):
- task: Docker#0
condition: and(succeeded(), contains(variables['Build.SourceVersionMessage'], 'BUILD-DOCKER'))
Problem is that during pipeline execution commit message is a null:
Evaluating: and(succeeded(), contains(variables['Build.SourceVersionMessage'], 'BUILD-DOCKER'))
Expanded: and(True, contains(Null, 'BUILD-DOCKER'))
Result: False
Any idea why is it null?
Additionally e.g. variable Build.SourceBranch is resolved properly
You did not do anything wrong. Just, apologize to say, this is the issue which caused by us.
Because of some design reason which based considering on security, this variable was deleted from system by us. Our team has prepared the fixed code(revoke this deletion) and the PR is in progress.
The deployment procedure will be released as soon as possible. After the released finished, this variable will be shortly injected into the environment again.
Check this ticket to get the in time prompt by our engineer.
You can use below script to check the available variables in system we are still providing:
- task: Bash#3
targetType: 'inline'
script: 'env | sort'
Please choose one from its result to set as in condition as a temporary work around which would not affect your build process.
