How to throw a warning or error in terraform plan? - terraform

I am currently writing a terraform custom provider for my internship project
The main aim of the project is to provision an environment (consisting of several servers) on a private cloud platform.
I created a custom provider using the CRUD operations.
Let's say I want to delete the whole resource by removing the whole resource block in I want to do a terraform plan to see if the deletion is valid. It will do a read of the actual environment and see if the serverState of the server is active. I want it to throw a warning/error in terraform plan is serverState is not empty.
So the main issue right now is that the terraform plan only compares the difference between the configuration in and the actual tf statefile. So the error checking code in the delete function is not executed. It is only executed when terraform apply is used.
Is there any way to throw the error in terraform plan to warn the user before they use the terraform apply command


how to change terraform provider?

Currently, I am using "Mongey/kafka" provider and now I have to switch to "confluentinc/confluent" provider with my existing terraform pipeline.
How can I do this ?
Steps currently following to switch the provider
Changing the provider in file and running following command to replace provider
terraform state replace-provider Mongey/kafka confluentinc/confluent
and after that I run
terraform init command to install the new provider
But after that when I am running
terraform plan
it is giving "no schema available for module.iddn_news_cms_kafka_topics.kafka_acl.topic_writer[13] while reading state; this is a bug in terraform and should be reported" error.
Is there any way, I will change the terraform provider without disturbing the existing resources created using terraform pipeline ?
The terraform state replace-provider command is intended for switching between providers that are in some way equivalent to one another, such as the hashicorp/google and hashicorp/google-beta providers, or when someone forks a provider into their own namespace but remains compatible with the original provider.
Mongey/kafka and confluentinc/confluent do both have resource types that seem to represent the same concepts in the remote system:
However, despite representing the same concepts in the remote system these resource types have different names and incompatible schemas, so there is no way to migrate directly between them. Terraform has no way to understand which resource types in one provider match with resource types in another, or to understand how to map attributes from one of the resource types onto corresponding attributes of the other.
Instead, I think the best thing to do here would be to ask Terraform to "forget" the objects and then re-import them into the new resource types:
terraform state rm kafka_acl.example to ask Terraform to forget about the remote object associated with kafka_acl.example. There is no undo for this action.
terraform import confluent_kafka_acl.example OBJECT-ID to bind the OBJECT-ID (as described in the documentation) to confluent_kafka_acl.example.
I suggest practicing this in a non-production environment first so that you can be confident about the behavior of each of these commands, and learn how to translate from whatever ID format the Mongey/kafka provider uses into whatever import ID format the confluentinc/confluent provider uses to describe the same objects.

Unable to Execute Plan command and terraform provider file is being not created in PC after terraform init

I'm using terraform version v0.12.14. whenever I use terraform init I'm unable to see the terraform provider in my folder(hidden files are enabled to visible). also the plan command always fails with the error " no changes, infrastructure is up-to-date". kindly help me since I'm getting these errors I am not able to create the resource group in azure.

When is terraform refresh used?

I'm currently learning terraform and I come across the command terraform refresh. It seems that it syncs the terraform.tfstate file to changes I did manually (I tried changing EC2 instance type). I found out that terraform plan can identify the drift between current and desired state without updating the tfstate file. Also, running terraform apply automatically updates the tfstate file.
So I was thinking, if there are any drifts detected during terraform plan, I will just update the terraform code to account for them and let terraform apply update the tfstate file. Is there any reason to use terraform refresh independently?
I'm using terraform v0.15.0
You're correct that terraform refresh is used to update your terraform state file to match the present state--which can drift if resources have been edited outside of terraform.
terraform refresh itself is deprecated, with a note that it can be unsafe in certain situations. The documentation suggests using terraform apply -refresh-only as an alternative, since it prompts for the user to confirm the changes prior to them being persisted.
As to your question of "when is this used?". In my experience, which primarily uses terraform for AWS deployment, we almost never actually run a refresh operation. Terraform automatically checks current state as part of the terraform plan / terraform apply cycle. This may or may not be specific to the AWS provider.
The one scenario where I could see it being important to refresh the state is when the statefile is used as a datasource via a data remote_state_data block. Specifically, if you have intentionally modified the resource and cannot (or haven't yet) updated the terraform markup to reflect the change. In that scenario other terraform modules are reading values from your statefile (as opposed to from the resources themselves)--if your resource and statefile are out of sync then consumers of the statefile would receive inaccurate data.
However in most cases you want your resources to match their terraform representation--so you would terraform apply to bring the resources and state back in alignment with your terraform module.

How to Conditionally Create an Azure Resource-Group (or Any Resource) if Someone Else Has Not Created One

I know that when I do terraform apply it does not deploy a resource if the previous deployment within the same terraform state, it would not re-create it .
But I want to do something different:
Create a resource if it is not created by someone else.
But if the resource is already there and even it is not in the terraform state, do not generate an error and have refrence to its name.
Is there any known pattern to do this?
By design Terraform providers will typically not automatically "adopt" existing objects as now being managed by Terraform, because to do so would potentially lead to costly mistakes if you inadvertently bind a remote object to a Terraform resource and then run terraform destroy without realizing what is going to be destroyed.
Instead, you must bind existing objects to your Terraform resources using the terraform import command, telling Terraform explicitly that you intend it to become the sole manager of that object.

Regarding terraform script behaviour

I am using Terraform scripts to create azure services, I am having some doubts regarding Terraform,
1) If I have one environment let say dev in azure having some azure resources how can I copy all the resources to new environment lest say prod using terraform script.
2)what are the impact of re-run the terraform file with additional azure resources, what it will do.
3)What if I want to create an app service with the same name from Terraform script that already present in the azure will it update the resource or do nothing after terraform execution completed.
Please feel free to answer the question, it will be great help.
To answer your questions:
You could create a new workspace with terraform workspace new and copy all configuration files (.tf) to the new environment, then run terraform init, plan, apply.
The terraform will compare the content in your current state file with your configuration file, then update the new attributes or creating new resources other than re-creating the existing resources.
You could run terraform import to import existing infrastructure into Terraform. For referencing existing resources in the portal, you can use data sources.
