I have code lines like these:
assign o_BVALID_COMP = 'h0;
assign [79:0] ARUSER_COMP = 'h0;
and similar variations with single bit and bus assign signals...I want to change this to following in my vim file:
assign o_BVALID_COMP = 'h0;
assign ARUSER_COMP [79:0] = 'h0;
How can I do that??
I want to be able to create a shift from right to left everytime I press a button, but my simulation says my bits is not shifting.
this is the code I wrote:
module Sipo(KEY0, qIN, qOUT, LEDsipo);
input KEY0;
output reg [5:0] qIN;
output reg [5:0] qOUT;
output [6:0] LEDsipo;
assign LEDsipo[0] = qIN[0];
assign LEDsipo[1] = qIN[1];
assign LEDsipo[2] = qIN[2];
assign LEDsipo[3] = qIN[3];
assign LEDsipo[4] = qIN[4];
assign LEDsipo[5] = qIN[5];
assign LEDsipo[6] = KEY0;
always #(KEY0) begin
if (KEY0 == 1)
qIN = 6'b000000;
qOUT[0] <= KEY0;
qOUT[1] <= qOUT[0];
qOUT[2] <= qOUT[1];
qOUT[3] <= qOUT[2];
qOUT[4] <= qOUT[3];
qOUT[5] <= qOUT[4];
if (qOUT == 7'b111111)
qOUT[0] = 0;
qOUT[1] = 0;
qOUT[2] = 0;
qOUT[3] = 0;
qOUT[4] = 0;
qOUT[5] = 0;
qIN = qOUT;
The result I got in the simulation is that LEDsipo[0] was responding to KEY0, but the rest of the LEDsipo was not. I don't see why my bits are not shifting.
It is dificult to test your code without a testbench, which you have not provided, but I thik that you rissue is an extra exposure to python.
Verilog does not understand indentation as scope indicators and requires begin/end to indicats scopes. So, my guess is that you have at least several issues:
missing begin/end: if (KEY0 == 1) begin...end
incorrect mix of non-blocing/non-blocking assignments mix
Incorrect coding of your latch
bad use of veriog syntax
so, though it is corret, you can avoid using separate bits:
assign LEDsipo[6:0] = {KEY0, qIN[5:0]};
do not use sensititivity lists in the latch, it will not synthesize correctly in your case. Use always #* instead. Well, and begin/end.
I do not know why you need qIn, but it makes no sense to initialize it to 0 in the first place. Also, it is not a part of the latch and should be moved out of the always block.
always #* begin
if (KEY0 == 1) begin // need begin/end for multiple statements
// qIN <= 6'b000000; -- why do you need it?
qOut[5:0] <= {qOut[4:0], KEY0};
if (qOUT == 7'b111111) // can omit begin/end for a single statement
qOut <= 6'b0;
assign qIn = qOut;
Since you have not provide any testbench, I did not test the code.
parameter N = 4, FOO = { N { 4'd1 } };
//And then in the generate loop
genvar i;
for( i = 0; i < N; i = i + 1 )
begin : gen_loop
localparam THIS_FOO = FOO[ i * 4 +: 4 ];
wire [1:0] rr = THIS_FOO[1:0];
wire [1:0] rt = THIS_FOO[3:2];
I get this error but did not understand why?:
Line 344: <THIS_FOO> is not declared.
Line 345: <THIS_FOO> is not declared.
Module <TCL_vec> ignored due to previous errors.
Please tell me where I was wrong?
Your localparam is declared inside begin:gen_loop..end scope. Moreover your generate for loop created multiple versions of the block, with names
So you have multiple versions of the THIS_FOO as well.The way to access them is to use a cross-reference notation.
wire [1:0] rr = gen_loop[0].THIS_FOO[1:0];
wire [1:0] rt = gen_loop[1].THIS_FOO[3:2];
and yes, you have to know which iteration of the loop to access.
So, in your case it complained because you do not have THIS_FOO declared in the scope you wanted to access it.
I am getting a syntax error that I do not understand. It seems Verilog is being picky about an index being a variable in some sense, but I'm not sure exactly what is going on here or how to get around it without hardcoding.
Here's my main module:
module mojo_top(
// 50MHz clock input
input clk,
// Input from reset button (active low)
input rst_n,
// cclk input from AVR, high when AVR is ready
input cclk,
// Outputs to the 8 onboard LEDs
// AVR SPI connections
output spi_miso,
input spi_ss,
input spi_mosi,
input spi_sck,
// AVR ADC channel select
output [3:0] spi_channel,
// Serial connections
input avr_tx, // AVR Tx => FPGA Rx
output avr_rx, // AVR Rx => FPGA Tx
input avr_rx_busy // AVR Rx buffer full
// these signals should be high-z when not used
assign spi_miso = 1'bz;
assign avr_rx = 1'bz;
assign spi_channel = 4'bzzzz;
wire rst = ~rst_n; // make reset active high
genvar i;
for (i=0; i<4; i=i+1) begin: clocks
wire clk_slow;
slow_clock #(.FREQ(2**i)) clk1 (
assign led[i] = clk_slow;
always #(*) begin
for (k=0; k<4; k=k+1) begin
assign led[4+k] = clocks[k].clk_slow; // Why can't I do this?
I'm generating 4 clocks (1Hz, 2Hz, 4Hz, and 8Hz).In the always block at the end, I have this line: led[4+k] = clocks[k].clk_slow; to try to assign these 4 clocks each to a different led (led[7:4]).
The error is complaining about the . after clocks[k]. I wondered if I'm not allowed to have a variable index on the right hand side, but when I put just led[4+k] = clocks[k], there is no syntax error (though it obviously will get a different error when I build it).
Why can I have led[4+k] = clocks[k] but not led[4+k] = clocks[k].clk_slow? Am I supposed to do this with a different syntax? Is it impossible to do it with a for-loop as I have here?
In case anyone is wondering, here's the specific error I'm getting. Again, it looks like it's just complaining that I did anything once I indexed the specific generate block I wanted.
Line 46, Column 24 : extraneous input '.' expecting {';', '[', '<=', '*', '+', '-', '?', '&', '|', '^', '~^', '^~', '/', '%', '==', '!=', '===', '!==', '&&', '||', '**', '<', '>', '>=', '>>', '<<', '>>>', '<<<'}
I should also mention that led[4+k] = clocks[0].clk_slow is okay. It lets me do led[4+k] = clocks[0].clk_slow, but not led[4+k] = clocks[k].clk_slow.
I should also mention that led[4+k] = clocks[0].clk_slow is okay. It lets me do led[4+k] = clocks[0].clk_slow, but not led[4+k] = clocks[k].clk_slow
clocks name used must be used with the constant variable and cannot be varying inside for loop. so clocks[0] works perfectly fine.
The generate block gets unrolled replacing 'k' with a literal digit. It similar to macro text expansion. You generate block gets expanded into
begin : clocks[0]
wire clock_slow;
assign led[0] = clocks[0].clock_slow;
begin : clocks[1]
wire clock_slow;
assign led[1] = clocks[1].clock_slow;
begin : clocks[2]
wire clock_slow;
assign led[2] = clocks[2].clock_slow;
Note the wire clock_slow does not become an array of wires. Instead, it becomes a set of named wires called clocks[0].clock_slow, clocks[1].clock_slow, ... that you can only access by specifying a with a constant index. That is because of an array of scopes in not like a regular array. Each instance can hold different types. For example:
genvar i;
for (i = 0; i < MAX_LIMIT; i++) begin: a
wire [i+1:0] clock_slow;
a[0].clock_slow is a 2-bit wire, a[1].clock_slow is a 3-bit wire. So referencing a[i].clock_slow does not compile. But you can use another generate block genvar to index into another generated block instance.
for example:
genvar k;
for( k = 0; k < 4; k=k+1) begin
assign led [ 4 + k ] = clocks[k].clock_slow;
Also led is declared as a wire which doesn't hold a value. But you have used led in always block which stores the value. That will also give an error if you run in any other simulator.
Thanks, it was a good question.
You've assigned led[i] to the clk_slow, why can't you also assign led[i] to led[4+i]? Or even led[7:4] to led[3:0] outside the generate block (and ditch clk_slow, do .clk_out(led[i]))? Also, you can't connect wire type in always#(*), use assign.
I am working on a Module which changes it's constant values based on the input to calculate it's output.
Let me illustrate what I am looking for,
Let x be the input, y the output and a,b,c,d,e the set of constants.
Module performs something like the following operation:
y=(a*x)+(b*x)+(c*x)+(d*x)+(e*x); //separate adder and multiplier modules are used and this code itself is huge so just providing the idea.
Now I have used following method to choose the right value for the constants depending on the input: (Pseudo code)
module top (x,clk,y);
input clk;
input [31:0] x;
output [31:0] y;
if (x>=32'h08000000 && x<32'h0A000000) begin
localparam a = 32'h058B90C0;
localparam b = 32'h193C9F60;
localparam c = 32'h29AC1740;
localparam d = 32'hA48B9440;
localparam e = 32'h0B6392E0;
end else if (x>=32'h0A000000 && x<32'h0C000000) begin
localparam a = 32'h028A50C1;
localparam b = 32'hE98B489C;
localparam c = 32'h17402948;
localparam d = 32'h9440E45B;
localparam e = 32'h392E00AF;
y=(a*x)+(b*x)+(c*x)+(d*x)+(e*x); // Module that computes using any of the above mentioned constant sets
I get the following errors:
(1) "Unable to bind parameter".
(2) "Cannot evaluate genvar conditional expression: ((x)G(32'000010000....00))&& so on......"
My question is:
My user will give the input through x, right constants will be chosen, my module will calculate and provide the output. Just providing the right constants to the module is enough. How shall I do it? Ideas through pseudo code will be helpful for me.
I had to look up where localparam is allowed. You can define a localparam after a begin : < label >.
I tried it and found that (at least in Vivado) it passed and worked.
always #( a )
if (a>=1)
begin : a_be_1
localparam P1 = 3;
c = P1;
begin : a_sm_1
localparam P1 = 5;
c = P1;
I'm trying to create a synthesizable, parametrized priority encoder in Verilog. Specifically, I want to find the least significant 1 in a vector and return a vector containing just that 1. For example:
IN[3:0] | OUT[4:0]
1010 | 00010
1111 | 00001
0100 | 00100
0000 | 10000 (special case)
So if the vectors are four bits wide, the code is:
if (in[0]==1'b1) least_one = 1;
else if (in[1]==1'b1) least_one = 2;
else if (in[2]==1'b1) least_one = 4;
else if (in[3]==1'b1) least_one = 8;
else out = 16; // special case in==0, set carry bit
I need a general, scalable way to do this because the input/output vector length is parametrized. My current code is:
module least_one_onehot
#(parameter ADDR_WIDTH=4)
(output reg [ADDR_WIDTH:0] least_one,
input [ADDR_WIDTH-1:0] in);
genvar i;
always #(in) begin
if (in[0]==1'b1) least_one = 1;
generate for (i=1; i<ADDR_WIDTH; i=i+1) begin : U
else if (in[i]==1'b1) least_one = 2**i;
else least_one = 2**ADDR_WIDTH;
When I try to compile this, I receive the following errors:
file: least_one_onehot.v
generate for (i=1; i<ADDR_WIDTH; i=i+1) begin : U
ncvlog: *E,GIWSCP (least_one_onehot.v,10|8): Generated instantiation can only be valid within a module scope [12.1.3(IEEE 2001)].
else if (in[i]==1'b1) least_one = 2**i;
ncvlog: *E,NOTSTT (least_one_onehot.v,11|6): expecting a statement [9(IEEE)].
ncvlog: *E,GIWSCP (least_one_onehot.v,13|12): Generated instantiation can only be valid within a module scope [12.1.3(IEEE 2001)].
else least_one = 2**ADDR_WIDTH;
ncvlog: *E,NOTSTT (least_one_onehot.v,14|5): expecting a statement [9(IEEE)]
I've tried various arrangements of the generate, if, and always statements, all without success. Anyone know the proper syntax for this? Case-statement implementation or other alternatives would also be fine. Thanks.
I think you misunderstand how generate works. It isn't a text pre-processor that emits the code in between the generate/endgenerate pair with appropriate substitutions. You have to have complete syntactic entities withing the pair. I don't have access to a simulator right this minute but this might do the trick for you (totally untested)
genvar i;
for (i = 1; i < ADDR_WIDTH; i = i + 1) begin : U
least_one[i] = in[i] & ~|in[i - 1:0];
least_one[0] = in[0];
least_one[ADDR_WIDTH] = ~|in;
Ordinarily Verilog would complain about the non-constant bit slice width but since it's within a generate loop it might work.
Failing something like the above you just test for the first set bit in a for-loop and then decode that result.
You do not need a generate block. You could use:
integer i;
reg found;
always #(in) begin
least_one = {(ADDR_WIDTH+1){1'b0}};
found = 1'b0;
for (i=0; i<ADDR_WIDTH; i=i+1) begin
if (in[i]==1'b1 && found==1'b0) begin
least_one[i] = 1'b1;
found = 1'b1;
least_one[ADDR_WIDTH] = (found==1'b0);
If you really want to use a generate block, then you need to assign each bit.
assign least_one[0] = in[0];
assign least_one[ADDR_WIDTH] = (in == {ADDR_WIDTH{1'b0}});
genvar i;
for (i=1; i<ADDR_WIDTH; i=i+1) begin : U
assign least_one[i] = in[i] && (in[i - 1:0] == {i{1'b0}});
This simulates the way you want it to, but it is not synthesizable (you didn't specify if that was a requirement):
module least_one_onehot #(parameter ADDR_WIDTH=4) (
output reg [ADDR_WIDTH-1:0] least_one,
input [ADDR_WIDTH-1:0] in
always #* begin
least_one = '0;
for (int i=ADDR_WIDTH-1; i>=0; i--) begin
if (in[i]) least_one = 2**i;
Note that it uses SystemVerilog constructs.
Personally, I like the following block of code for what you need:
assign out = {1'b1,in} & ((~{1'b1,in})+1);
You could try this (dropping the extra high bit for legibility), but I like to explicitly do the twos compliment to avoid any potential compatibility problems.
assign out = in & (-1*in);