My Android Application misbehaves it is showing spread color like ink on the paper anyone knows why so? - android-layout

I have not use black bg in my whole application
First it shows like this which is expected
after clicking floating action button bg color of listview changes
but then it shows like this after action


Attribute inspector for buttons has no background color

Sorry but looks a simple question. In the attribute inspector menu of all my buttons the background color option menu/property disappeared in Main storyboard. I cannot change the color. I can change the text color, the shadow color, the background gives only the option of images but no color?? I rebooted xcode, and the MacBook as well.
I found the issue. On the attribute inspector at the very bottom there is the view section. On the right of the View there was missing "show" word, looks like a bug and that's why I have not seen that I could expand the view. Now that I expanded it I can hide and show with this right button and the keyword show is there again.

Designing for full screen

Summary: I'm having a big problem with layout design in my project... I want to set it up in fullscreen mode, but I can only set it in a specify resolution, because of that, when I click to maximize my program, it goes like image #2... I tried to anchor buttons in "Top,Left,Bottom,Right" but the mess is bigger (image #3).
What I need: I want to make a single layout for a fullscreen mode in any screen resolution...
Image 1 below
Image 2 below
Image 3 below
When I use fill mode...
If I understand right and you want everything to stretch when you resize your form then you should dock your tablelayoutpanel (fill) and the same with your buttons.

How do I change the color of the navigation bar icons? (Android studio)

To avoid confusion as to what the navigationbaractually is, here's a
As you can see, I've added a new color instead of the standard black color using:
<item name="android:navigationBarColor">#color/colorBackground</item>
But the icons are barely visible now, so I would like to change them into being black, or at least darker. I have searched SO and the webb but came up empty handed. Any ideas?
You cannot change the color of the buttons yourself.
However you can try to set the navigationbarlight to true. It should be noted that this is only available from API level 27.
added in API level 27
int windowLightNavigationBar
If set, the navigation bar will be drawn such that it is compatible
with a light navigation bar background.
For this to take effect, the window must be drawing the system bar
backgrounds with windowDrawsSystemBarBackgrounds and the navigation
bar must not have been requested to be translucent with
windowTranslucentNavigation. Corresponds to setting
May be a boolean value, such as "true" or "false".

some browser problems on my code

my website, has some issues acting different for different browsers.
the red panel appearing under the grey buttons on bottom,seems only ff,not other browsers.
when user clicks one of grey buttons on the bottom,red panel should start under the white panel.but it starts a little bit of its left side.
the white panel on the left side on islerimiz.html(which user clicks middle button on bottom) page should be blurred.i added script for this but it is not doing blurring thing.the same script is on the iletisim.html(which user clicks rightest button on bottom) page and it is working truly.
ie6 errors:
the red point seems as a rectangle.
red panel script is not working.
the background of page and the logo's background should be the same but they seems different
the blurred panel on islerimiz.html page is not appearing at all.the bottom buttons seems true but the active button's color should be black but it seems grey too.besides little pictures should appear when mouse hover on the grey buttons,appears on open position.
the blurred panel on iletisim.html is not appearing.the pictures on the blured panel appears with shadows and shape is rectangle.also the links on that pictures is not clickable.
how can i solve this problems with css.if i couldn't solve with css,i can try jquery but my first choice is css.i have more than one javascript library on index page.but if i remove one of them,some scripts is not working.
almost all of those issues are because you are using pngs. switch them to gifs. apply them in a style sheet wrapped in conditional comments, at least for ie6, and a percentage of that list will go away. your selectivizrCSSForIEselectivizr.js is also targeting greater than ie6. i'm not sure what the red panel script exactly is, but i see you are adding webm file for ie...idk 100%, but i'll say it doesn't support that format either. convert it to media type that ie6 likes, and again, only serve this up in the ie6 conditional comments

Half Action Bar in android

How can we display whole action bar in half of the screen of the tablet?
I usually find that action bar display at the top of the screen in entire screen bt i want to design like action bar display at top of only in half the screen other in half screen something other like image or anything else..
Thanks in advance..
