How to access azure AD using python SDK - python-3.x

I am new to Azure, I want to write a python function to access Azure AD and list the existing groups there, I am facing issues logging into azure. I have been working in AWS there I use boto3 as SDK and I use the command line or programmatic acess. Following is the code that I have
from azure.graphrbac import GraphRbacManagementClient
from azure.common.credentials import UserPassCredentials
# See above for details on creating different types of AAD credentials
credentials = UserPassCredentials(
'', # The user id I use to login into my personal account
'my_password', # password of that account
tenant_id = "82019-1-some-numbers"
graphrbac_client = GraphRbacManagementClient(
I want to know which is professional way of logging into azure, how do i list the groups present in my azure AD, what code changes do i have to do for that
Snapshot of the API permission

To retrieve list of Azure AD groups, make sure to grant Directory.Read.All for your application like below:
Go to Azure Portal -> Azure Active Directory -> App Registrations -> Your App -> API permissions
You can make use of below script to get the list of Azure AD Groups by Krassy in this SO Thread:
from azure.common.credentials import ServicePrincipalCredentials
from azure.graphrbac import GraphRbacManagementClient
credentials = ServicePrincipalCredentials(
tenant = ''
tenant_id = 'tenant_id'
graphrbac_client = GraphRbacManagementClient(credentials,tenant_id)
groups = graphrbac_client.groups.list()
for g in groups:
For more in detail, please refer below links:
Azure Python SDK - Interact with Azure AD by Joy Wang
How to access the list of Azure AD Groups using python by Will Shao - MSFT


Using Managed Identities for containers running in PCF to access Azure Blob Storage

I would like to know if it is possible to access a blob storage by a container running in Pivotal Cloud Foundry in Azure using a Managed Identity , say system assigned managed identity, or i need to use a Service Principal Object. Any help is appreciated.
Earlier we were using SAS by coding the URL in the code, but want to use Azure AD to do authentication of our API app running inside container. So what is the best way to achieve this
In Pivotal Cloud Foundry, you could not use the managed identity(MSI) to auth, when using MSI to auth, it essentially makes an API call to azure instance metadata endpoint to get the access token, then use the token to auth, it is just available in an Azure environment support MSI.
In this case, the best practice is to use a service principal to auth as you mentioned, please follow the steps below.
1.Register an application with Azure AD and create a service principal.
2.Get values for signing in and create a new application secret.
3.Navigate to the storage account in the portal -> Access Control (IAM) -> assign a Storage Blob Data Contributor/Storage Blob Data Owner role to the service principal like below.
4.The use the java code below, to do a quick test, in my sample, I list all the blobs in a container, just do other things depends on your requirement, replace the values with yours got from step 2.
public class vacate {
public static void main(String[] args) {
String clientId="xxxxxx";
String clientSecret="xxxxxx";
String tenantId="xxxxxx";
ClientSecretCredential credential1 = new ClientSecretCredentialBuilder()
BlobServiceClient storageClient = new BlobServiceClientBuilder()
BlobContainerClient containerClient = storageClient.getBlobContainerClient("tescon1");
System.out.println("\nListing blobs...");
for (BlobItem blobItem : containerClient.listBlobs()) {
System.out.println("\t" + blobItem.getName());
For more details, see Quickstart: Manage blobs with Java v12 SDK.
If you want a user-interactive way to auth, just use these ways - Authenticating Users instead of ClientSecretCredential.
Actually different auth ways in SDK use different auth flows in Azure AD, e.g. ClientSecretCredential uses client credential flow, it is a non-interactive way, DeviceCodeCredential uses device code flow, it is user-interactive way.
To use these user-interactive ways in your case, you need to navigate to the AD App in the portal -> add the delegated permission user_impersonation of Azure storage.
suppose a particular user should have only read access to the Blob Endpoint and another user might have full CRUD access to the Blob Endpoint, how this will be determined when the user calls this API from a front end application?
Yes, this can be achieved by the delegated permission added above. When the user use the auth ways to login the AD App, the App will let the user consent the user_impersonation permission, after consent(the AAD tenant of the user needs to allow the users to consent the permission by theirselves), the AD App will get the permission from the user, then act on behalf of the user. In short, the permission of the app comes from the user, different users have different permissions, then app will have different permissions.
So in your case, just add users with different roles in the storage account like step 3 above. For read access, just add Storage Blob Data Reader, for CURD access, add Storage Blob Data Contributor/Storage Blob Data Owner, then use the user-interactive ways above, it will work.

Azure Authentication and Authorization using java

How to authenticate azure using java with azure management or client libraries without directly using azure rest API's?
and what are the jars required for this?
Please help with samples.
If you want to use JAVA with Azure management for authentication, you can use the following two methods:
1.Create an instance of ApplicationTokenCredentials to supply the service principal credentials to the top-level Azure object from inside your code:
// ...
ApplicationTokenCredentials credentials = new ApplicationTokenCredentials(client,
Azure azure = Azure
2.File based authentication:
# sample management library properties file
please check:here

Getting error "Insufficient privileges to complete the operation" while pulling application list using azure-python-sdk

I'm using a service principle with permissions Application.Read.All and Directory.Read.All of Application type to authenticate to Azure and using following code to pull list of Applications in the tenant.
from azure.common.credentials import ServicePrincipalCredentials
from azure.graphrbac import GraphRbacManagementClient
from config import app
credentials = ServicePrincipalCredentials(
client_id = app["CLIENT"],
secret = app["KEY"],
tenant = app["TENANT_ID"],
graphrbac_client = GraphRbacManagementClient(credentials, app["TENANT"])
for app in graphrbac_client.applications.list():
Any help is much appreciated
Application.Read.All and Directory.Read.All these 2 permissions requires Global Administrator consent for your directory. I would suggest to ask your Global Administrator to provide consent to your service principal.
From your description, I suppose you added the application permission Application.Read.All and Directory.Read.All of Microsoft Graph, because what you need is Azure Active Directory Graph, which does not have the Application.Read.All permission.
In your code, it uses the resource="", which means your code calls the Azure Active Directory Graph, not Microsoft Graph, to solve the issue, just add the application permission Directory.Read.All of Azure Active Directory Graph like below.
Note : After adding the permission, don't forget to click the Grant admin consent for xxx button, otherwise your service principal will not get the permission.
There may be some delay, after half an hour, test the code, it works fine.

Azure AD - Add app principal to a Group

I have an Azure AD app (AAD App1) which has user assignment enabled. So only, users from a particular group let's say "Group A" can access any resource (let's say an Azure Function API) protected by that Azure AD app.
Now I have another daemon Azure function job, which needs to make an authenticated call to the above mentioned Azure function API. Since this is a daemon job, I have generated another Azure AD app (AAD App2) for this.
Below is my code to get access tokens:
string resourceId = "id of app used to authenticate azure function"; // AAD app ID used by the Azure function for authentication
string clientId = "id of app registered for the daemon job";// AAD app ID of your console app
string clientSecret = "secret of app registered for the daemon job"; // Client secret of the AAD app registered for console app
string resourceUrl = "";
string domain = "<mytenant>"; //Tenant domain
var accessToken = await TokenHelper.GetAppOnlyAccessToken(domain, resourceId, clientId, clientSecret);
Now when I try to generate access token to access the Azure function API, I get an invalid grant error as below:
{"error":"invalid_grant","error_description":"AADSTS50105: Application
'' is not assigned to a role for the application
''.\r\nTrace ID:
6df90cf440-c16d-480e-8daf-2349ddef3800\r\nCorrelation ID:
4c4bf7bf-2140-4e01-93e3-b85d1ddfc09d4d\r\nTimestamp: 2018-05-09
Unknown error
I am able to properly generate AAD access tokens if I disable the user assignment.
I am trying to avoid creating a service account here. Is there anyway I can add an app principal to an Azure AD group or add it as a member of another Azure AD app?
Unfortunately, you cannot add an AAD application/service principal as a member of Azure AD group.
I have confirmed this issue in My Answer for another similar question [EDIT - now seems to be possible, see said answer]
You can also upvote this idea in our Feedback Forum. Azure AD Team will review it.
Hope this helps!

Azure AD add keys via Azure CLI

I'm trying to add a key in my Azure AD application using Azure CLI.
But looking throught the Azure CLI API it seems that there is no such command.
For exmaple:
I'm trying to automate the task from the link below via Azure CLI:
I can create AD application, service principal, but I can't find a way to add key for newly create AD application.
I'll appreciate any ideas and directions :)
Thanks in advance !
For a new AD application, you can specify a key with -p while creating. For example,
azure ad app create -n <your application name> --home-page <the homepage of you application> -i <the identifier URI of you application> -p <your key>
For an existing AD application, surely the Graph API is able to update the AD Application Credential. Read this API reference, and you can see that the password credential is able to use "POST, GET, PATCH". However, it's too complicated to use the Graph API. I have check the Azure CLI. That functionality is not yet implemented, and the source is unreadable for me. Then, I took a look at Azure SDK for Python, because I am familiar with python, and I found out that they have already implemented it in 2.0.0rc2. See the GitHub Repo
I have written a python script. But, in order to use my script you need to install not only azure2.0.0rc2, but also msrest and msrestazure.
from azure.common.credentials import UserPassCredentials
from azure.graphrbac import GraphRbacManagementClient, GraphRbacManagementClientConfiguration
from azure.graphrbac.models import ApplicationCreateParameters, PasswordCredential
credentials = UserPassCredentials("<your Azure Account>", "<your password>")
subscription_id = "<your subscription id>"
tenant_id = "<your tenant id>"
graphrbac_client = GraphRbacManagementClient(
application = graphrbac_client.application.get('<your application object id>')
passwordCredential = PasswordCredential(start_date="2016-04-13T06:08:04.0863895Z",
value="<your new key>")
parameters = ApplicationCreateParameters(application.available_to_other_tenants,
"<the homepage of your AD application>",
password_credentials = [passwordCredential])
application = graphrbac_client.application.update('<your application object id>', parameters)
The only problem with this script is that you are only able to override all the existing keys of you AD application. You are not able to append a new key. This is a problem of the Graph API. The Graph API does not allow users to read an existing key. One possible solution would be storing your existing keys somewhere else. But, this will bring extra security risk.
I don't have any experience of automating adding the key, I'm not sure it's even possible to be honest. However have a look at the ApplicationEntity documentation in the Graph API, it might be possible using a POST request to the web service.
