Azure AD add keys via Azure CLI - azure

I'm trying to add a key in my Azure AD application using Azure CLI.
But looking throught the Azure CLI API it seems that there is no such command.
For exmaple:
I'm trying to automate the task from the link below via Azure CLI:
I can create AD application, service principal, but I can't find a way to add key for newly create AD application.
I'll appreciate any ideas and directions :)
Thanks in advance !

For a new AD application, you can specify a key with -p while creating. For example,
azure ad app create -n <your application name> --home-page <the homepage of you application> -i <the identifier URI of you application> -p <your key>
For an existing AD application, surely the Graph API is able to update the AD Application Credential. Read this API reference, and you can see that the password credential is able to use "POST, GET, PATCH". However, it's too complicated to use the Graph API. I have check the Azure CLI. That functionality is not yet implemented, and the source is unreadable for me. Then, I took a look at Azure SDK for Python, because I am familiar with python, and I found out that they have already implemented it in 2.0.0rc2. See the GitHub Repo
I have written a python script. But, in order to use my script you need to install not only azure2.0.0rc2, but also msrest and msrestazure.
from azure.common.credentials import UserPassCredentials
from azure.graphrbac import GraphRbacManagementClient, GraphRbacManagementClientConfiguration
from azure.graphrbac.models import ApplicationCreateParameters, PasswordCredential
credentials = UserPassCredentials("<your Azure Account>", "<your password>")
subscription_id = "<your subscription id>"
tenant_id = "<your tenant id>"
graphrbac_client = GraphRbacManagementClient(
application = graphrbac_client.application.get('<your application object id>')
passwordCredential = PasswordCredential(start_date="2016-04-13T06:08:04.0863895Z",
value="<your new key>")
parameters = ApplicationCreateParameters(application.available_to_other_tenants,
"<the homepage of your AD application>",
password_credentials = [passwordCredential])
application = graphrbac_client.application.update('<your application object id>', parameters)
The only problem with this script is that you are only able to override all the existing keys of you AD application. You are not able to append a new key. This is a problem of the Graph API. The Graph API does not allow users to read an existing key. One possible solution would be storing your existing keys somewhere else. But, this will bring extra security risk.

I don't have any experience of automating adding the key, I'm not sure it's even possible to be honest. However have a look at the ApplicationEntity documentation in the Graph API, it might be possible using a POST request to the web service.


How to access azure AD using python SDK

I am new to Azure, I want to write a python function to access Azure AD and list the existing groups there, I am facing issues logging into azure. I have been working in AWS there I use boto3 as SDK and I use the command line or programmatic acess. Following is the code that I have
from azure.graphrbac import GraphRbacManagementClient
from azure.common.credentials import UserPassCredentials
# See above for details on creating different types of AAD credentials
credentials = UserPassCredentials(
'', # The user id I use to login into my personal account
'my_password', # password of that account
tenant_id = "82019-1-some-numbers"
graphrbac_client = GraphRbacManagementClient(
I want to know which is professional way of logging into azure, how do i list the groups present in my azure AD, what code changes do i have to do for that
Snapshot of the API permission
To retrieve list of Azure AD groups, make sure to grant Directory.Read.All for your application like below:
Go to Azure Portal -> Azure Active Directory -> App Registrations -> Your App -> API permissions
You can make use of below script to get the list of Azure AD Groups by Krassy in this SO Thread:
from azure.common.credentials import ServicePrincipalCredentials
from azure.graphrbac import GraphRbacManagementClient
credentials = ServicePrincipalCredentials(
tenant = ''
tenant_id = 'tenant_id'
graphrbac_client = GraphRbacManagementClient(credentials,tenant_id)
groups = graphrbac_client.groups.list()
for g in groups:
For more in detail, please refer below links:
Azure Python SDK - Interact with Azure AD by Joy Wang
How to access the list of Azure AD Groups using python by Will Shao - MSFT

Azure Key Vault: The user, group, or app does not have secrets set permission on key vault

I am creating a script using Azure CLI that will automatically generate an App Registration (service principal), and then use that App Registration to create a secret that will be stored in Azure Key Vault.
However, I am getting the following error:
The user, group or application 'appid=04b07795-8ddb-461a-bbee-02f9e1bf7b46;oid=0ec2b0e8-daeb-46a8-b627-0d4f61f87157;numgroups=134;iss=' does not have secrets set permission on key vault 'asakeyabcfelaqpgsfnxcy;location=eastus'. For help resolving this issue, please see
Can anyone provide guidance on what this ID is and how to resolve this error? This is not my App Registration Object ID or App ID.
I think there're 2 points you're now concerning, one is you failed to add secret, another is the app id in the error message is not the one you registered.
I think you've followed the document to execute the cli command, so I just want to explain the second point. Pls allow me show you a code sample for a better explanation.
using Azure.Identity;
using Azure.Security.KeyVault.Secrets;
public async Task<IActionResult> PrivacyAsync()
var kvUri = "";
var client = new SecretClient(new Uri(kvUri), new DefaultAzureCredential());
_ = await client.SetSecretAsync("test0311", "hello");
return View();
When we want to add key vault secret to azure, we need to provide a credential so that our operations are authenticated. This is the DefaultAzureCredential() here, and it has several sources to get the authentication like screenshot below.
That means if someone sets the environment variables for authentication, then it will cover the information you entered when executing cli command, this may usually cause the issue that the app is different from what you set. I think you may follow this document to check all your configurations and try again, or you can directly add environment variables with the app you registered on your computer.
By the way, pls don't forget to add access policy in azure portal for the azure ad app you registered.

Login into Azure cli for a service principal

I'm trying to get my ansible script to get logged into azure via azure cli. For some reasons, I'm not allowed to use the ansible azure package. I have to use the shell and call directly the commands from there.
I'm fairly new with azure in general, so all this tenants, service principals and such are still concepts that I don't fully grasp.
I've been checking official the documentation. I've created an app registration for it (Named ansible_test). I get all I need, including the secret. and then I call the the commands as this:
az login --service-principal -u $AZURE_SERVICE_PRINCIPAL_NAME -p $AZURE_SECRET --tenant $AZURE_TENANT
$AZURE_SECRET = ${The one that I've defined via Certificates & secrets section in the app registration}
$AZURE_TENANT = ${The azure tenant that I find in the app registration}
I'm getting the error:
Get Token request returned http error: 400 and server response: {"error":"unauthorized_client","error_description":"AADSTS700016: Application with identifier 'ansible_test' was not found in the directory '${AZURE_TENANT}(Blurred because I'm not sure this is something secret or not)'. This can happen if the application has not been installed by the administrator of the tenant or consented to by any user in the tenant. You may have sent your authentication request to the wrong tenant.
As I understand, I got the wrong tenant. But I'm getting the exact one that I'm getting from the app registration. I've been hitting my head against this wall for some time. I've tried many other things, but it doesn't seem to work.
In this image, I'm trying to show that I've indeed created the app registration (What I'm understanding that it's a service principal). I've blurred the ids just out of ignorance whether they are private or not.
What is that I'm doing wrong? I can't really understand the origin of the error...
The username for a service principal is its Application (client) ID, so you need to use that instead of the app name.
It uses client credentials flow under the covers to get tokens which requires the client id, tenant id + client secret/client certificate to authenticate.
Use the following command, before running this command, make sure to define variables.
az login --service-principal -u ${app_id} -p ${password} --tenant ${tenant_id}

Azure Authentication and Authorization using java

How to authenticate azure using java with azure management or client libraries without directly using azure rest API's?
and what are the jars required for this?
Please help with samples.
If you want to use JAVA with Azure management for authentication, you can use the following two methods:
1.Create an instance of ApplicationTokenCredentials to supply the service principal credentials to the top-level Azure object from inside your code:
// ...
ApplicationTokenCredentials credentials = new ApplicationTokenCredentials(client,
Azure azure = Azure
2.File based authentication:
# sample management library properties file
please check:here

Access denied linking variable group to key vault in VSTS

When I try to link a variable group to key vault in VSTS, every time I select my endpoint, it tells me:
"Specified Azure endpoint needs to have "Get, List" secret management permissions on the selected key vault. Click "Authorize" to enable VSTS to set these permissions or manage secret permissions in Azure portal."
It makes no sense. That specific endpoint has Get and List for secrets, keys, certificates. The endpoint is using the correct Service Principal Client ID- I know because I pulled its corresponding app registration up in Azure by searching with that ID. And the app registration is specifically listed in the key vault's Access policies, with the correct permissions.
Trying to click "Authorize" in VSTS just give me
"Resource not found for the segment 'DirectoryDataService.getServicePrincipalsByAppIds'. For troubleshooting refer to"
and the endpoint is broken until I re-verify it.
I'm kind of at my wit's end here- everything is set exactly as says it should be.
Edit: Turns out the Azure tried to add the app reg as a person instead of an app when I listed it in the ARM template by object ID (app ID most definitely does not work there). So now I just need to figure out how to add it as an application in the ARM template...
Edit Edit: Soooo... the Object ID the Azure Portal shows for an App Registration? That's not the Object ID the ARM template wants. It wants the... I'm not sure what you'd call it. In Powershell, you use it with -Object ID, but when you list the properties, it's under "Id". Whatever. To get it, you run
Get-AzureRmADServicePrincipal -SearchString "[your-app-reg-name]"
And it shows up under Id. That's what you want to use as an object ID in your ARM template.
According to the error Resource not found for the segment 'DirectoryDataService.getServicePrincipalsByAppIds, the issue seems more related to Azure side.
To access azure-keyvault you need four things :
- clientId = "<client id of your application registed on Azure AD>";
- domain = "<your talnet id>";
- secret = "<client key of your application registed on Azure AD>";
- subscription = "<your subscription id>";
Then these will combine ApplicationTokenCredentials, finally Authorize to KeyVaultClient . Suggest you take a look at this question: Azure keyvault client 1.0.0 initiate client
Besides also double check/confirm the specific endpoint has Get and List for secrets, keys, certificates.
