Is there a lockout feature in Azure AD MFA? - azure

I am using AzureAD. And I am implementing MFA.
I know that if the user ID and password login fails a certain number of times, it locks me out.
However, repeated failures in MFA after passing user ID and password authentication will not lock out the user.
Repeated failures on the MFA screen will return you to the initial login screen.
Is this a specification?
If it is possible to lock out even with MFA, please let me know how.

Yes, lockout feature is available in Azure AD MFA. Please note that this feature is applied only when the users use PIN code for the MFA prompt.
In order to configure this feature, you need administrator role.
Based on the number of failure trials you provided in settings, account lockout happens respectively.
To configure this feature, please follow below steps:
Go to Azure Portal -> Azure Active Directory -> Security -> Multifactor authentication -> Account lockout
In the above fields, enter the number based on your requirement and Save.
Like this, you can configure lockout feature in Azure AD MFA.
Make sure to use PIN for MFA authentication.
Complete credits to below Microsoft Doc:
Configure Azure AD Multi-Factor Authentication - Azure Active Directory - Microsoft Entra | Microsoft Docs


Azure b2c cannot enable sspr

We are using signup/signin builtin user flow and want to combine the "forgot password" part into this flow though sspr
However, the sspr bottun unable to click in user flow property and show a line at the bottom "sspr currently unavailable to support combind local account", am I using the wrong account or APIM needs to do some conf?
I have searched a while and there is no similar case. Has anyone encountered the same problem?
Please check if below are the causes:
Note : In a sign-up and sign-in journey, a user can reset their own
password by using the Forgot your password link. This ability to
reset passwords only apply to local accounts in Azure Active Directory
B2C (Azure AD B2C) i.e; you can only reset your password if you
signed up using an email address or a username with a password for
In case of azure ad, users of SSPR requires one of the following licenses: Azure AD
Premium P1 or P2, Microsoft 365 Business, or Office 365. If you have
a hybrid environment, you also need password writeback into your
on-premises AD. In this case, you’ll need Azure AD Premium P1 or P2
or Microsoft 365 Business.
You may not be able to see password reset menu option if you don't have an Azure
AD license assigned to the administrator performing the operation.
Please check out below references:
Troubleshoot self-service password reset - Azure Active Directory | Microsoft Docs
Frequently asked questions (FAQ) for Azure Active Directory B2C | Microsoft Docs
Azure AD B2C Password Reset - Stack Overflow

Azure AD B2C Custom Policies are not Respecting B2C Password Protection Configuration

In order to protect B2C accounts from brute force password attacks, I followed this Microsoft Documentation:
I'm currently experiencing these issues with custom policies and the smart lockout feature:
The number of invalid unique password attempts that are allowed are inconsistent. I have it set for a threshold of 5, but it seems to be 5 or more.
The lockout period doesn't seem to be respected. Immediately after getting locked out (see Screenshot of Account Locked Error), B2C allows me to sign in on the very next attempt, even though the configured lockout time hasn't been met.
Screenshot of Account Locked Error
Screenshot of Azure B2C Password Protection settings
Are there any other settings I have to configure or custom policy modifications I need to make in order for this to work properly/consistently? I've been able to reproduce this inconsistency in 3 different Azure AD B2C tenants. The custom policies use the login-NonInteractive technical profile to complete the login. The policies that were the original starting point were pulled from the Azure AD B2C Custom Policy Stater Pack:
Any help is greatly appreciated, Thanks!

MFA automatically enabled on Azure AD B2C tenant

I recently added an Azure AD B2C tenant to an existing subscription.
Whenever I want to manage that tenant on, I have to verify my account:
After clicking Next I can only select Mobile app from the dropdown to verify my account. There is no option to verify by phone.
Since this tenant is new, I first have to register it in Microsoft Authenticator by selecting Set up:
This brings up an error message without Correlation ID or timestamp:
There are no Conditional Access policies. In fact, I cannot add any since this tenant does not have Azure AD Premium. Nor does the Azure AD tenant holding the subscription from which this AD B2C tenant was created.
MFA is only required when trying to manage the AD B2C tenant through, not on other applications, and not when accessing the Azure AD tenant.
How can I disable MFA for this AD B2C tenant? And why was it enabled in the first place?
If MFA cannot be disabled, how can I register my device or phone number?
The issue is resolved. Not sure if Azure Support took action without notifying, or because of what I did.
Anyway, here are the steps I took:
On, go to Azure AD > Users > Multi-Factor Authentication.
(It's in the top menu.)
The Multi-Factor Authentication page opens in a new browser window.
Enable MFA for the user account with the issue.
Logon with that account on
Click your account in the top-right corner to open a dropdown menu and select Profile.
Select 'Additional Security Verification'.
All verification options are available here, including call, text, or use mobile app (Microsoft Authenticator).
Complete the Additional Security Verification and make sure MFA works.
Go back to Azure AD > Users Multi-Factor Authentication, and Disable MFA again.
In our case, MFA was set to Disabled for all users but active anyway, both for local accounts in the AD B2C tenant and External Active Directory accounts.
MFA status of External Active Directory users cannot be changed on the Multi-Factor Authentication page of the AD B2C tenant. This has to be done in the Azure AD page of their respective AD tenant.
The problem is solved, but the cause is undetermined. We do not have an AD Premium subscription and should not have access to the MFA feature at all.
I think your answer #flip is part of the riddle. You're in effect pre-registering your phone number so when forced to setup MFA you're granted the additional TEXT options. We've noticed variations in the AAD join processes where sometimes you're prompted to enter a phone number prior to this step, and sometimes not.
For example if you log on to a device as a local user and join AAD as illustrated you can get both scenarios. I think the same is true for new build as in a previous Test we had to enter a mobile number but I can't recall exactly which scenario.
However, after several more days with Azure support we've managed to isolate root cause if anyone is interested. Turns out MFA IS being enforced through "Security Defaults" ( MS have actually just updated their article TODAY to clarify.
In effect, disabling Security Defaults will stop the enforcement although be wary not to confuse the prompts with Windows Hello setup as we were (we tested by disabling completely via Group Policy). I'm convinced however this wasn't the case a week ago and something's been changed behind the scenes recently.
Bottom line, you're going to have to deploy MFA in some form to join AAD unless you disable Security Defaults. Not great for endpoint migration but at least we know where it's coming from now.
I think we may have partly figured this out. In our instance, disabling MDM User Scope allowed logon without any 'Additional Security Verification' being enforced. We don't have an InTune subscription either but this is under AAD > Mobility (MDM and MAM). It does mean however, devices aren't enrolled so where exactly MDM is picking up this configuration from is the next question. Will be putting this to Azure support when they call us again tomorrow!
Azure AD tenant comes with security default settings. You will have to disable this setting in the active directory.
Active directory > properties > Manage security defaults > toggle to No
this will disable the default MFA setup.

Azure Active Directory B2C with Multi Factor Authentication - queries to integrate in website

I want to integrate Multi Factor Authentication (MFA) through Azure Active Directory (AD), I checked its documentation and some code samples, then I knew that Azure AD B2C have some of features which suits my requirement,
NOTE - I only need MFA feature from Azure AD B2C,
I tried this sample code provided in official docs,
But I have some of queries:
1) Is there any service in Azure B2C, which can directly provide MFA facility to integrate, without need to register users in Azure AD?
2) In Azure B2C, can I control user flow with information of my website? So that email and phone number will be of my website during user flow. (I am asking about this because according to my plan I am going to integrate it after login process in my website)
3) There are 3 types of account in Azure B2C, (Work account, Guest user, Consumer user), Which user type is most suitable? (I only need MFA for the user, and will require to manage users via Graph or any official API)
4) From where can I decide, which type of user will be registered? because the code which I have tried, doesn't mention about user type, (Actually I want to know that is there any param or option in user-flow, which can decide type of user, which will be registered through this flow)
Any help or suggestions will helpful for me,
Thanks in advance,
1. Is there any service in Azure B2C, which can directly provide MFA
facility to integrate, without need to register users in Azure AD?
Yes you can restrict new user to sign and sign up using MFA. For that need to enable MFA. Its global MFA for all.
See the screen shot below.
Note: You can also implement MFA for each individual user.
See the screen shot below for Individual MFA
Once you implement MFA you would be prompted to verify your phone
number like below
For Testing MFA Userflow need native application on application
drop down
See the screen shot below
2. In Azure B2C, can I control user flow with information of my
website? So that email and phone number will be of my website during
user flow. (I am asking about this because according to my plan I am
going to integrate it after login process in my website)
Yes you can customize your user flow. You can add new user flow according to yours.
To do that, Choose All services in the top-left corner of the Azure portal, and then search for and select Azure AD B2C
Then In the left menu, select User flows, and then select New user flow
See the screen shot below:
3. There are 3 types of account in Azure B2C, (Work account, Guest user, Consumer user), Which user type is most suitable? (I only need MFA for the user, and will require to manage users via Graph or any official API)
In short Work account has the more privileged in B2C tenant as the official document says. As consumer account cannot access some resource on portal. For accessing Microsoft Graph API Guest user has some restriction even on azure portal.
Note: As per your requirement I would suggest you to go with Work account which has some benefits while you would access Microsoft API
Though the account type mostly depend on your business needs but Work Account more useful comparing all aspect.
Let's say, If you want to add some user those who already registered some other organization but you need to add them in your particular application privilege. So need to add user as Guest privilege.
4. From where can I decide, which type of user will be registered?
Tough the question is bit confusing as I said earlier it would depend on your business needs. Work account usually best for tenant user. So when you feel within on your tenant if new user need to add so go with Work account. Once you specify your need it would definitely easier for you which kind of user you need to add. There is no such reference which can explain well upto to now.
Note: You could try adding all the user type to check how the user account behave using portal and accessing resources.

Are Azure Smart Lockout features now available for B2C

I'm trying to determine if Azure Smart Lockout features are now available for B2C as of today? I've found older documents discussing it, but I'm unable to find any official word if it is now available. In the B2C tenant, under AD, Authentication methods is showing and you can open it up. However, it says its in Preview and everything greyed out. Does this mean that it will be available in B2C soon to be able to control lockout parameters? Azure Smart Lockout documentation states that Smart Lockout will require minimum of AD Basic or high account to function. Does anyone know if the B2C tenant will require its own lic or will a lic in the base subscription cover it?
If you are referring to Azure AD smart lockout being available for the local accounts in an Azure AD B2C tenant, then currently this isn't available.
Also note, the Azure AD Basic and Premium licenses aren't applicable to an Azure AD B2C tenant (in fact, the "Licenses" menu should be disabled).
Similar functionality to "smart lockout" is available in a B2C tenant, but isn't (yet) customisable.
Screenshot below of testing getting locked out after entering the password incorrectly 10 times (the default setting).
According to Microsoft docs (
Azure AD B2C uses a sophisticated strategy to lock accounts. The accounts are locked based on the IP of the request and the passwords entered. The duration of the lockout also increases based on the likelihood that it's an attack. After a password is tried 10 times unsuccessfully, a one-minute lockout occurs.
Currently, you can't:
Trigger a lockout with fewer than 10 failed logins
Retrieve a list of locked out accounts
Configure the lock out policy
Azure Smart Lockout features are available for B2C. See this article for details.
I wasn't able to save those values for some of my B2C tenants from Azure portal, but i was able to change Lockout threshold and lockout duration using Graph API using instructions from this post.
