Azure Active Directory B2C with Multi Factor Authentication - queries to integrate in website - azure

I want to integrate Multi Factor Authentication (MFA) through Azure Active Directory (AD), I checked its documentation and some code samples, then I knew that Azure AD B2C have some of features which suits my requirement,
NOTE - I only need MFA feature from Azure AD B2C,
I tried this sample code provided in official docs,
But I have some of queries:
1) Is there any service in Azure B2C, which can directly provide MFA facility to integrate, without need to register users in Azure AD?
2) In Azure B2C, can I control user flow with information of my website? So that email and phone number will be of my website during user flow. (I am asking about this because according to my plan I am going to integrate it after login process in my website)
3) There are 3 types of account in Azure B2C, (Work account, Guest user, Consumer user), Which user type is most suitable? (I only need MFA for the user, and will require to manage users via Graph or any official API)
4) From where can I decide, which type of user will be registered? because the code which I have tried, doesn't mention about user type, (Actually I want to know that is there any param or option in user-flow, which can decide type of user, which will be registered through this flow)
Any help or suggestions will helpful for me,
Thanks in advance,

1. Is there any service in Azure B2C, which can directly provide MFA
facility to integrate, without need to register users in Azure AD?
Yes you can restrict new user to sign and sign up using MFA. For that need to enable MFA. Its global MFA for all.
See the screen shot below.
Note: You can also implement MFA for each individual user.
See the screen shot below for Individual MFA
Once you implement MFA you would be prompted to verify your phone
number like below
For Testing MFA Userflow need native application on application
drop down
See the screen shot below
2. In Azure B2C, can I control user flow with information of my
website? So that email and phone number will be of my website during
user flow. (I am asking about this because according to my plan I am
going to integrate it after login process in my website)
Yes you can customize your user flow. You can add new user flow according to yours.
To do that, Choose All services in the top-left corner of the Azure portal, and then search for and select Azure AD B2C
Then In the left menu, select User flows, and then select New user flow
See the screen shot below:
3. There are 3 types of account in Azure B2C, (Work account, Guest user, Consumer user), Which user type is most suitable? (I only need MFA for the user, and will require to manage users via Graph or any official API)
In short Work account has the more privileged in B2C tenant as the official document says. As consumer account cannot access some resource on portal. For accessing Microsoft Graph API Guest user has some restriction even on azure portal.
Note: As per your requirement I would suggest you to go with Work account which has some benefits while you would access Microsoft API
Though the account type mostly depend on your business needs but Work Account more useful comparing all aspect.
Let's say, If you want to add some user those who already registered some other organization but you need to add them in your particular application privilege. So need to add user as Guest privilege.
4. From where can I decide, which type of user will be registered?
Tough the question is bit confusing as I said earlier it would depend on your business needs. Work account usually best for tenant user. So when you feel within on your tenant if new user need to add so go with Work account. Once you specify your need it would definitely easier for you which kind of user you need to add. There is no such reference which can explain well upto to now.
Note: You could try adding all the user type to check how the user account behave using portal and accessing resources.


Azure Active Directory B2B Alternate Login ID

We want to use Azure AD as the Identity Provider for users in a web application. At the moment, we have everything set up using MSAL.js 2.0 with the Auth Code Flow, a custom scope, and access token which is used to authenticate requests towards our various backend services.
The issue is that our users want to be able to login with their own custom email addresses, instead of their login ids generated by AD and with the domain. For example, or user2#some-other-organization.
It would still be okay to accept the login ids as usernames as well, but surely there must be a way to allow users to use another property of the profile (their alternate email for example) to log in.
Our application is registered to AD such that it will allow only logins from one tenant, since we don't want to require users to already have existing Microsoft Accounts.
We're avoiding B2C because some users would face issues with their company policies, which would mean they could be invited as users, but would be rejected at login. Also, B2C does not really support Roles like B2B does, which is somewhat important for us.
Any guidance will be greatly appreciated.
After countless hours of attempting to make this work, I decided that it just isn't worth the effort, and switched to Auth0. They provide everything I could possibly want, and seemingly even better Azure AD integration to other tenants then Azure AD itself.
I think what you want to express is that you want to log in to your application with any email (including personal accounts and social accounts).
If so, then you need to modify the application's manifest configuration and then change the /tenant id endpoint to the /common endpoint.
To change the setting for an existing AD App, navigate to the Manifest blade of it in the portal, find the signInAudience attribute, set it with AzureADandPersonalMicrosoftAccount or PersonalMicrosoftAccount.

Microsoft Multi Tenant App as an Individual Developer - Azure Active Directory

I am trying to make a multi-tenant application using Microsoft active directory but found out that you need a MPN ID to do so. However, it seems that you can't sign-up for the Microsoft Partner Network as an Individual Developer and you instead need to be a registered business. Is there anyway to create a multi-tenant application as an individual? I'm assuming something like this must exist akin to how you can publish iOS apps as an individual developer.
When you said "multi-tenant application", it means you need to own an AAD tenant to create it.
I assume that you are already an individual developer registered to Microsoft. What you need to do is Create a new tenant in Azure Active Directory. Sign into with your individual account to do the above operations.
Please note that your account is a personal account currently, you need to follow the the guidance the portal shows (if it shows) to convert it to a work account as well and then you can create the tenant.
After that you can create multi-tenant application in Azure AD.
Select one of the options to make it as multi-tenant app.
"Starting November 9th, 2020 end users will no longer be able to grant consent to newly registered multitenant apps without verified publishers" alert means normal user cannot do user consent but admin still can do admin consent.
You need to do the admin consent for custom's tenant by using admin consent (see this answer). It doesn't matter that if they don't do the admin consent before using your application. When the first time an admin from other tenant tries to sign into your application, he will be required to do admin consent as well.
Please refer to auth code flow to learn about the authentication process. Using /common or /organizationare both OK.

Azure B2C Invite Consumer Users & Retrieve User Permissions

Can someone provide a general approach to meeting these requirements? I've spent a bit of time researching these various topics and attempting to implement solutions and I'm surprised at how much work is involved. Hopefully I'm missing something.
How do I invite consumer users to a B2C tenant so that they can authenticate into our application using their social accounts (ex: Personal Microsoft or Google accounts)? The only baked in solution on the Azure Portal I've found uses B2C local accounts. Note that I do not want to use a publicly accessible Sign Up flow.
Presently I'm looking into a custom process that would work by inviting users to a 'local' b2c consumer account and then allowing the user to associate their social account with the local account.
Once users have authenticated (using MSAL v2 Auth Flow w/PKCE), I want to retrieve a list of permissions the user has for our application.
I'm looking into two options here:
(1) use the auth token to verify user against an internal API that, in turn, makes a call to the Microsoft Graph API to get the user's group memberships.
(2) Create a custom claim that serves the same purpose as user groups
Administrative users of our application need to be able to invite additional users to the application.
I've found some articles that point, again, to using custom policies.
Thank you very much!
EDIT #1 -
Looking into using B2C & Microsoft Graph API I came across some decent, and recent, MS Resources:
And this important-to-me statement -> Microsoft January 28th, 2021:
"Although the OAuth 2.0 client credentials grant flow is not currently directly supported by the Azure AD B2C authentication service, you can set up client credential flow using Azure AD and the Microsoft identity platform /token endpoint for an application in your Azure AD B2C tenant. An Azure AD B2C tenant shares some functionality with Azure AD enterprise tenants."
I'll update my post when I find a solution. Thanks again!
You need to use custom policies.
For first bullet point, see my sample:
You could do either option. For option 1, AAD B2C can call your api which can call graph api to fetch groups. Then embed the info into the token. For option 2, you could write a role value to an extension attribute and return it in the token.
To invite users, you could use the invite sample. Essentially make an app that calls an API to generate these invite links and send those to the users email. The user clicks the link which allows them to complete their sign up.

Pre-register users with Azure AD B2C

I would like to pre-register a limited number of users which can use my application.
This are the requirements:
Users should be able to reset their password on their own
No other users than the preregistered users can sign up
Ideally, the user can choose the login email address by himself (no login).
Now I'm having trouble to have all requirements fullfilled together.
I was able to preregister users in the Azure Portal. But since the user can't get emails on, a password-reset-policy would not make sense. I tried to specify alternate-email and a phonenumber in the user-profile, but unfortunately the password-reset-policy is not using it for verification.
Let's say I create a sign-up policy: This is nice - the user choose his own email. Password resetting would also work. However, I can't control who's signing up and getting valid access tokens. In the portal, under Enterprise Applications, I found my registered application (All Applications) where I can set an option "User assignment required?" to true. But this does not seem to work in the B2C context, right? I expected, that until I assign a user to this application, the user is not getting a token on sign-in, but this wasn't the case. Here I found a similar question about creating users. Any advice on creating users including passwords etc. using Microsoft Graph (since it's recommended to use it over Graph API)?
I also tried to invite users as guests. They have to create a microsoft account, resetting passwords would be solved through microsoft, but unfortunately, no redirect to microsoft login happens after entering the microsoft account email address.
Deleting the signup policy after initial registration is a bad option if more users have to be onboarded.
Ideally, I would like to preregister users as if they signed up by their own - but with no signup policy.
Any advice? What do I miss?
You can implement the activation/invitation scenario that is described here and implemented here.
This scenario activates/invites a new user by creating/pre-registering a local account in the Azure AD B2C directory through the Azure AD Graph and then sending a signed redemption link to the email address for this local account.
This redemption link directs the new user to the Password Reset policy.
Currently creating users in a B2C tenant with a "local account" is not supported in Microsoft Graph. For this you'll need to use Azure AD Graph for now (see creating a user with a local account). Please see this blog post for details and line item 12 in the table.
We hope to add this capability as soon as we can to Microsoft Graph.
Hope this helps,

Azure Active Directory SSO - Account Mapping

iam currently researching how to implement Single Sign On for our WebService.
This is what i came up with so far.
If a customer of our WebService has an AzureActiveDirectory they can log on with their active directory user account to our WebService if we provide the nessecary interfaces for SAML, Oauth2, OpenID or whatever authorization protocoll we chose and azure supports.
The customers could also have their local network Active Directory synced to their Azure AD and use their Domain accounts to log on to our WebApplication.
Customers need to use the portal to "wrap" authentication.
Once everything is set up correctly the Identity Provider (AzureAD) would provide use with (e.g) an authenticated User Identity.
Here is were my problem begins.
Of course i need to somehow map the identity provided by the AzureAD to a certain Account for our WebService - we cannot simply use the provided identity.
As far as i understand it, you can grant AzureAD the right to create an Account on the target WebService in the name of the user which is currently signing in.
(Its called : enabling automatic user provisioning in the azure management portal).
However, when testing this with the Box, Canvas or Google apps i failed. Either i got an error or in the case of google apps i was just promted to login with my azure AD test account and then asked for a password and username of my google account (i set up SSO as an azure AD trust relation- so this should not happen)
Can someone provide some insights on how to accomplish the following?
Once the user is authenticated by SSO I want to create an account for our WebSerivce and then save the credentials for that user only in the Active directory of that particular user.
So if the user logs in the second time we can check wether there is an account already existing and log in the user with this account.
(I was told by microsoft that this might be possible with Azure Rights Management, but i cannot really find good documentation on that)
Storing the relationship: "Microsoft AD Identity <-> our WebServiceAccount Credentials" on our side is not desired because we cannot securly encrypt the data in a way that we DONT know whats in there. (or there is , and i dont know of it yet)
"Bonus Question":
Can i support SSO for a desktop application too? (Do i need a provide proxy web application or can the desktop app do this directly?)
Please see my answer to a similar question here: azure active directory user profile data
However - I'm trying to understand if you need something different. Are you expecting your customers to already have a directory and Azure AD accounts (maybe through having Office 365 subscriptions), and use those to sign in to your web app, or does your app scenario require creation/provisioning of user accounts into your customer's Azure AD directory? Provisioning can be done through graph API (as per your link), as long as the admin of your customer grants consent to allow your app to write to their directory. You can find some samples on github, and I recommend you look through and for code samples.
I think, without testing it. That using the Graph API enables me to save custom data for any Directory User effectively enabling my desired functionality.
This is the documentation i found very usefull.
