Continous data generator from Azure Databricks to Azure Event Hubs using Spark with Kafka API but no data is streamed - apache-spark

I'm trying to implement a continuous data generator from Databricks to an Event Hub.
My idea was to generate some data in a .csv file and then create a data frame with the data. In a loop I call a function that executes a query to stream that data to the Event Hub. Not sure if the idea was good or if spark can handle writing from the same data frame or if I understood correctly how queries work.
The code looks like this:
def write_to_event_hub(
df: DataFrame,
topic: str,
bootstrap_servers: str,
config: str,
checkpoint_path: str,
return (
.option("topic", topic)
.option("kafka.bootstrap.servers", bootstrap_servers)
.option("kafka.sasl.mechanism", "PLAIN")
.option("", "SASL_SSL")
.option("kafka.sasl.jaas.config", config)
.option("checkpointLocation", checkpoint_path)
while True:
query = write_to_event_hub(
print("Wrote once")
I want to mention that this is how I read data from the CSV file (I have it in DBFS) and I also have the schema for it:
streaming_df = (
.option("header", "true")
It looks like no data is written event though I have the message "Wrote once" printed. Any ideas how to handle this? Thank you!

The problem is that you're using readStream to get the CSV data, so it will wait until new data will be pushed to the directory with CSV files. But really, you don't need to use readStream/writeStream - Kafka connector works just fine in batch mode, so your code should be:
df = read_csv_file()
while True:


How to stream data from Delta Table to Kafka Topic

Internet is filled with examples of streaming data from Kafka topic to delta tables. But my requirement is to stream data from Delta Table to Kafka topic. Is that possible? If yes, can you please share code example?
Here is the code I tried.
val schemaRegistryAddr = "https://..."
val avroSchema = buildSchema(topic) //defined this method
val Df = spark.readStream.format("delta").load("path..")
.withColumn("key", col("lskey").cast(StringType))
to_avro($"key", lit("topic-key"), schemaRegistryAddr).as("key"),
to_avro($"topLevelRecord", lit("topic-value"), schemaRegistryAddr, avroSchema).as("value"))
.option("kafka.bootstrap.servers", bootstrapServers)
.option("", "SSL")
.option("kafka.ssl.keystore.location", kafkaKeystoreLocation)
.option("kafka.ssl.keystore.password", keystorePassword)
.option("kafka.ssl.truststore.location", kafkaTruststoreLocation)
.trigger(ProcessingTime("25 seconds"))
But it fails with: Schema not found; error code: 40403
But when I try to write to the same topic using a Batch Producer it goes through successfully. Can anyone please let me know what am I missing in the streaming write to Kafka topic?
Later I found this old blog which says that current Structured Streaming API does not support 'kakfa' format.

Sink from Delta Live Table to Kafka, initial sink works, but any subsequent updates fail

I have a DLT pipeline that ingests a topic from my kafka stream, transforms it into a DLT, then I wish to write that table back into Kafka under a new topic.
So far, I have this working, however it only works on first load of the table, then after any subsequent updates will crash my read and write stream.
My DLT tables updates correctly, so I see updates from my pipeline into the Gold table,
TBLPROPERTIES ("quality" = "gold")
COMMENT "Gold Deals"
substring(fullDocument.owner_id, 11, 24) as owner_id,
fullDocument.owner_type as owner_type,
substring(fullDocument.account_id, 11, 24) as account_id,
substring(fullDocument.manager_account_id, 11, 24) as manager_account_id,
fullDocument.hubspot_deal_id as hubspot_deal_id,
fullDocument.stage as stage,
fullDocument.status as status,
fullDocument.title as title
FROM LIVE.deal_bronze_cleansed
but then when I try to read from it via a separate notebook, these updates cause it to crash
import pyspark.sql.functions as fn
from pyspark.sql.types import StringType
# this one is the problem not the write stream
df = spark.readStream.format("delta").table("deal_stream_test.deal_gold1")
writeStream= (
.selectExpr("CAST(documentId AS STRING) AS key", "to_json(struct(*)) AS value")
.option("ignoreChanges", "true")
.option("checkpointLocation", "/tmp/benperram21/checkpoint")
.option("kafka.bootstrap.servers", confluentBootstrapServers)
.option("ignoreChanges", "true")
.option("", "SASL_SSL")
.option("kafka.sasl.jaas.config", " required username='{}' password='{}';".format(confluentApiKey, confluentSecret))
.option("kafka.ssl.endpoint.identification.algorithm", "https")
.option("kafka.sasl.mechanism", "PLAIN")
.option("topic", confluentTopicName)
I was looking and can see this might be as a result of it not being read as "Append". But yeah any thoughts on this? Everything works upset updates.
Right now DLT doesn't support output to the arbitrary sinks. Also, all Spark operations should be done inside the nodes of the execution graph (functions labeled with dlt.table or dlt.view).
Right now the workaround would be to run that notebook outside of the DLT pipeline, as a separate task in the multitask job (workflow).

Databricks: Queries with streaming sources must be executed with writeStream.start()

I know there are several other questions about this error message, but none seems to relate to the problem I am currently facing. I am streaming from a JSON file (this part works):
gamingEventDF = (spark
.option("maxFilesPerTrigger", 1)
Next I want to use writeStream to append it to a table:
def writeToBronze(sourceDataframe, bronzePath, streamName):
.option("checkpointLocation", bronzePath + "/_checkpoint")
When I now run:
writeToBronze(gamingEventDF, outputPathBronze, "bronze_stream")
I am getting the error: AnalysisException: Queries with streaming sources must be executed with writeStream.start()
Btw: when I delete the .rdd, I am getting another error ('DataFrame' object has no attribute 'spark')
Any idea what I got wrong?
Thanks a lot
writeStream method is available on dataframe class not on SparkSession.
Below code should work for you.
def writeToBronze(sourceDataframe, bronzePath, streamName):
.option("checkpointLocation", bronzePath + "/_checkpoint")

writing corrupt data from kafka / json datasource in spark structured streaming

In spark batch jobs I usually have a JSON datasource written to a file and can use corrupt column features of the DataFrame reader to write the corrupt data out in a seperate location, and another reader to write the valid data both from the same job. ( The data is written as parquet )
But in Spark Structred Streaming I'm first reading the stream in via kafka as a string and then using from_json to get my DataFrame. Then from_json uses JsonToStructs which uses a FailFast mode in the parser and does not return the unparsed string to a column in the DataFrame. (see Note in Ref) Then how can I write corrupt data that doesn't match my schema and possibly invalid JSON to another location using SSS?
Finally in the batch job the same job can write both dataframes. But Spark Structured Streaming requires special handling for multiple sinks. Then in Spark 2.3.1 (my current version) we should include details about how to write both corrupt and invalid streams properly...
val rawKafkaDataFrame=spark
.option("kafka.ssl.truststore.location", path.toString)
.option("kafka.ssl.truststore.password", config.pass)
.option("kafka.ssl.truststore.type", "JKS")
.option("", "SSL")
.option("subscribe", config.topic)
.option("startingOffsets", "earliest")
val jsonDataFrame ="value").cast("string"))
// does not provide a corrupt column or way to work with corrupt"value"), schema)).select("jsontostructs(value).*")
When you convert to json from string, and if it is not be able to parse with the schema provided, it will return null. You can filter the null values and select the string. Something like this.
val jsonDF = jsonDataFrame.withColumn("json", from_json(col("value"), schema))
val invalidJsonDF = jsonDF.filter(col("json").isNull).select("value")
I was just trying to figure out the _corrupt_record equivalent for structured streaming as well. Here's what I came up with; hopefully it gets you closer to what you're looking for:
// add a status column to partition our output by
// optional: only keep the unparsed json if it was corrupt
// writes up to 2 subdirs: 'out.par/status=OK' and 'out.par/status=CORRUPT'
// additional status codes for validation of nested fields could be added in similar fashion
df.withColumn("struct", from_json($"value", schema))
.withColumn("status", when($"struct".isNull, lit("CORRUPT")).otherwise(lit("OK")))
.withColumn("value", when($"status" <=> lit("CORRUPT"), $"value"))

How does Structured Streaming execute separate streaming queries (in parallel or sequentially)?

I'm writing a test application that consumes messages from Kafka's topcis and then push data into S3 and into RDBMS tables (flow is similar to presented here: So I read data from Kafka and then:
each message want to save into S3
some messages save to table A in an external database (based on filter condition)
some other messages save to table B in an external database (other filter condition)
So I have sth like:
Dataset<Row> df = spark
.option("kafka.bootstrap.servers", "host1:port1,host2:port2")
.option("subscribe", "topic1,topic2,topic3")
.option("startingOffsets", "earliest")
.select(from_json(col("value").cast("string"), schema, jsonOptions).alias("parsed_value"))
(please notice that I'm reading from more than one Kafka topic).
Next I define required datasets:
Dataset<Row> allMessages =
Dataset<Row> messagesOfType1 = //some unique conditions applied on JSON elements
Dataset<Row> messagesOfType2 = //some other unique conditions
and now for each Dataset I create query to start processing:
StreamingQuery s3Query = allMessages
.option("startingOffsets", "latest")
.option("path", "s3_location")
StreamingQuery firstQuery = messagesOfType1
.foreach(new CustomForEachWiriterType1()) // class that extends ForeachWriter[T] and save data into external RDBMS table
StreamingQuery secondQuery = messagesOfType2
.foreach(new CustomForEachWiriterType2()) // class that extends ForeachWriter[T] and save data into external RDBMS table (may be even another database than before)
Now I'm wondering:
Will be those queries executed in parallel (or one after another in FIFO order and I should assign those queries to separate scheduler pools)?
Will be those queries executed in parallel
Yes. These queries are going to be executed in parallel (every trigger which you did not specify and hence is to run them as fast as possible).
Internally, when you execute start on a DataStreamWriter, you create a StreamExecution that in turn creates immediately so-called daemon microBatchThread (quoted from the Spark source code below):
val microBatchThread =
new StreamExecutionThread(s"stream execution thread for $prettyIdString") {
override def run(): Unit = {
// To fix call site like "run at <unknown>:0", we bridge the call site from the caller
// thread to this micro batch thread
You can see every query in its own thread with name:
stream execution thread for [prettyIdString]
You can check the separate threads using jstack or jconsole.
