External Control Universal Robots With Ros2 Foxy (PYTHON) - linux

I am attempting to control my ur10e COBOT using ros2 but I have run into some issues.
I followed the steps of the ros2 install.
Then I installed MoveIt2 Foxy. https://moveit.picknik.ai/foxy/doc/move_group_interface/move_group_interface_tutorial.html
Then downloaded UR-ros2-driver.
One of the issues I ran into with the UR-ros2-driver download was since I'm using foxy, I had to download the ros2-control-demos found in this link https://github.com/ros-controls/ros2_control_demos/tree/foxy
And after removing files in the /workspace/install folder I was able to launch the trajectory program and it ran great. The files I removed were...
Okay now after I bore you with all my startup steps, now lets get into some code. Once everything was downloaded, I first had to source my files in the terminal...
source /opt/ros/foxy/setup.bash
source ~/workspace/ros_ur_driver/install/setup.bash
Then I launched...
ros2 launch ur_bringup ur_control.launch.py ur_type:=ur10e robot_ip:=yyy.yyy.yyy.yyy use_fake_hardware:=true launch_rviz:=true
Which ran great and I was able to see my COBOT model in rviz2.
Next, in a second terminal, I launched...
ros2 launch ur_bringup test_joint_trajectory_controller.launch.py
And watched while the virtual COBOT moved to the command.
Now, to make a long story short I managed to get the my PC and the COBOT pendent connected by setting up the COBOT's IP address with my PC's IP address. No issue there.
I went to launch the IP adjusted code...
ros2 launch ur_bringup ur_control.launch.py ur_type:=ur10e robot_ip:= launch_rviz:=true
And my model was stuck colorless and crunched up. I'm unable to interact with the virtual COBOT at this Error state. I do recall this happening with my fake_test version when I would forget to source it properly before I launched it. So I was thinking maybe I messed up in the way I sourced my files. Or maybe I didn't add the control_demo packages correctly. If someone could give my some pointers on this that'll be greatly appreciated.


Azure Functions Core tools suddenly stopped working

I was in the middle of working on some minor code changes when all of a sudden I started getting the following error on startup:
A host error has occurred during startup operation '78d5d8fd-e81c-4707-87ca-6b801430fef1'.
[2021-01-08T13:02:40.279Z] System.IO.FileSystem: Could not find a part of the path 'C:\Users\schiefaw\AppData\Local\AzureFunctionsTools\Releases\3.17.0\workers'.
I looked at the path and found everything exists until I get to "workers".
I, of course, assumed it was something I did, so I backed out all changes to no effect. Then I uninstalled visual studio and all Azure products I could find and reinstalled to no effect. I created a new user (since the file it is looking for is in my user folder) to no effect.
I then created an entirely new instance of a windows virtual machine and installed the development environment to no effect (same error).
I am completely stuck on this. Does anyone have any ideas on what I can try next?
I think this is a bug from that 3.17 release. But here is a work-around: you can add the "workers" folder (empty folder) and it should work. Another way if you have a copy of the previous version (such as 3.16.x), you can copy the content to the 3.17.0 one.
You can read more here: https://developercommunity.visualstudio.com/content/problem/1304718/azure-functions-local-debugging-broke-with-3170-up.html

RFT testscripts not executing

I have just installed RFT version 8.3.0 for testing a mainframe application. I imported the appropriate rftjdtr files to the project. But i am unable to execute any of the testcases. When i press the run ( or debug) button, nothing happens. There are no error messages popping up. I suspect it is a java configuration issue on my machine. I have tried comparing the settings with another machine where it is working fine. It is the first time that i am using RFT, so i do not know what to do. Can somebody please help me with this?
I have encountered the same issue. This may be because of workspace error. Create a new workspace and run the script.

Installing JavaComm API on Ubuntu

I know this question has been asked several times around the internet, but I have spent about a week trying to solve this problem with little luck.
I am trying to install JavaCommAPI (an archived Java package to allow communication with rs232) on a remote linux Ubuntu 11.0, 32-bit server in order to deploy a web project which I have developed on a local apache server on my windows PC.
The thing that puzzles me is, I am able to get the .war web project to deploy on a local apache server on a separate 32-bit LinuxMint16 PC by correctly placing the javax.comm.properties, comm.jar, and libSerialParallel.so files in their respective places.
I use System.getProperty("java.library.path"); in order to find the correct library path in order to install correct files.
On my LinuxMint16:
javax.comm.properties -- /usr/lib/jvm/java-7-openjdk-i386/jre/lib
comm.jar -- /usr/lib/jvm/java-7-openjdk-i386/jre/lib/ext
libSerialParallel.so -- /usr/lib/jvm/java-7-openjdk-i386/jre/lib/i386
On my remote Ubuntu server I did the exact same for its reported library path
(for example: /usr/local/jdk/jdk1.7.0_45/jre/lib/javax.comm.properties ;
/usr/local/jdk/jdk1.7.0_45/jre/lib/ext/comm.jar ;
...fails =(
Things of note: I added the needed apache jars and comm.jar to my libraries in Eclipse using the BuildPath wizard (right click on project --> Build Path-->add external jars) which points to local files on my PC which I obviously cannot use for a remote server which I am only accessing through command line. May this is affecting it somehow?
I tried to get error output (System.err) from the Java Console printed to a separate file for my remote server as that feedback was very helpful in getting all the files sorted on my LinuxMint PC.
PrintStream ps = new PrintStream(pathName);
Which again, is oddly working beautifully to print the stream to a local .txt file on my LinuxMintPC but not to the one I designate on my remote ubuntu server.
I am really at a wits end here!! Am I mixing and matching appropriate versions of Systems prohibiting things to run smoothly? I am not sure how to proceed from here, if anyone has any insights I would die of happiness. Thanks
I needed to install OPEN JDK7 on my ubuntu, put files in appropriate library paths (as described above) and now it works.

ClearCase: Unable to create directory when trying use 'startview' on Linux

I am really stuck in ClearCase startview on Linux. I tried the below:
ct startview <viewtag>
And met an issue like below:
cleartool: Error: Unable to create directory "": error detected by ClearCase subsystem.
I am sure the view is OK, and I can start it in other host. So perhaps my OS met some issue. Is there some good solution?
And I have restarted my Linux system.
If this is about a dynamic view, you can check technote swg21449500 "Create and startview errors: Cannot start dynamic view and Unable to create directory":
The client or view-server installation is corrupted. The symptoms would typically be seen immediately after applying a Fix Pack of iFix.
Diagnosing the problem
A cleartool -verall showing a mismatch between the MVFS and the other modules is a clear indication of corruption.
Resolving the problem
An uninstall and re-install on the machine will be necessary to resolve the issue.
On Windows, you can see a similar error when a Windows client attempts to start a dynamic view on a Linux or UNIX server running Samba.
See swg21295394.

Building X server from the source

I have a Virtual Box with Ubuntu running. I want to study about Xserver so I need to know how can i get the source code of the Xserver and dependent libraries on my VM so that I can build and test the Xserver with some changes.
Could someone please guide me how should I start or any link where I can get some information.
try installing libgcrypt11-dev package first (11 may change depending on your repo)
You can download XServer source code from http://www.x.org/wiki/Releases/Download?action=show&redirect=Mirrors
When you will run the config file, all the dependencies will be automatically listed.
