ClearCase: Unable to create directory when trying use 'startview' on Linux - linux

I am really stuck in ClearCase startview on Linux. I tried the below:
ct startview <viewtag>
And met an issue like below:
cleartool: Error: Unable to create directory "": error detected by ClearCase subsystem.
I am sure the view is OK, and I can start it in other host. So perhaps my OS met some issue. Is there some good solution?
And I have restarted my Linux system.

If this is about a dynamic view, you can check technote swg21449500 "Create and startview errors: Cannot start dynamic view and Unable to create directory":
The client or view-server installation is corrupted. The symptoms would typically be seen immediately after applying a Fix Pack of iFix.
Diagnosing the problem
A cleartool -verall showing a mismatch between the MVFS and the other modules is a clear indication of corruption.
Resolving the problem
An uninstall and re-install on the machine will be necessary to resolve the issue.
On Windows, you can see a similar error when a Windows client attempts to start a dynamic view on a Linux or UNIX server running Samba.
See swg21295394.


External Control Universal Robots With Ros2 Foxy (PYTHON)

I am attempting to control my ur10e COBOT using ros2 but I have run into some issues.
I followed the steps of the ros2 install.
Then I installed MoveIt2 Foxy.
Then downloaded UR-ros2-driver.
One of the issues I ran into with the UR-ros2-driver download was since I'm using foxy, I had to download the ros2-control-demos found in this link
And after removing files in the /workspace/install folder I was able to launch the trajectory program and it ran great. The files I removed were...
Okay now after I bore you with all my startup steps, now lets get into some code. Once everything was downloaded, I first had to source my files in the terminal...
source /opt/ros/foxy/setup.bash
source ~/workspace/ros_ur_driver/install/setup.bash
Then I launched...
ros2 launch ur_bringup ur_type:=ur10e robot_ip:=yyy.yyy.yyy.yyy use_fake_hardware:=true launch_rviz:=true
Which ran great and I was able to see my COBOT model in rviz2.
Next, in a second terminal, I launched...
ros2 launch ur_bringup
And watched while the virtual COBOT moved to the command.
Now, to make a long story short I managed to get the my PC and the COBOT pendent connected by setting up the COBOT's IP address with my PC's IP address. No issue there.
I went to launch the IP adjusted code...
ros2 launch ur_bringup ur_type:=ur10e robot_ip:= launch_rviz:=true
And my model was stuck colorless and crunched up. I'm unable to interact with the virtual COBOT at this Error state. I do recall this happening with my fake_test version when I would forget to source it properly before I launched it. So I was thinking maybe I messed up in the way I sourced my files. Or maybe I didn't add the control_demo packages correctly. If someone could give my some pointers on this that'll be greatly appreciated.

Azure Functions Core tools suddenly stopped working

I was in the middle of working on some minor code changes when all of a sudden I started getting the following error on startup:
A host error has occurred during startup operation '78d5d8fd-e81c-4707-87ca-6b801430fef1'.
[2021-01-08T13:02:40.279Z] System.IO.FileSystem: Could not find a part of the path 'C:\Users\schiefaw\AppData\Local\AzureFunctionsTools\Releases\3.17.0\workers'.
I looked at the path and found everything exists until I get to "workers".
I, of course, assumed it was something I did, so I backed out all changes to no effect. Then I uninstalled visual studio and all Azure products I could find and reinstalled to no effect. I created a new user (since the file it is looking for is in my user folder) to no effect.
I then created an entirely new instance of a windows virtual machine and installed the development environment to no effect (same error).
I am completely stuck on this. Does anyone have any ideas on what I can try next?
I think this is a bug from that 3.17 release. But here is a work-around: you can add the "workers" folder (empty folder) and it should work. Another way if you have a copy of the previous version (such as 3.16.x), you can copy the content to the 3.17.0 one.
You can read more here:

RFT testscripts not executing

I have just installed RFT version 8.3.0 for testing a mainframe application. I imported the appropriate rftjdtr files to the project. But i am unable to execute any of the testcases. When i press the run ( or debug) button, nothing happens. There are no error messages popping up. I suspect it is a java configuration issue on my machine. I have tried comparing the settings with another machine where it is working fine. It is the first time that i am using RFT, so i do not know what to do. Can somebody please help me with this?
I have encountered the same issue. This may be because of workspace error. Create a new workspace and run the script.

Resolving Mass-loading problems in WebSphere Commerce Instance creation

I am trying to create an instance using the Configuration Manager of WCS 7. I am working on a Win 7 x64 machine with DB2 9.5 64 bit version.
I am struck with this Massloading error when the instance creation happens :
In createInstanceANT.log file :
[Massload] Massloading
C:\IBM\WebSphere\CommerceServer\schema\xml\wcs.keys.xml Error in
MassLoading, please check logs for details.
The error log shows the following error :
[jcc][10165][10044][4.3.111] Invalid database URL syntax:
jdbc:db2://:0/WCSDEMO. ERRORCODE=-4461, SQLSTATE=42815
Error in massloading
WCSDEMO is the database name. The Massloader is not able to get the URL and port to connect. It is supposedly getting them from file but it is not working. The file has all the details of the DB to connect.
What could be the reason for this error and how to resolve it ? Is there any configuration change that I am missing ?
Can you provide some more details.
look inside the messages.txt file located in WC_install_dir/instances/instance_name/logs
and confirm what the exact issue is. If it is related to jdbc driver being wrong I may be able to help you.
I've been running into massloading problems with external systems. Eg. databases not on the same machine as the WAS installation.
In these cases I look for the
As you can see setting the loaderDBName to just the name of the database would look on the local machine. But by changing this statement so you load with the syntax
You'll be able to massload using the commerce standard scripts. These changes needs to be done in many scripts. Both for updating fixpacks and enabling features. If you run database updates without the changes it will crash at first and have done all the schema changes to the database that you then need to comment out before trying again.
IBM Software Support is your friend. They'll help you fix it.

Build Process failed with maven package

I am working on a maven project to build a simple utility api. The same source code when build on my office win XP machine, was successful. Now i am at home and working with same source code on CentOS machine. Here the build process failed strangely. The error it reports is ideally in my points should we warning message. As shown below.
[ERROR] com.vsd.Provider:[12,240] The import java.util.Set is never used
Can you please give me some idea, where can I look into?
It's hard to say without seeing your POM but the error reported looks like a violation of the Checkstyle rule UnusedImports (or something equivalent). Maybe this verification is triggered because of a setting defined in a profile that is not activated on your CentOS machine (as I said, hard to say). Anyway, to fix it, remove the unused import.
The problem was with the plug in being used to compile, It was a bug a shown below.
