Getting distribution error in Devoops pipeline to Epicenter - appcenter

I just started getting 500 error.
I have a IOS pipeline that sends the info to Appcenter to distribute the app to test flight. Now getting error. No changes on my side.
##[error]{"code":"internal_server_error","message":"internal error (Support ID: c86b8112-a084-486c-9df8-a5ffc63fad81)"}
http response code: 500


"Error: Internal error encountered" while running RequestSync to Google Homegraph API - Node.js

I am using a Nodejs client to integrate with Google Smart Home.
When I request to RequestSync API, it sometimes shows the following error.
Error: Internal error encountered.
Although I saw the above error, it seems that the SYNC request has been triggered properly.
Does anyone know why this happens?
Since the request failed and returned an error, our app retries the RequestSync again and again, so I'd like to fix the error if possible.
Thank you.
#googleapis/homegraph: 3.0.2
Nodejs: 18.4.0

Echo bot throwing error : Cannot post activity. Unauthorized

I created one normal echobot application and when i am trying to run it through the emulator locally it throwing the below error
Cannot post activity. Unauthorized.
plz help me out on this

Bot Framework Error

I am trying to run the graph sentiment bot sample , on running in the emulator I am getting the below error
UniversalBot("*") routing "hi" from "emulator"
Error: Dialog[*:/] not found.

500.79 Internal Server Error - The page cannot be displayed because an internal server error has occurred

When running my MVC website locally it works fine - the website uses 'Cloud - Single Organization' authorization.
Once I've deployed to Azure I get an error on the homepage saying 'The page cannot be displayed because an internal server error has occurred.'
When looking at the streaming logs in Azure I can see I'm getting an 'HTTP Error 500.79 - Internal Server Error'
Under the detailed error information, I get the following information:
Module: EasyAuthModule_32bit
Notification: AuthenticateRequest
Handler: ExtensionlessUrlHandler-Integrated-4.0
Error Code: 0x80004005
Under the detailed information I get the error:
Error Failed to download OpenID configuration from 'https://localhost:44378/.well-known/openid-configuration': Unable to connect to the remote server.
Does anyone know why this is happening and how to fix it?

Jhipster application error "the server responded with a status of 401 (Unauthorized)"

I generate an application with jhipster generator and when I tried to run this application the execution was successful and without error but the display of the application was strange and when I inspect the home page of the application I got this error : "the server responded with a status of 401 (Unauthorized)"
I really can't understand the reasen of this error or how can I solve it
