Find an equivalent of Imview library for Python 3.8 - python-3.x

I am trying to use those codes to process satellite images (
The issue i have is that they are using a library which called Imview. You can find the github just here : This library was made for Python 2.7 and i am using Python 3.8. Does someone knows an equivalent of Imview for python 3.8 ? I will try to replace it but i could not find anything yet based on my knowledge.
If I find something i will let it know in the comments.
Thanks for the help.


Breusch-Pagan_test in Python 3

I am trying to run the Breusch-Pagan test in python 3 using the below code. It works perfectly in python 2.7, but when I run it in Anaconda with python 3.6 instead, I get the following the error: "module 'statsmodels.stats.api' has no attribute 'het_breuschpagan'".
I have looked at the statsmodel documentation at this link,, and know that I am running the right code.
import statsmodels.stats.api as sms
breuschpagan_test = sms.het_breuschpagan(model_run.resid, model.model.exog)
Does anyone know a solution to this or a different way to call this statsmodel function in python 3?
Also, due to limitations at work, I cannot uninstall/re-install or update my statsmodel library at the moment either.
Thanks in advance!

Python 3.5 How do I list classes/functions available in an import package?

I'm porting all my Python code from 2.7 to 3.5 and keep running into issues where my imported packages don't contain the same classes/functions as they did in 2.7. I DO NOT want to use one of the methods where you can support both 2.7 and 3x. I'm dropping 2.7 entirely.
Is there a way to search an imported package for a specific thing or to list the classes/functions in a nested display?
Right now, I'm trying to find the escape_string() function in mysql-connector-python (v8x) but I keep needing something to explore packages. The docs for the mysql-connector-python package say that it's in mysql.connector.MySQL but there's no such attribute.
If you believe the documentation is wrong, I would open an issue with them and also double and triple check that you have installed the correct package.
To list the classes/functions of a module you can use:
import os # or whatever

mkl_blas_dgemm_alloc not found in mkl_intel_thread

I developed a a tool in python 3.5 some time ago which currently only uses differential evolution from scipy to do its task. For some reasons I had to change settings on my machine and switch to use python in a virtual environment.
My specs now:
win 10 64 bit
used pip 9.0.1
numpy 1.12.1+mkl
scipy 0.19.0
python 3.6.1
I have a different env using python 2.7 flying around somewhere else.
Now my problem....everytime the differential evolution function gets its first set of data it crashes after returning the differential_evolution step value.
The differential_evolution call can be found under ./libraries/methods/ line 76
The pop-up Error is "Entry point 'mkl_blas_dgemm_alloc wasn't found in 'mkl_intel_thread.dll'." And the printed error is "Intel MKL FATAL ERROR: Cannot load mkl_intel_thread.dll." Please notice that my system language is german therfore the pop-up message was translated by me.
I don't know whether this is relevant but my directory structure is:
I didn't work with virtualenv before and in addition to this i used python 3.5. I'd appreciate any help or instructions on how to add more information to this case to help clarify my problem.
Yours sincerely
OK I'm back with more information. Maybe someone else will stumble uppon it. To be clear: I do not know the fix or reason. I just tried a bunch of stuff.
python 3.5.3,numpy 1.11.1+mkl and scipy-0.18.0 or scipy-0.19.0
made the error disappear. I couldn't try numpy 1.11.1 or 1.11.2 for python 3.6 because this kind soul sadly doesn't offer those versions anymore. I found the 1.11.1 version for python 3.5 somewhere on my disk.
From my testing i can tell that it breaks once i use numpy 1.11.3 or higher. 1.11.1 works fine. Therefore I assume that some changes happened either in numpy between 1.11.1 and 1.11.3 which break it OR in how this kind soul creates/builds his wheels. So I'm going to use python 3.5 for now as i do not have numpy 1.11.1+mkl for python 3.6.
Yours sincerely

Are the drivers for SenseiDB Python 3?

SenseiDB has Python drivers but it doesn't say which version of Python the support. I am wondering if they support version 3?
Their download link is broken, but I dug up the code here:
The import urllib2 line means it must be Python 2 code. If you've got time to make it compatible with Python 3, they might accept it as a contribution.

What is the easyest way to create a settings file in python

I am just making something to start up minecraft with , and I need a way to save some settings to a file , but I have no idea what I should use to do it . I googled my question already and what I got was information about pyYaml configparser and configobj I belive.And after looking at it I got confused because im not to scripting and python. What I would like is a recommendation or a tutorial on using those modules or the modules that you guys suggest .
I am using python 3.2
I would use configparser, and there are examples/tutorial at the end of the documentation:
