What is the easyest way to create a settings file in python - python-3.x

I am just making something to start up minecraft with , and I need a way to save some settings to a file , but I have no idea what I should use to do it . I googled my question already and what I got was information about pyYaml configparser and configobj I belive.And after looking at it I got confused because im not to scripting and python. What I would like is a recommendation or a tutorial on using those modules or the modules that you guys suggest .
I am using python 3.2

I would use configparser, and there are examples/tutorial at the end of the documentation: http://docs.python.org/library/configparser.html#examples


Find an equivalent of Imview library for Python 3.8

I am trying to use those codes to process satellite images (https://github.com/uw-cryo/skysat_stereo)
The issue i have is that they are using a library which called Imview. You can find the github just here : https://github.com/dshean/imview. This library was made for Python 2.7 and i am using Python 3.8. Does someone knows an equivalent of Imview for python 3.8 ? I will try to replace it but i could not find anything yet based on my knowledge.
If I find something i will let it know in the comments.
Thanks for the help.

import python file/module from parent/upper directory

i'm new to python and literely trying to import the module toolbox in the createRecipe.py file. Please see picture as it describes my problem
I've looed in over 30 resources on the Internet and it seems there is no working solution for it. Though, i would like to raise the problem again, perhaps there is something new in python which makes this possible

Import Numpy library in flutter using starflut

I want to run a python script in my flutter app. Thanks to starflut package which helped to do this. Now I want to run a python script that uses NumPy and OpenCV libraries. I want to import these libraries into my python script. I researched a lot about how can I achieve this I couldn't find a way. So I'm posting here so that whoever got the solution for this problem can suggest to me how to do this.

TinyTag import error python 3.3

I have been trying to import tinytag into python to be able to read mp3 tags but I keep receiving the same error. This is the code I am running
from tinytag import TinyTag
tag = TinyTag.get('/some/music.mp3)
and the error I recieve from this is
ImportError: No module named 'tinytag'
If anyone could give me any information on how to fix this would be greatly appreciated or can suggest another reader to use that is compatible with python 3.
Like you, I'm new to Python and I struggled with this but I worked it out eventually. I'm sure there is better way, but this worked (on windows, with my examples)
I installed a python module called easy_install (bundled with
setuptools). you can Google this. In the directory \Python26\Scripts you should see an exe file called easy_install if this has worked
Then I downloaded TinyTag to my pc eg
Then in note pad I wrote a small text file called myinstall.bat with
the contents
easy_install C:/downloads/tinytag-0.6.1.tar.gz
then saved it into \Python26\Scripts and ran it (the pause keeps the
window open so you can see it worked)
Subsequently I started using some software called JetBrains to code with (it's commercial but there is a free edition) and that has an install tool built in which is even easier) I hope this helps

Python 3 relative path conversion issue

I am currently working with converting Pycrypto over to Python 3.X
Whilst I seem to have the cryptography side working the same cannot be said for the tests
provided with the module :(
I have used the tests under Python 2.64 and all works fine.
I then ran '2to3' over the tests to generate new files in 3.X format.
There are several references to the following:
from .common import make_block_tests
Whenever I run the tests I get:
ValueError: Attempted relative import in non-package
If someone would point me towards a way to fix this it would be much appreciated :)
You are trying to run the test files directly, then you can't have relative imports. Change them to be absolute imports, and it will solve the problem.
