How to get Scala future output into a separate variables - multithreading

I am having 4 data bricks notebooks running concurrently using scala futures. Using below code.
case class NotebookData(path: String, timeout: Int, parameters: Map[String, String] = Map.empty[String, String])
def parallelNotebooks(notebooks: Seq[NotebookData]): Future[Seq[String]] = {
import scala.concurrent.{Future, blocking, Await}
import java.util.concurrent.Executors
import scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext
import com.databricks.WorkflowException
val numNotebooksInParallel = 4
// If you create too many notebooks in parallel the driver may crash when you submit all of the jobs at once.
// This code limits the number of parallel notebooks.
implicit val ec = ExecutionContext.fromExecutor(Executors.newFixedThreadPool(numNotebooksInParallel))
val ctx = dbutils.notebook.getContext()
Future.sequence( { notebook =>
Future {
if (notebook.parameters.nonEmpty), notebook.timeout, notebook.parameters)
else, notebook.timeout)
.recover {
case NonFatal(e) => s"ERROR: ${e.getMessage}"
def parallelNotebook(notebook: NotebookData): Future[String] = {
import scala.concurrent.{Future, blocking, Await}
import java.util.concurrent.Executors
import com.databricks.WorkflowException
val ctx = dbutils.notebook.getContext()
// The simplest interface we can have but doesn't
// have protection for submitting to many notebooks in parallel at once
Future {
if (notebook.parameters.nonEmpty), notebook.timeout, notebook.parameters)
else, notebook.timeout)
.recover {
case NonFatal(e) => s"ERROR: ${e.getMessage}"
val notebooks = Seq(
NotebookData("/notebook1",0,Map("Env" -> test.toString())),
NotebookData("/notebook2",0,Map("Env" -> test.toString())),
NotebookData("/notebook3",0,Map("Env" -> test.toString())),
NotebookData("/notebook4",0,Map("Env" -> test.toString()))
val res = parallelNotebooks(notebooks)
Await.result(res, 3600000 seconds) // this is a blocking call.
Here each notebook is returning some value with dbutils.notebook.exit(). I am getting return values like this.
parallelNotebooks: (notebooks: Seq[NotebookData])scala.concurrent.Future[Seq[String]]
parallelNotebook: (notebook: NotebookData)scala.concurrent.Future[String]
notebooks: Seq[NotebookData] = List(NotebookData(/notebook1,0,Map(Env -> true)), NotebookData(/notebook2,0,Map(Env -> true)),NotebookData(/notebook3,0,Map(Env -> true)),NotebookData(/notebook4,0,Map(Env -> true)))
res: scala.concurrent.Future[Seq[String]] = Future(Success(List(0, 0,0,0)))
res2: Option[scala.util.Try[Seq[String]]] = Some(Success(List(0, 0,0,0)))
Future(Success(List(0, 0,0,0)) and Some(Success(List(0, 0,0,0)) here 0 are the return values from my notebook.
How can I get this values into separate variables. So that I can use this values in later on my need.

val value: Seq[String] = Await.result(res, 3600000 seconds)
value will be a List of the String results from the calls.


Serialization of transform function in checkpointing

I'm trying to understand Spark Streaming's RDD transformations and checkpointing in the context of serialization. Consider the following example Spark Streaming app:
private val helperObject = HelperObject()
private def createStreamingContext(): StreamingContext = {
val conf = new SparkConf()
.setIfMissing("spark.master", Constants.SparkMasterDefault)
implicit val streamingContext = new StreamingContext(
new SparkContext(conf),
val myStream = StreamUtils.createStream()
def transformTest(rdd: RDD[String]): RDD[String] = { => helperObject.doSomething(str))
val ssc = StreamingContext.getOrCreate(Settings.progressDir,
while (true) {
From what I've read in other SO posts, transformTest will be invoked on the driver program once for every batch after streaming starts. Assuming createStreamingContext is invoked (no checkpoint is available), I would expect that the instance of helperObject defined up top would be serialized out to workers once per batch, hence picking up the changes applied to it via helperObject.setData(...). Is this the case?
Now, if createStreamingContext is not invoked (a checkpoint is available), then I would expect that the instance of helperObject cannot possibly be picked up for each batch, since it can't have been captured if createStreamingContext is not executed. Spark Streaming must have serialized helperObject as part of the checkpoint, correct?
Is it possible to update helperObject throughout execution from the driver program when using checkpointing? If so, what's the best approach?
If helperObject is going to be serialized to each executors?
Ans: Yes.
val helperObject = Instantiate_SomeHow(){_.SomeFunctionUsing(helperObject)}
Spark Streaming must have serialized helperObject as part of the checkpoint, correct?
Ans Yes.
If you wish to refresh your helperObject behaviour for each RDD operation you can still do that by making your helperObject more intelligent and not sending the helperObject directly but via a function which has the following signature () => helperObject_Class.
Since it is a function it is serializable. It is a very common design pattern used for sending objects that are not serializable e.g. database connection object or for your fun use case.
An example is given from Kafka Exactly once semantics using database
package example
import kafka.serializer.StringDecoder
import kafka.common.TopicAndPartition
import kafka.message.MessageAndMetadata
import scalikejdbc._
import com.typesafe.config.ConfigFactory
import org.apache.spark.{SparkContext, SparkConf, TaskContext}
import org.apache.spark.SparkContext._
import org.apache.spark.streaming._
import org.apache.spark.streaming.dstream.InputDStream
import org.apache.spark.streaming.kafka.{KafkaUtils, HasOffsetRanges, OffsetRange}
/** exactly-once semantics from kafka, by storing offsets in the same transaction as the results
Offsets and results will be stored per-batch, on the driver
object TransactionalPerBatch {
def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
val conf = ConfigFactory.load
val kafkaParams = Map(
"" -> conf.getString("kafka.brokers")
val jdbcDriver = conf.getString("jdbc.driver")
val jdbcUrl = conf.getString("jdbc.url")
val jdbcUser = conf.getString("jdbc.user")
val jdbcPassword = conf.getString("jdbc.password")
val ssc = setupSsc(kafkaParams, jdbcDriver, jdbcUrl, jdbcUser, jdbcPassword)()
def setupSsc(
kafkaParams: Map[String, String],
jdbcDriver: String,
jdbcUrl: String,
jdbcUser: String,
jdbcPassword: String
)(): StreamingContext = {
val ssc = new StreamingContext(new SparkConf, Seconds(60))
SetupJdbc(jdbcDriver, jdbcUrl, jdbcUser, jdbcPassword)
// begin from the the offsets committed to the database
val fromOffsets = DB.readOnly { implicit session =>
sql"select topic, part, off from txn_offsets".
map { resultSet =>
TopicAndPartition(resultSet.string(1), -> resultSet.long(3)
val stream: InputDStream[(String,Long)] = KafkaUtils.createDirectStream[String, String, StringDecoder, StringDecoder, (String, Long)](
ssc, kafkaParams, fromOffsets,
// we're just going to count messages per topic, don't care about the contents, so convert each message to (topic, 1)
(mmd: MessageAndMetadata[String, String]) => (mmd.topic, 1L))
stream.foreachRDD { rdd =>
// Note this block is running on the driver
// Cast the rdd to an interface that lets us get an array of OffsetRange
val offsetRanges = rdd.asInstanceOf[HasOffsetRanges].offsetRanges
// simplest possible "metric", namely a count of messages per topic
// Notice the aggregation is done using spark methods, and results collected back to driver
val results = rdd.reduceByKey {
// This is the only block of code running on the executors.
// reduceByKey did a shuffle, but that's fine, we're not relying on anything special about partitioning here
// Back to running on the driver
// localTx is transactional, if metric update or offset update fails, neither will be committed
DB.localTx { implicit session =>
// store metric results
results.foreach { pair =>
val (topic, metric) = pair
val metricRows = sql"""
update txn_data set metric = metric + ${metric}
where topic = ${topic}
if (metricRows != 1) {
throw new Exception(s"""
Got $metricRows rows affected instead of 1 when attempting to update metrics for $topic
// store offsets
offsetRanges.foreach { osr =>
val offsetRows = sql"""
update txn_offsets set off = ${osr.untilOffset}
where topic = ${osr.topic} and part = ${osr.partition} and off = ${osr.fromOffset}
if (offsetRows != 1) {
throw new Exception(s"""
Got $offsetRows rows affected instead of 1 when attempting to update offsets for
${osr.topic} ${osr.partition} ${osr.fromOffset} -> ${osr.untilOffset}
Was a partition repeated after a worker failure?

Scala Future concurrency Issue

Following is my class where I run tasks concurrently. My problem is , my application never ends even after getting result for all the features. I suspect Thread pool is not shutting down which leads my application alive even after my tasks.Believe me I googled alot to figure it out but no luck. What I'm missing here?
import scala.concurrent.Future
import scala.collection.mutable.ListBuffer
import scala.util.Failure
import scala.util.Success
object AppLauncher{
def launchAll(): ListBuffer[Future[String]] = {
// My code logic where I launch all my threads say 50
def main(args:Array[String]):Unit= {
def register(futureList: ListBuffer[Future[String]]): Unit =
futureList.foreach { future =>
future.onComplete {
case Success(successResult) => {
case Failure(failureResult) => { println(failureResult) }
Usually, when you operate on an iterable of Futures you should use Future.sequence which changes say, a Seq[Future[T]] to a Future[Seq[T]].
So, use something like:
def register(futureList: Seq[Future[String]]) = Future.sequence(futureList) foreach { results =>
println("received result")
if you'd like to map each future and print outputs as it completes, you can also do something on the lines of;
def register(futureList: Seq[Future[String]]) = Future.sequence ( => { v =>
println(s"$v is complete")
}) ) map { vs =>
println("all values done $vs")
Finally I was able to figure out the issue.The issue is certianly because of Thread Pool was not terminated even after my futures were completed successfully . I tried to isolate the issue by changing my implementation slightly as below.
import scala.concurrent.Future
import scala.collection.mutable.ListBuffer
import scala.util.Failure
import scala.util.Success
//Added ExecutionContex explicitly
import java.util.concurrent.Executors
import concurrent.ExecutionContext
object AppLauncher {
//Implemented EC explicitly
private val pool = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(1000)
private implicit val executionContext = ExecutionContext.fromExecutorService(pool)
def launchAll(): ListBuffer[Future[String]] = {
// My code logic where I launch all my threads say 50
def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
def register(futureList: ListBuffer[Future[String]]): Unit =
futureList.foreach { future =>
val result = Await.result(future, scala.concurrent.duration.Duration.Inf)
println(pool.isTerminated() + " Pool terminated")
println(pool.isShutdown() + " Pool shutdown")
println(executionContext.isTerminated() + " executionContext terminated")
println(executionContext.isShutdown() + " executionContext shutdown")
Result before adding highlighted code to shutdown pools
false Pool terminated
true Pool shutdown
false executionContext terminated
true executionContext shutdown
After adding highlighted code solved my issue. I ensured no resource leak in my code.My scenario permits me to kill the pool when all the futures are done. I'm aware of the fact that I changed elegant callback implementation to blocking implementation but still it solved my problem.

Spark and Drools integration (Reading rules from a drl file)

I am working on a spark program that takes input from the RDD and runs a few drool rules on it reading from a drl file.
in the drl file i have made a rule that wherever the hz attribute of the object is 0 it should increment the counter attribute by 1.
I have no clue why is that not working, it gives me an output of 0 for all the data in the stream (Yes, there is data with hz attribute equal to 0 and yes, I can print all the attributes and verify that even for them counter is 0)
I am using the KieSessionFactory class that I found on a github project here
But I am quite sure that this part not where the problem is, it only reads from the drl file and applies the rules.
below is my scala code: (I have marked the part where I think the problem lies, but please take a look at the drl file first)
package com.streams.Scala_Consumer
import org.apache.kafka.clients.consumer.ConsumerConfig
import org.apache.kafka.common.serialization.StringDeserializer
import org.apache.spark.{ SparkConf, SparkContext }
import org.apache.spark.SparkContext._
import org.apache.spark.streaming._
import org.apache.spark.streaming.dstream.{ DStream, InputDStream, ConstantInputDStream }
import org.apache.spark.streaming.kafka.v09.KafkaUtils
import org.apache.spark.streaming.{ Seconds, StreamingContext }
import org.apache.spark.sql.functions.avg
import org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD
import org.apache.spark.sql.SQLContext
import org.apache.spark.streaming.kafka.producer._
import org.apache.kafka.common.serialization.{ Deserializer, Serializer }
import org.apache.kafka.common.serialization.StringSerializer
import org.kie.api.runtime.StatelessKieSession
//import KieSessionFactory.getKieSession;
//import Sensor
object scala_consumer extends Serializable {
// schema for sensor data
class Sensor(resid_1: String, date_1: String, time_1: String, hz_1: Double, disp_1: Double, flo_1: Double, sedPPM_1: Double, psi_1: Double, chlPPM_1: Double, counter_1: Int) extends Serializable
var resid = resid_1
var date = date_1
var time = time_1
var hz = hz_1
var disp = disp_1
var flo = flo_1
var sedPPM = sedPPM_1
var psi = psi_1
var chlPPM = chlPPM_1
var counter = counter_1
def IncrementCounter (param: Int) =
counter = counter + param
// function to parse line of sensor data into Sensor class
def parseSensor(str: String): Sensor = {
val p = str.split(",")
//println("printing p: " + p)
new Sensor(p(0), p(1), p(2), p(3).toDouble, p(4).toDouble, p(5).toDouble, p(6).toDouble, p(7).toDouble, p(8).toDouble, 0)
var counter = 0
val timeout = 10 // Terminate after N seconds
val batchSeconds = 2 // Size of batch intervals
def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
val brokers = "maprdemo:9092" // not needed for MapR Streams, needed for Kafka
val groupId = "testgroup"
val offsetReset = "latest"
val batchInterval = "2"
val pollTimeout = "1000"
val topics = "/user/vipulrajan/streaming/original:sensor"
val topica = "/user/vipulrajan/streaming/fail:test"
val xlsFileName = "./src/main/Rules.drl"
val sparkConf = new SparkConf().setAppName("SensorStream").setMaster("local[1]").set("spark.testing.memory", "536870912")
.set("spark.streaming.backpressure.enabled", "true")
.set("spark.streaming.receiver.maxRate", Integer.toString(2000000))
.set("spark.streaming.kafka.maxRatePerPartition", Integer.toString(2000000));
val ssc = new StreamingContext(sparkConf, Seconds(batchInterval.toInt))
// Create direct kafka stream with brokers and topics
val topicsSet = topics.split(",").toSet
val kafkaParams = Map[String, String](
ConsumerConfig.BOOTSTRAP_SERVERS_CONFIG -> brokers,
ConsumerConfig.GROUP_ID_CONFIG -> groupId,
ConsumerConfig.AUTO_OFFSET_RESET_CONFIG -> offsetReset,
ConsumerConfig.ENABLE_AUTO_COMMIT_CONFIG -> "false",
"spark.kafka.poll.time" -> pollTimeout
val producerConf = new ProducerConf(
bootstrapServers = brokers.split(",").toList
val messages = KafkaUtils.createDirectStream[String, String](ssc, kafkaParams, topicsSet)
val values: DStream[String] =
println("message values received")
///////////*************************PART THAT COULD BE CAUSING A PROBLEM**************************/////////////
values.foreachRDD(x => try{
print("did 1\n") //markers for manual and minor debugging
val myData = x.mapPartitions(s => { => {parseSensor(sens)})})
print("did 2\n")
val evalData = myData.mapPartitions(s => {
val ksession = KieSessionFactory.getKieSession(xlsFileName)
val retData = => {ksession.execute(sens); sens;})
evalData.foreach(t => {println(t.counter)})
print("did 3\n")
catch{case e1: ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException => println("exception in line " )})
///////////*************************PART THAT COULD BE CAUSING A PROBLEM**************************/////////////
println("filtered alert messages ")
// Start the computation
// Wait for the computation to terminate
the drl file
package droolsexample
import com.streams.Scala_Consumer.Sensor;
import; //imported because my rules file lies in the src/main folder
//and code lies in src/main/scala
// declare any global variables here
dialect "java"
rule "Counter Incrementer"
sens : Sensor (hz == 0)
I have tried using an xls file instead of the drl file, I have tried creating the class in java and the object in scala. I have tried a lot of other things, but all I get in the output is a warning:
6/06/27 16:38:30.462 Executor task launch worker-0 WARN AbstractKieModule: No files found for KieBase defaultKieBase
and when I print the counter values I get all zeroes. Anybody to the rescue?
When you are doing the spark submit and passing your JAR for execution, pls ensure that other dependency JARs from KIE, etc are also included with in the same JAR and then run it with Spark-Submit.
alternate is to have two separate projects one where you have your spark program another is your KIE project so you will have two Jars and you run it something like below:
nohup spark-submit --conf "spark.driver.extraJavaOptions -Dlog4j.configuration=file:/" \
--queue abc \
--master yarn \
--deploy-mode cluster \
--jars drools-kie-project-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar --class SparkcallingDrools-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar \
-inputfile /user/hive/warehouse/abc/* -output /user/hive/warehouse/drools-Op > app.log &

spark streaming: use of broadcast variable generates NotSerializableException

I'm doing some tests in spark-shell after having loaded a jar with the Twitter utilities. Here is a code sequence that works:
// launch:
// spark-shell --driver-memory 1g --master local[3] --jars target/scala-2.10/tweetProcessing-1.0.jar
import org.apache.spark._
import org.apache.spark.rdd._
import org.apache.spark.SparkConf
import org.apache.spark.streaming._
import org.apache.spark.SparkContext._
import org.apache.spark.streaming.twitter._
import org.apache.spark.streaming.Seconds
import org.apache.spark.streaming.StreamingContext
import org.apache.spark.streaming.StreamingContext._
val consumerKey = ...
val consumerSecret = ...
val accessToken = ...
val accessTokenSecret = ...
System.setProperty("twitter4j.oauth.consumerKey", consumerKey)
System.setProperty("twitter4j.oauth.consumerSecret", consumerSecret)
System.setProperty("twitter4j.oauth.accessToken", accessToken)
System.setProperty("twitter4j.oauth.accessTokenSecret", accessTokenSecret)
val ssc = new StreamingContext(sc, Seconds(60))
val tweetStream = TwitterUtils.createStream(ssc, None)
val myNewStream = => tweet.getText)
.map(tweetText => tweetText.toLowerCase.split("\\W+"))
.transform(rdd => => {
tweetWordSeq.foreach { word => {
val mySet = Set("apple", "orange");
if(!(mySet)(word)) word }
myNewStream.foreachRDD((rdd,time) => {
println("%s at time %s".format(rdd.count(),time.milliseconds))
(actually I reduced to a maximum the computation I make, just to highlight the problem). Here the mySet is serialized and everything goes well.
But when I'm using instead a broadcast variable and replace the test accordingly:
val ssc = new StreamingContext(sc, Seconds(60))
val mySet = sc.broadcast(Set("apple", "orange"))
val tweetStream = TwitterUtils.createStream(ssc, None)
val myNewStream = => tweet.getText)
.map(tweetText => tweetText.toLowerCase.split("\\W+"))
.transform(rdd => => {
tweetWordSeq.foreach { word => {
if(!(mySet.value)(word)) word }
myNewStream.foreachRDD((rdd,time) => {
println("%s at time %s".format(rdd.count(),time.milliseconds))
I get:
ERROR JobScheduler: Error generating jobs for time 1464335160000 ms
org.apache.spark.SparkException: Task not serializable
Caused by: Object of org.apache.spark.streaming.dstream.TransformedDStream is being serialized possibly as a part of closure of an RDD operation. This is because the DStream object is being referred to from within the closure. Please rewrite the RDD operation inside this DStream to avoid this. This has been enforced to avoid bloating of Spark tasks with unnecessary objects.
I would naturally prefer to use broadcast variables (my set is actually a rather large set of stop words) but I don't quite see where the problem comes from.
You need to create the broadcast variable in the driver, (outside of any closures) not within any transformation like transform, foreachRDD etc.
val ssc = new StreamingContext(sc, Seconds(60))
val mySet = ssc.sparkContext.broadcast(Set("apple", "orange"))
Then, you can access the broadcast variable within the transform or other DStream closures on the executors like,
If you have this statement sc.broadcast(Set("apple", "orange")) within the of the transform closure, driver will try to send the StreamingContext over to all executors and it is not serializable. That's why you are seeing NotSerializableException

How to work with real time streaming data/logs using spark streaming?

I am newbie to Spark and Scala.
I want to implement a REAL TIME Spark Consumer which could read the network logs on per minute basis [fetching around 1GB of JSON log lines/minute] from Kafka Publisher and finally store the aggregated values in ElasticSearch.
Aggregations is based on few values [like bytes_in, bytes_out etc] using composite key [like : client MAC, client IP, server MAC, Server IP etc].
Spark Consumer which I have written is:
object LogsAnalyzerScalaCS{
def main(args : Array[String]) {
val sparkConf = new SparkConf().setAppName("LOGS-AGGREGATION")
sparkConf.set("es.nodes", "my ip address")
sparkConf.set("es.port", "9200")
sparkConf.set("", "true")
sparkConf.set("es.nodes.discovery", "false")
val elasticResource = "conrec_1min/1minute"
val ssc = new StreamingContext(sparkConf, Seconds(30))
val zkQuorum = "my zk quorum IPs:2181"
val consumerGroupId = "LogsConsumer"
val topics = "Logs"
val topicMap = topics.split(",").map((_,3)).toMap
val json = KafkaUtils.createStream(ssc, zkQuorum, consumerGroupId, topicMap)
val logJSON =
logJSON.foreachRDD( rdd =>{
val sqlContext = SQLContextSingleton.getInstance(rdd.sparkContext)
import sqlContext.implicits._
val df =
val groupedData =
"l4_c","l2_s","l3_s","l4_s")).agg(count("f_id") as "total_f", sum("p_out") as "total_p_out",sum("p_in") as "total_p_in",sum("b_out") as "total_b_out",sum("b_in") as "total_b_in", sum("duration") as "total_duration"))
val dataForES = groupedData.withColumnRenamed("start_time_formated", "start_time")
case e: Exception => print("Exception has occurred : "+e.getMessage)
object SQLContextSingleton {
#transient private var instance: org.apache.spark.sql.SQLContext = _
def getInstance(sparkContext: SparkContext): org.apache.spark.sql.SQLContext = {
if (instance == null) {
instance = new org.apache.spark.sql.SQLContext(sparkContext)
First of all I would like to know if at all my approach is correct or not [considering I need 1 min logs aggregation]?
There seems to be an issue using this code:
This Consumer will pull data from the Kafka broker every 30 seconds
and saving the final aggregation to Elasticsearch for that 30
sec data, hence increasing the number of rows in Elasticsearch for
unique key [at least 2 entries per one minute]. UI tool [
let's say Kibana] needs to do further aggregation. If I increase the
polling time from 30 sec to 60 sec then it takes a lot of time to
aggregate and hence not at all remains real time.
I want to implement it in such a way that in ElasticSearch only one
row per key should get saved. Hence I want to perform aggregation
till the time I am not getting new key values in my dataset which is
getting pulled from Kafka broker [per minute basis]. After doing
some googling I have found that this could be achieved using
groupByKey() and updateStateByKey() functions but I am not able to
make out how I could use this in my case [should I convert the JSON
Log lines into a string of log line with flat values and then use
these functions there]? If I will use these functions then when
should I save the final aggregated values into ElasticSearch?
Is there any other way of achieving it?
Your quick help will be appreciated.
import org.apache.kafka.common.serialization.StringDeserializer
import org.apache.spark.sql.SQLContext
import org.apache.spark.sql.SQLContext
import org.apache.spark.sql.SQLContext
import org.apache.spark.streaming.kafka010._
import org.apache.spark.streaming.kafka010.LocationStrategies.PreferConsistent
import org.apache.spark.streaming.kafka010.ConsumerStrategies.Subscribe
import org.apache.spark.{SparkConf, SparkContext}
import org.apache.spark.streaming.{Seconds, StreamingContext}
object Main {
def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
val conf = new SparkConf().setAppName("KafkaWordCount").setMaster("local[*]")
val ssc = new StreamingContext(conf, Seconds(15))
val kafkaParams = Map[String, Object](
"bootstrap.servers" -> "localhost:9092",
"key.deserializer" -> classOf[StringDeserializer],
"value.deserializer" -> classOf[StringDeserializer],
"" -> "group1",
"auto.offset.reset" -> "earliest",
"" -> (false: java.lang.Boolean)
val topics = Array("test")
val stream = KafkaUtils.createDirectStream[String, String](
Subscribe[String, String](topics, kafkaParams)
val out = =>
val words = out.flatMap(_.split(" "))
val count = => (word, 1))
val wdc = count.reduceByKey(_+_)
val sqlContext = SQLContext.getOrCreate(SparkContext.getOrCreate())
val es = sqlContext.createDataFrame(rdd).toDF("word","count")
import org.elasticsearch.spark.sql._
To see full example and sbt
apache-sparkscalahadoopkafkaapache-spark-sql spark-streamingapache-spark-2.0elastic
