Why can't I change a coc/neoclide key binding in Vim 8.1? - vim

I love having a hotkey to format all of the code I'm using. I'd prefer having it on the lower case "f" button. I tried imitating the code given in the default config (the one which creates a new "Format" command) to bind it to "f", but it doesn't work.
Here's the relevant except from my .vimrc:
" Formatting selected code.
"original code commented out
"xmap <leader>f <Plug>(coc-format-selected)
"nmap <leader>f <Plug>(coc-format-selected)
"these bindings do not work
xmap <leader>f :call CocActionAsync('format')
nmap <leader>f :call CocActionAsync('format')
nnoremap <leader>f :call CocActionAsync('format')
"This does however work.... strangely:
" Add `:Format` command to format current buffer.
command! -nargs=0 Format :call CocActionAsync('format')
As a side note, what counts as "selected" for neoclide? I tried using visual selection, but that doesn't seem to work.
Here's the link to the original config:
Many thanks!

So the answer is actually quite simple. Two problems were being generated:
The first one comes from emulation, which basically disabled most of the useful function keys for vim, including CTRL, the START key and others... that made debugging unnecessarily hard. The second one was me confusing the keybinding syntax.
The only thing that seemed to work was to use the existing :Format command and apply it so shift-f:
nmap F :Format<CR>
That's all. I can't imagine that this solution would've taken more than .01% brainpower of anyone experienced with the software. My initial attempts at fixing the problem failed due to the aforementioned emulation problems - I had posted the original not working code in order not to make things too confusing.
Even though the problem is solved now, there is a certain bitterness remaining. Assuming people aren't using software "properly" just because they are learning or do not have your proficiency level seems a very inadequate thing to do. I'd bet that most programmers started by learning from small examples instead of reading a 2000-page documentation first. If you don't want to help, remain silent. I always try to help with what little knowledge I have in, say, C# or TS, or Latin, Spanish or Czech for that matter. Have a good night.


How to find what vim default key binds does?

Apparently <c-space> doing something by default in vim but I can't figure out a way to check what it's doing.
:imap <c-space>
> No mapping found
:h <c-space>
> Sorry, no help for <c-space>
It's a little hard to give a fully generic answer here and sometimes your specific platform or terminal emulator might have an effect on how specific keys are seen by Vim.
One way to try to figure out which key code is seen by Vim is to go into Insert mode and then press Ctrl+V followed by your specific key. (See :help i_CTRL-V, which will tell you Vim will insert the next symbol literally.)
In my case, typing Ctrl+V followed by Ctrl+Space in Insert mode shows me ^#, which symbolizes the Ctrl+# sequence, which shows me that's how Vim is seeing this key sequence.
(I believe this is mostly universal, and Ctrl+Space will always generate Ctrl+# everywhere, but as I mentioned there are platform differences, so I can't guarantee it works that way everywhere, but you should be able to use the same Ctrl+V trick to find out if it's the same or not in your case.)
Following that finding, you can then look at :help i_CTRL-# to see that the Ctrl+# sequence (which should be equivalent to Ctrl+Space) will "insert previously inserted text and stop insert."

Is there a way to alias vim navigation keys? [duplicate]

After attempting to use vim a number of times, I'm always been put off by its default key bindings. After some research, I decided to remap the default keys to more sane ones (at least for my tastes). I have a few questions about changing bindings that I could not find answers to through Google.
Is there a way to map a key to an action rather than another key. For example:
:noremap a h
will bind the a key to move the cursor left. Is there something along the lines of
:noremap a move-cursor-left
:noremap a :move-cursor-left<Enter>
so I can read my config file afterwards?
Is there a way to unbind all of the default key bindings? I've tried :mapclear but it doesn't seem to work, although it might just be clearing non-default bindings. Unmapping every key manually is not an option. If possible, I would like to export the defaults to a file so I can edit them as I need.
Is there another language I can use to write my own commands for vim other than vim-script? I haven't actually looked into this one so much though. If I can bind an external executable to a command, that would be good enough.
I haven't given up on vim although I would like to ask if there are any vim-like alternatives out there. My Google searches came up with nothing actively developed. If the above cannot be done, or reasonably hacked together, I would like to find a fully configurable, modal, command line text editor that can.
The command set of vi / Vim has 40 years of wisdom encoded into it; completely changing it is a bad idea. I can only repeat the reference to this answer from the comments; that should convince you (to accept this, or choose another editor).
Give the default commands another try. It'll take some time to get used to, but most Vim users swear by these. It's fine to make minor adjustments "for personal style": careful evolution, but not revolution. Also, some people with odd keyboard layouts (like Dvorak or Colemak) swap several keys for convenience.
The move-cursor-left is just h; aided by the excellent :help, you should be able to "read" your remappings just fine.
In general, even though it's possible to write extensions / plugins in integrated languages like Perl, Python, Ruby, etc. (based on support for them compiled into the Vim binary), you won't get around learning some key Vim internals and parts of Vimscript. If you don't feel comfortable at all about this, I'd suggest to use another editor. Unfortunately, with your requirements of full extensibility (and probably broad acceptance and platform support), there's only one serious alternative: Emacs (which cannot only be turned into everything but a kitchen sink, but also into a modal editor, too).
(i know this question is old)
you can reset the binds by just over-writing them
on vim you can use many <things> (idk the name)
<Up> = Up-arrow-key
<C-f> = Ctrl, f
<A-Down> = Alt, Down-arrow-key
<Esc> = Escape-key
it's possible to remap the hjkl keys to wasd like this:
nmap w <Up>
nmap a <Left>
nmap s <Down>
nmap d <Right>

repurpose default key in vim

I heard that there is no internal function to call when typing a key combo in vim, unlike emacs. So I want to repurpose Ctrl-A to ^ (like, nnoremap < C-A> ^); however, the original function of Ctrl-A is also attractive, so I want to map it to some other keys, say Ctrl-S. How can I do this the vim way?
This question might have been asked but I searched around and did not find anything close. Thanks in advance.
PS: the stupid vim-emacs war is spamming everywhere and nowhere can i find a real solution that makes a desired feature to work in another environment.
The following should do:
nnoremap <C-A> ^
nnoremap <C-A>A <C-A>
This works because the noremap tells vim to do not apply any other mapping, thus the rhs of the second mapping above is the default <Ctrl-A>.
You will notice that the first mapping will take a delay to execute, because vim waits a while to allow you to type the second mapping. Vim-FAQ 20.16 may help if this bothers you.
But I'd advice against changing the default mapping because, as explained here, vim has many default mappings that may seems silly when you start using it. When you understand it better you will have a hard time finding another key to map it or to get used to the old/default mappings.

Changing default key bindings in vim

After attempting to use vim a number of times, I'm always been put off by its default key bindings. After some research, I decided to remap the default keys to more sane ones (at least for my tastes). I have a few questions about changing bindings that I could not find answers to through Google.
Is there a way to map a key to an action rather than another key. For example:
:noremap a h
will bind the a key to move the cursor left. Is there something along the lines of
:noremap a move-cursor-left
:noremap a :move-cursor-left<Enter>
so I can read my config file afterwards?
Is there a way to unbind all of the default key bindings? I've tried :mapclear but it doesn't seem to work, although it might just be clearing non-default bindings. Unmapping every key manually is not an option. If possible, I would like to export the defaults to a file so I can edit them as I need.
Is there another language I can use to write my own commands for vim other than vim-script? I haven't actually looked into this one so much though. If I can bind an external executable to a command, that would be good enough.
I haven't given up on vim although I would like to ask if there are any vim-like alternatives out there. My Google searches came up with nothing actively developed. If the above cannot be done, or reasonably hacked together, I would like to find a fully configurable, modal, command line text editor that can.
The command set of vi / Vim has 40 years of wisdom encoded into it; completely changing it is a bad idea. I can only repeat the reference to this answer from the comments; that should convince you (to accept this, or choose another editor).
Give the default commands another try. It'll take some time to get used to, but most Vim users swear by these. It's fine to make minor adjustments "for personal style": careful evolution, but not revolution. Also, some people with odd keyboard layouts (like Dvorak or Colemak) swap several keys for convenience.
The move-cursor-left is just h; aided by the excellent :help, you should be able to "read" your remappings just fine.
In general, even though it's possible to write extensions / plugins in integrated languages like Perl, Python, Ruby, etc. (based on support for them compiled into the Vim binary), you won't get around learning some key Vim internals and parts of Vimscript. If you don't feel comfortable at all about this, I'd suggest to use another editor. Unfortunately, with your requirements of full extensibility (and probably broad acceptance and platform support), there's only one serious alternative: Emacs (which cannot only be turned into everything but a kitchen sink, but also into a modal editor, too).
(i know this question is old)
you can reset the binds by just over-writing them
on vim you can use many <things> (idk the name)
<Up> = Up-arrow-key
<C-f> = Ctrl, f
<A-Down> = Alt, Down-arrow-key
<Esc> = Escape-key
it's possible to remap the hjkl keys to wasd like this:
nmap w <Up>
nmap a <Left>
nmap s <Down>
nmap d <Right>

VIM latex-suite inserts macro code instead of executing macros

I have a problem that's been bugging me for quite a while and that I can't find the solution to.
I want to use the feature where I can press <C-j> and the cursor moves to the next placeholder.
This works for regular files, but when I edit .tex files (i.e. latex-suite is enabled), this inserts:
\right=IMAP_Jumpfunc('', 0)
instead of actually jumping (which I presume is done by the above mapping somehow).
There's no problem with regular mappings (that I've made myself like so: map rhs lhs), but it doesn't work for any latex-suite macros. Other example: if I insert figure (via menu), it just inserts the following inside the text:
Sorry I can't solve this problem myself, which is probably trivial for an experienced user. But I have no-one around to ask.
Looks like you forgot the <c-r>= before the call to the function.
EDIT: I think I understand. Whem IMAPS is installed, it quickly parasites all our mappings. You will have to use IMAP() to define you own mappings. I had to do it in my bracketing-system in order to be robust to IMAP/LaTeX-suite presence.
Gah, I found the error!
I had defined a key mapping like so:
:imap <C-r> \right
(for adding to brackets in latex). This was then called by the pre-defined mappings ...
What a quagmire
Lesson taken: always comment-out entire or parts of the settings files, and then see if things start working.
