VIM latex-suite inserts macro code instead of executing macros - vim

I have a problem that's been bugging me for quite a while and that I can't find the solution to.
I want to use the feature where I can press <C-j> and the cursor moves to the next placeholder.
This works for regular files, but when I edit .tex files (i.e. latex-suite is enabled), this inserts:
\right=IMAP_Jumpfunc('', 0)
instead of actually jumping (which I presume is done by the above mapping somehow).
There's no problem with regular mappings (that I've made myself like so: map rhs lhs), but it doesn't work for any latex-suite macros. Other example: if I insert figure (via menu), it just inserts the following inside the text:
Sorry I can't solve this problem myself, which is probably trivial for an experienced user. But I have no-one around to ask.

Looks like you forgot the <c-r>= before the call to the function.
EDIT: I think I understand. Whem IMAPS is installed, it quickly parasites all our mappings. You will have to use IMAP() to define you own mappings. I had to do it in my bracketing-system in order to be robust to IMAP/LaTeX-suite presence.

Gah, I found the error!
I had defined a key mapping like so:
:imap <C-r> \right
(for adding to brackets in latex). This was then called by the pre-defined mappings ...
What a quagmire
Lesson taken: always comment-out entire or parts of the settings files, and then see if things start working.


vim insert mode dollar sign is slow

I'm new to vim. I use predefined .vimrc and have some small problems with it. Whenever I type the $ sign in insert mode, the insertion stops for a moment, and if I would type, for example, 1 afterwards two brackets () will be inserted. I don't know which of the plugins causes this behavior but I would like to disable it.
Can someone help me?
The documentation for this framework spells out this mapping on its main page:
inoremap $1 ()<esc>I
This mapping and related ones are specified in the extended vimrc file starting on line 82:
So, just delete those mappings in your copy of that file.
Note: I don't know anything about this project, nor have I tested this out. I'm just assuming this will work after quickly reviewing the project with the link you provided.

How do I customize three letter sequences in Vim Latex-Suite?

I installed Latex-Suite for Vim, and I like it very much, but I'd like to be able to customize the environment mappings that came by default, and add new ones. For example I want to edit the equation environment that appears typing EEQ and move around some elements, like the \label{} command. How can I do this? I've been scanning everything inside my /usr/share/vim/vimfiles/ftplugin but I can't find a way to do it (or I just don't understand what those files are).
You want to check out the documentation on Macro Customisation, specifically the Tex_Env_{name} bit.
In short, if you want your theorem snippet to look like
then you want a line like
let g:Tex_Env_theorem = "\\begin{theorem}\<CR><++>\<CR>\\end{theorem}"
in your vimrc.
Note the backslashes to escape carriage-return, and double-backslash for normal backslashes.
The <F5> functionality (press F5 after typing an environment name, i.e. figure<F5>) should work out of the box, but you may need to refresh the three-letter code. This is more hassle than it needs to be, but something like
autocmd BufNewFile,BufRead *.tex call IMAP('EFI', g:Tex_Env_figure,'tex')
will do the job.
The answer to the question you asked comes with a caveat, which is that Latex-Suite is an enormous amount of code that is very hard and annoying to modify, and which does not play nicely with other plugins. This falls into Latex-Suite's philosophy that it's the only plugin you need for editing latex within vim.
That said, you want to look in /path/to/ftplugin/latex-suite/envmacros.vim. Searching for EEQ will lead you on the path to understanding the set of calls that latex-suite performs. I would like to reiterate that many functions are deeply intertwined.
On the other hand, there is a very easy way to have very easily customizable environments, which are snippets. See the UltiSnips page for a good example of how this works. These are designed for customization and extremely easy to write.

VIM keybinding to jump back to initial position after indenting the whole file

I have created a keybinding that should indent a whole file.
My first solution looked like this:
map <F4> gg=G
The problem is that after pressing F4, the cursor jumped to the first line of the file. So I have tried to improve my solution with the feature of markers, look like this:
map <F4> mzgg=G'z<CR>
I expected this would have resolved my problem, but the command do the same as the first. When I try to jump to the z marker manually vim told me "marker not set".
After changing the keybinding, I have or course restarted vim! I am using the GVIM 7.3 on a WIN 7 machine.
Thank you in advance for your Help!
After trying to get my keybinding working by tipping it directly to vim commandline. I find out that the keybinding was working quite nice. I think problem is that I create a session some times ago (with mksession) and if you load a session I think vim ignores the vimrc-file. Is this assumption right?
In these thread I find a soultion to make mksession save less options.
Another lightweight approach: set the ` mark, format the buffer and jump back to the mark afterwards.
:nnoremap <key> m`gg=G``
I would recommend the use of CTRLo and CTRLi which allow to go respectively backward and forward in the jump list. See :help jumps.
The following mapping
map <F4> gg=G2<C-o>
works. (It jumps back two times in the jump list)
But generally, the jump list is a great way to navigate in a file, this is likely the shortcuts that use the most in my daily use. It is also works if you jump to a tag to go back to your original location.
You might also want to use nnoremap rather than map, this way it will only work in normal mode, and you could potentially reuse F4 in combination in another key binding without having recursive mappings.
nnoremap <F4> gg=G2<C-o>

vim command-line snippets possible?

Is there any way to define and use snippets on the vim command-line? For example, when I want to select a portion of text I want to replace a string of text within, excluding the rest of the line, I have to change:
which once in awhile might be alright, but lately I find myself performing this kind of s/S/R/ often enough to make it a PITA; yet still more efficient than making each change in the selection manually.
Actually there are quite a few regular editing command I use in VIM that would increase my efficiency if I could tie them to a snippet somehow. So is there any way to use snippets at vim command-line?
What about just going on with your substitution without changing anything?
Or using a visual mode mapping?
xnoremap <key> :s/\%V/g<left><left>
There is build-in feature cnoreabbrev it is simple replacement, so if you define it for example
:cnoreabbrev ss %s\%VsPat/rPat/g
then when you type :ss and press <space>, it will automatically replace ss with following
Check it out, it should solve at least half of your problems :-)

enter button insert a new line instead of choosing an alternative

Recently when I tried to use the ctrl+n or ctrl+p to auto-complete, when there are multiple alternatives, tapping the enter button will insert a new line instead choose the alternative I want.
This did not happen before, maybe because I installed too many plugins and caused the conflicts. It would be horrible to check all these plugins' shot cuts and find out the source. So mapping the built-in auto-complete to some other keys could be a solution, but I don't know how to do that.
This is not a big problem but really made coding not "smooth". Anybody has met this situation before and how did you deal with it.
Short answer: You don't need to use <cr> to accept a match.
Snippet from the vim help :h popupmenu-keys
The behavior of the <Enter> key depends on the state you are in:
first state: Use the text as it is and insert a line break.
second state: Insert the currently selected match.
third state: Use the text as it is and insert a line break.
In other words: If you used the cursor keys to select another entry in the
list of matches then the <Enter> key inserts that match. If you typed
something else then <Enter> inserts a line break.
I would suggest you use <c-n> and <c-p> to switch to the correct mapping and then continue on with your typing. Typically this means I type a space or some other punctuation key and the menu closes. I never use <cr> to select a menu item. If however you really want to accept a match use <c-y>. Think "yes" to the selected menu item.
I just fixed a very similar problem caused by the vim-autoclose plugin by replacing it with the Auto-Pairs plugin. I doubt that yours is exactly the same culprit but it's actually not too bad hunting down the guilty party if you use pathogen for your plugins - just move half of your plugins from ~/.vim/bundle (or wherever they are) into a different folder, restart vim and test the autocompletion. If it works as expected, you know that one of the plugins you have moved out is responsible, so you can do the same again until you have narrowed it down.
Before that, you can also try running vim -u NONE which ignores your .vimrc file - it may be that you've snuck something in yourself and this is the fastest way to rule it out.
Good luck anyway. This took me about ten minutes and after probably a year of occasional annoyance I wish I had taken the time earlier.
