Import multiple Vendors in one cell from xlsx to Odoo - excel

I am looking for a way to modify my excel file to import my vendors for my product templates via name. The problem is I have to seperate multiple names in excel so Odoo can recognize it as one name. So instead of having one Vendor name in one cell I want to have one cell with Vendor names, but recognized by odoo as individual. Is there any expression I can use?
I am aware of using keys and ids is way better but I have plenty of products and I dont know their keys
Instead of this :
I need it to be like this:
I want to prevent something like this

As per my understanding what you asked is not possible. The best option, in this case, is to create a new import script which parses the data in the cell accordingly and imports it into the product template.


Import entities with country as string in Shopware 6

I would like to import a customer list with countries as string.
I have imported entities with the countries ISO code before, but I am struggling with just the translated names as the identifier for the country.
The field which I use in my import profile is This field works perfectly fine on export, but fails on import - even with the previously exported file. I noticed, that the sheet containing the failed imports has Ids in the country column, that do not seem to be valid.
Is there a correct way to import entities with countries by the country name? Or do I have to use an Id / Iso code?
This is not possible. When you pass in an association just some fields, it will create that entity and assign it. You need to resolve the ID beforehand and reference only the ID.
There is an issue open to allow referencing using unique fields, to solve issues like this. But I guess this will be not solved in near future
I was able to resolve the ID's by exporting the SW Countries into a CSV:
SELECT country_translation.country_id, FROM country_translation LEFT JOIN language ON = country_translation.language_id WHERE = 'English';
And then use VLOOKUP in Excel to match the ID's to the countries.

How can I export existing links in DOORS to Excel

I'm working with a third party that is not allowed to access DOORS but is in for the requirement and the linking to the testcases. It is no problem to export both documents in an Excel sheet. Unfortunately, the most important feature of DOORS, namely the linking between testcases and requirements will not be exported.
How can I export the links between the two modules to Excel or some other format?
have a look at the Analysis→Wizard. With this, you can create DXL Layout columns that show the linked requirements, including attributes of your choice, like Object Text, Object Heading, Requirement Type or whatever. You can even create columns for recursively linked objects (Customer Req→System Req→Functional Req→Design→...).
Then export the current view to excel.
If you want the external company to create new links while they work with the excel sheet, let them create a new column in the sheet that contains the absolute number(s) of the objects to be linked, import the column to a new temporary attribute and use Link→Advanced→Link by Attribute… to create links.

Is there a way to search multiple keywords in a Saved Search on NetSuite?

I am creating a Saved Search for my team where users can filter by different parameters but the most important one is a ‘Keyword’ field where we have multiple text strings separated by commas. Eg: One could be (Horses, Apples, Cows, Carrots, Balloons) and another could be (Apples, Cake, Silver, Horses, Bananas)
I want to be able to use the free text search field to look up all rows where I can find a relevant entry.
Eg. Let’s say I type “Apples” and “Horses”. I want to see all entries where these are found together.
I have tried setting the criteria to “Contains” but can’t seem to use operators in the input field. I have also tried to use expressions but got You cannot use an expression builder criteria filter as an available filter" as an error.
I’m not familiar with NetSuite but willing to learn. I was able to create this in Google Sheets. Since we already store our information on NS already, I want to find a way to do it there. Is there a way to achieve this?
Thank you.
When you create the saved search, you can just specify a default value that will be used in the initial search load (e.g. contains Apples). In the Available Filters tab, select the same filter and check Show in Filter Region.
When users run the saved search, they can change the criteria by typing into the field and pressing Tab after (if you press Enter instead of Tab, the results will be downloaded into a CSV file instead of being displayed in the page). In your example, they should type 'apples%horses' then press Tab.
Additional reference:
Use 'has keywords' instead of 'contains' in the filter. When viewing the results, separate keywords with a comma. Example: 'apples, horses'

Using Microsoft Access Database to put values in an Excel Template

I am trying to build a better structure for creating product specifications for our products, Currently everything is done in excel, as a result every time a value is changed, it takes numerous man hours to make that change to all the specifications. Additionally, our inventory of products continues to grow. I am trying to introduce a new system for developing specifications that will allow me to manage the snowball effect of growing specs and increasing work for simple changes to the entire product line.
My question is, if I build a database with all the necessary values for the template we already use (an excel sheet), is there a way I can enter a part number in the excel template and have all the other values populate into the template at their appropriate locations?
I have posted images of the template and a sample of what the Access database could look like.
Thank you for your help.

fetch data from ms-access to ms-word

i am looking to create an invoice in either MS-excel or MS-word. This invoice will contain several fields like invoice no., customer name, product info, quantity, Amount, Date, Address of customer, phone no. etc. The function of the invoice will be, to generate a unique invoice number, every time i open it, and then the vendor will mention the customer's info, product's info and click on submit button or save it. The info mentioned in the invoice will automatically be saved in the MS-Access database whenever submit button is clicked or the document is saved.
Thus, All the records of the customer will be saved in the MS-Access database. whenever i need to search for a particular customer, i should be able to search it from either invoice no. or any unique field for that particular invoice. I hope my query is explained clearly. please let me know the easiest way to do it. I do not have the vast knowledge about this subject, so give me suggestions that are understandable by a Novice.
I think you are starting from the wrong end. Use an Access form to get the data and then run a mailmerge, the easiest way is to output a text file from Access as the data file and use a Word template for the merge.
An autonumber may suit for invoice number as long as all you need is a unique number. If you need documented sequential numbers, you will have to create then yourself. How you do it will depend on the number of users working at the same time.
I can tell you now, generating Word files with Access is a bit of a pain in the ass. If you really want to do formatting it gets hard (is my experience).
I ended up generating HTML files in which I could control everything, and opening them as .docs. But if you are really new to this, I suggest you start with some VBA tutorials, where they explain to you how you get records from you database and loop through them to generate output. And then you can start looking at file writing functions in VBA.
Can't find any tutorials real quick (my girlfriend is getting angry as we speak), but here is a sample:
Just look around in fora, look for file generation and looping through records.
Hi just reading your post, like Remou l would strongly suggest you use Access to enter and store the data. It is possible to get a user to enter data into a spreadsheet and write the data back to Access DB. Not something l would recommend for the novice, here is a link to some code on how it could be done
Returning to your first question, of creating the invoice have you considered generating the invoices from Access using a report? They can be printed to PDF, or exported to various electronic formats. Or is there specific reason to use Word/Excel? If are going down the route of using Word to generate the invoice then use a template as Remou suggested. See this link for some samples see the section titled Access > Word. I have used the examples as a basis for Access to Word. A number of the examples though use a tecnology called DAO, which l understand will not be included in any operating system after Windows 7. Just something to be aware of.
Searching for a record in a database table this link has one possible solution . Also the author has included a example database.
