"Testlog - Get Test Result Logs" in Azure devops services- REST API for Manual Testing - azure

Getting Response as
when tried to get the logs of test results and test run for manual testing using the REST API.
Sample Requests:
Test Result:
GET https://vstmr.dev.azure.com/{organization}/{project}/_apis/testresults/runs/{runId}/results/{resultId}/testlog?type=generalAttachment&api-version=6.0-preview.1
Test Run:
GET https://vstmr.dev.azure.com/{organization}/{project}/_apis/testresults/runs/{runId}/testlog?type=generalAttachment&api-version=6.0-preview.1
Looking for guidance to get the required response as mentioned below:
"logReference": {
"scope": 0,
"buildId": 0,
"releaseId": 0,
"releaseEnvId": 0,
"runId": 1,
"resultId": 0,
"subResultId": 0,
"type": 1,
"filePath": "textAsFileAttachment.txt"
"modifiedOn": "/Date(123456789)/",
"size": 65826,
"metaData": {}


Azure dashboard not found after setting via API

I am testing the setting of simple dashboard examples using Azure CLI. Using docs The structure of Azure dashboards This file is a single tile (a small square of browser window) that outputs a short message. I used the following command in VS Code terminal:
az portal dashboard import --name "mySingleTileDashboard1" --resource-group "example-resources_copy" --input-path singleTileDashboard.json
Here is the terminal output showing the .JSON script.
"id": "/subscriptions/xxxxxxxxxxxx/resourceGroups/example-resources_copy/providers/Microsoft.Portal/dashboards/mySingleTileDashboard1",
"lenses": {
"0": {
"metadata": null,
"order": 0,
"parts": {
"0": {
"metadata": null,
"position": {
"colSpan": 3,
"metadata": null,
"rowSpan": 2,
"x": 0,
"y": 0
"location": "westus",
"metadata": {
"inputs": [],
"settings": {
"content": {
"settings": {
"content": "## Dashboard Overview\r\nSingle tile example. Code lifted from azure-portal-dashboards-structure",
"subtitle": "",
"title": ""
"type": "Extension/HubsExtension/PartType/MarkdownPart"
"name": "mySingleTileDashboard1",
"resourceGroup": "example-resources_copy",
"tags": {
"hidden-title": "Created via API"
"type": "Microsoft.Portal/dashboards"
The portal shows that the dashboard has been set. The Overview shows all parameters present. But when I use "Go to dashboard" I get an error page:
Dashboard 'arm/subscriptions/xxxxxxxxxx/resourcegroups/example-resources_copy/providers/microsoft.portal/dashboards/mysingletiledashboard1' no longer exists. It was previously published to resource group 'example-resources_copy' in subscription 'xxxxxxxxxxxxx'.
I followed through on the error using Resolve errors for resource not found The Activity Log showed that the Set Dashboard Succeeded.
The doubt I had, in my script, was the following line:
"type": "Extension/HubsExtension/PartType/MarkdownPart"
The docs show the line to be Extension[azure]/ ... etc. However I tried both versions but got the same result.
Previously I have only set a blank dashboard via script. And it worked. Here it doesn't. So I have a suspicion the line with the MarkdownPart may be screwing things up.

Azure DevOps API - Create new branch from master without adding changes

I'm attempting to use Azure DevOps Services Rest API to create a new branch from master but I've been unsuccessful.
Docs: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/rest/api/azure/devops/git/refs/update-refs?view=azure-devops-rest-5.1#examples
Endpoint: https://dev.azure.com/{{organization}}/{{project}}/_apis/git/repositories/{{repositoryId}}/refs?api-version={{api-version}}
"name": "refs/heads/new-test-branch-from-api-call",
"oldObjectId": "{{masterObjectId}}",
"newObjectId": "{{newObjectId}}"
"$id": "1",
"innerException": null,
"message": "TF401035: The object '****************************************' does not exist.",
"typeName": "Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Git.Server.GitObjectDoesNotExistException, Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Git.Server",
"typeKey": "GitObjectDoesNotExistException",
"errorCode": 0,
"eventId": 3000
A comment on this post states that this is the route to take. Also states that the repositoryId should be used and the newObjectId which results in:
"$id": "1",
"innerException": null,
"message": "An object ID must be 40 characters long and only have hex digits. Passed in object ID: ********-****-****-****-************.",
"typeName": "System.ArgumentException, mscorlib",
"typeKey": "ArgumentException",
"errorCode": 0,
"eventId": 0
newObjectId is the object id of the existing branch. Really not sure why this is named new when it is actually older. Very odd.
"name": "refs/heads/new-test-branch-from-api-call",
"newObjectId": "{{BranchObjectIdGoesHere}}",
"oldObjectId": "0000000000000000000000000000000000000000"

AWS ECS create service waits for user input while showing output on console

I am using circleci job to create an ECS service. Below is the aws cli command that I'm using to create ECS service.
aws ecs create-service --cluster "test-cluster" --service-name testServiceName \
--task-definition testdef:1 \
--desired-count 1 --launch-type EC2
When this command is executing following error is occurred and the CircleCI job is failed.
{ress RETURN)
"service": {
"serviceArn": "arn:aws:ecs:*********:<account-id>:service/testServiceName",
"serviceName": "testServiceName",
"clusterArn": "arn:aws:ecs:*********:<account-id>:cluster/test-cluster",
"loadBalancers": [],
"serviceRegistries": [],
"status": "ACTIVE",
"desiredCount": 1,
"runningCount": 0,
"pendingCount": 0,
"launchType": "EC2",
"taskDefinition": "arn:aws:ecs:*********:<account-id>:task-definition/testdef*********:1",
"deploymentConfiguration": {
"maximumPercent": 200,
"minimumHealthyPercent": 100
"deployments": [
"id": "ecs-svc/1585305191116328179",
"status": "PRIMARY",
Too long with no output (exceeded 10m0s): context deadline exceeded
Running the command locally on a minimized terminal window gives the following output
"service": {
"serviceArn": "arn:aws:ecs:<region>:<account-id>:service/testServiceName",
"serviceName": "testServiceName",
"clusterArn": "arn:aws:ecs:<region>:<account-id>:cluster/test-cluster",
"loadBalancers": [],
"serviceRegistries": [],
"status": "ACTIVE",
"desiredCount": 1,
"runningCount": 0,
"pendingCount": 0,
"launchType": "EC2",
"taskDefinition": "arn:aws:ecs:<region>:<account-id>:task-definition/testdef:1",
"deploymentConfiguration": {
"maximumPercent": 200,
"minimumHealthyPercent": 100
"deployments": [
"id": "ecs-svc/8313453507891259676",
"status": "PRIMARY",
"taskDefinition": "arn:aws:ecs:<region>:<account-id>:task-definition/testdef:1",
"desiredCount": 1,
The further execution is stopped until I hit some key. This is the reason that CircleCI job is failing after 10m threshold limit. When I run the command in a full screen terminal locally then it does not wait and shows the output.
Is there any way that the command is run in such a way that it does not wait for any key to be hit and execution is completed so that the pipeline does not fail. Please note that the ECS service is created successfully.

Add steps to a build definition in AzureDevOps 2019

I'm trying to create ADOS build definitions programmatically. I found a similar question with an answer here: How to create Build Definitions through VSTS REST API
In the answer example, the steps property is empty. I included some steps (taken from a JSON gotten from another build definition using the same API). The result is that the created build definitions has no steps.
I dug into the .NET API browser, and found that there is a BuildProcess classs with a Process property which should take a DesignerProcess for TFVC pipelines (since YAML is only suported for Git repos), DesignerProcess has a Phase property which is readonly, that maybe the reason why it's not creating my steps
However I still need to find out a way to create a builds steps programmatically
However I still need to find out a way to create a builds steps programmatically.
If you don't know what to add to the step property, you can grab request body in developer console window when saving a Classic UI Pipeline.
Here are the detailed steps:
Create a Classic UI with steps you want in ADOS. (Don't save it in this step)
If you are using edge, press F12 to open developer console window. Then choose 'NetWork'.
Click Save and you will find a record called 'definitions'.
Click it and the request body is at the bottom of the page. You will find steps-related information in Process and processParameters properties.
If you are using a different browser, there might be some slight differences in step 2, 3 and 4.
Then you can edit and add the script in your REST API request body.
Here is a simple example of request body that includes a Command Line task.
"process": {
"phases": [
"condition": "succeeded()",
"dependencies": [],
"jobAuthorizationScope": 1,
"jobCancelTimeoutInMinutes": 0,
"jobTimeoutInMinutes": 0,
"name": "Agent job 1",
"refName": "Job_1",
"steps": [
"displayName": "Command Line Script",
"refName": null,
"enabled": true,
"continueOnError": false,
"timeoutInMinutes": 0,
"alwaysRun": false,
"condition": "succeeded()",
"inputs": {
"script": "echo Hello world\n",
"workingDirectory": "",
"failOnStderr": "false"
"overrideInputs": {},
"environment": {},
"task": {
"id": "d9bafed4-0b18-4f58-968d-86655b4d2ce9",
"definitionType": "task",
"versionSpec": "2.*"
"target": {
"type": 1,
"demands": [],
"executionOptions": {
"type": 0
"variables": {}
"type": 1,
"target": {
"agentSpecification": {
"metadataDocument": "https://mmsprodea1.vstsmms.visualstudio.com/_apis/mms/images/VS2017/metadata",
"identifier": "vs2017-win2016",
"url": "https://mmsprodea1.vstsmms.visualstudio.com/_apis/mms/images/VS2017"
"resources": {}
What's more, creating YAML pipelines by REST API is not supported currently. Click this question for detailed information.

Fetching host availability to external webpage in Nagios

Is there any possible way to fetch the live availability of host/host group from Nagios monitoring tool (where host/hostgroups are already configured) which can be redirected/captured to an external webpage.
are there any exposed API's to do that, couldn't found a way.
Nagios is on a Linux host.
Any help or info is appreciated.
I have a hostgroup say for example 'All_prod' in this hostgroup I will be having around 20 linux hosts for all the host there would be some metrics/checks defined (example availability, cpu load, free memory ..etc). Here I want the report of only availability metrics of all the host(example : lets say if in 24 hours if the availability is down for 10 minutes then it should provide me with the report as it was down for 10 minutes in 24 hours or just give me any related info which i can evaluate using data evaluation).
it would be great if there are any API's to fetch that information, which will return the data as json/xml.
You can use the Nagios JSON API. You can use the query builder here http://NAGIOSURL/jsonquery.html.
But, to answer your specific question, the queries for hosts would look like this:
Which will output something similar to the following:
"format_version": 0,
"result": {
"query_time": 1497384499000,
"cgi": "statusjson.cgi",
"user": "nagiosadmin",
"query": "host",
"query_status": "released",
"program_start": 1497368240000,
"last_data_update": 1497384489000,
"type_code": 0,
"type_text": "Success",
"message": ""
"data": {
"host": {
"name": "localhost",
"plugin_output": "egsdda",
"long_plugin_output": "",
"perf_data": "",
"status": 8,
"last_update": 1497384489000,
"has_been_checked": true,
"should_be_scheduled": false,
"current_attempt": 10,
"max_attempts": 10,
"last_check": 1496158536000,
"next_check": 0,
"check_options": 0,
"check_type": 1,
"last_state_change": 1496158536000,
"last_hard_state_change": 1496158536000,
"last_hard_state": 1,
"last_time_up": 1496158009000,
"last_time_down": 1496158536000,
"last_time_unreachable": 1480459504000,
"state_type": 1,
"last_notification": 1496158536000,
"next_notification": 1496165736000,
"no_more_notifications": false,
"notifications_enabled": true,
"problem_has_been_acknowledged": false,
"acknowledgement_type": 0,
"current_notification_number": 2,
"accept_passive_checks": true,
"event_handler_enabled": true,
"checks_enabled": false,
"flap_detection_enabled": true,
"is_flapping": false,
"percent_state_change": 0,
"latency": 0.49,
"execution_time": 0,
"scheduled_downtime_depth": 0,
"process_performance_data": true,
"obsess": true
And for hostgroups:
Which will output something similar to the following:
"format_version": 0,
"result": {
"query_time": 1497384613000,
"cgi": "statusjson.cgi",
"user": "nagiosadmin",
"query": "hostlist",
"query_status": "released",
"program_start": 1497368240000,
"last_data_update": 1497384609000,
"type_code": 0,
"type_text": "Success",
"message": ""
"data": {
"selectors": {
"hostgroup": "linux-servers"
"hostlist": {
"localhost": 8
Hope this helps!
EDIT 1 (To correspond with the question's EDIT 1):
What you're asking for isn't built in by default. You can use the above methods to grab the data for each host (but it sounds like you want it for each service), so again we will use the JSON API found at http://YOURNAGIOSURL/jsonquery.html to grab service data..
We'll get the following output (something similar, anyway):
"format_version": 0,
"result": {
"query_time": 1497875258000,
"cgi": "statusjson.cgi",
"user": "nagiosadmin",
"query": "service",
"query_status": "released",
"program_start": 1497800686000,
"last_data_update": 1497875255000,
"type_code": 0,
"type_text": "Success",
"message": ""
"data": {
"service": {
"host_name": "localhost",
"description": "Current Load",
"plugin_output": "OK - load average: 0.00, 0.00, 0.00",
"long_plugin_output": "",
"perf_data": "load1=0.000;5.000;10.000;0; load5=0.000;4.000;6.000;0; load15=0.000;3.000;4.000;0;",
"max_attempts": 4,
"current_attempt": 1,
"status": 2,
"last_update": 1497875255000,
"has_been_checked": true,
"should_be_scheduled": true,
"last_check": 1497875014000,
"check_options": 0,
"check_type": 0,
"checks_enabled": true,
"last_state_change": 1497019191000,
"last_hard_state_change": 1497019191000,
"last_hard_state": 0,
"last_time_ok": 1497875014000,
"last_time_warning": 1497019191000,
"last_time_unknown": 0,
"last_time_critical": 1497018891000,
"state_type": 1,
"last_notification": 0,
"next_notification": 0,
"next_check": 1497875314000,
"no_more_notifications": false,
"notifications_enabled": true,
"problem_has_been_acknowledged": false,
"acknowledgement_type": 0,
"current_notification_number": 0,
"accept_passive_checks": true,
"event_handler_enabled": true,
"flap_detection_enabled": true,
"is_flapping": false,
"percent_state_change": 0,
"latency": 0,
"execution_time": 0,
"scheduled_downtime_depth": 0,
"process_performance_data": true,
"obsess": true
The most important line for what you're trying to do (as far as I understand it) is the perfdata line:
"perf_data": "load1=0.000;5.000;10.000;0; load5=0.000;4.000;6.000;0; load15=0.000;3.000;4.000;0;",
This is the data you'd use to generate whatever custom metrics report you're trying to generate.
Keep in mind this is something that is sort of built in to Nagios XI (not in an exportable format like you're requesting) but the metrics component does allow you to easily drill down and take a look at some metric specific data.
Hope this helps!
