Azure DevOps API - Create new branch from master without adding changes - azure

I'm attempting to use Azure DevOps Services Rest API to create a new branch from master but I've been unsuccessful.
"name": "refs/heads/new-test-branch-from-api-call",
"oldObjectId": "{{masterObjectId}}",
"newObjectId": "{{newObjectId}}"
"$id": "1",
"innerException": null,
"message": "TF401035: The object '****************************************' does not exist.",
"typeName": "Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Git.Server.GitObjectDoesNotExistException, Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Git.Server",
"typeKey": "GitObjectDoesNotExistException",
"errorCode": 0,
"eventId": 3000
A comment on this post states that this is the route to take. Also states that the repositoryId should be used and the newObjectId which results in:
"$id": "1",
"innerException": null,
"message": "An object ID must be 40 characters long and only have hex digits. Passed in object ID: ********-****-****-****-************.",
"typeName": "System.ArgumentException, mscorlib",
"typeKey": "ArgumentException",
"errorCode": 0,
"eventId": 0

newObjectId is the object id of the existing branch. Really not sure why this is named new when it is actually older. Very odd.
"name": "refs/heads/new-test-branch-from-api-call",
"newObjectId": "{{BranchObjectIdGoesHere}}",
"oldObjectId": "0000000000000000000000000000000000000000"


Share azure devops variables across projects

I am trying to share linked variables across projects.
I read that is was not possible but I found this API endpoint that may do the trick.
When I call this API:
with this Body:
"name":"Customer Services"
I get this response:
"$id": "1",
"innerException": null,
"message": "Value cannot be null.\r\nParameter name: variableGroupProjectReferences",
"typeName": "System.ArgumentNullException, mscorlib",
"typeKey": "ArgumentNullException",
"errorCode": 0,
"eventId": 0
Value cannot be null.\r\nParameter name: variableGroupProjectReferences
The request body seems to have issue.
You can refer to the following sample:
"projectReference": {
"id": "ProjectID",
"name": "ProjectName"
"name": "variablegroupname",
"description": ""
But it will show the error: Sharing of variable group is not allowed.
The cause of this issue is that the variable group property: "isShared": false
You can get the variable group property with the Rest API: Variablegroups - Get
But currently it seems that we cannot change this property. So we couldn't share the variable group.
Refer to this feedback ticket: VariableGroup cannot be shared via REST API.
I suggest that you can report the issue to Developer Community.

How to purge records from Application Insights bucket?

I used to following instructions from, but now it produces the following error:
Purge operation on a workspace-based Application Insights resource is not supported. Instead, please run purge operation directly on the workspace, scoped to specific resource id. See more at"
OK, so are the new instructions, but it does not explain how to "scope the operation to the specific resource id", because the records are still in an AI bucket, not the workspace.
So, how do I purge from AI in the new world?
I should have been more clear. I do not want to purge all the records. For example, consider the following purge request body, which was enough in the past:
"table": "customEvents",
"filters": [
"column": "customMeasurements",
"key": "seq",
"operator": "==",
"value": "''"
It could be used to purge all the records with customMeasurements.seq being empty. Now how do I compose it with the _ResourceId field?
When giving the following request body:
"table": "customEvents",
"filters": [
"column": "customMeasurements",
"key": "seq",
"operator": "==",
"value": "''"
"column": "_ResourceId",
"operator": "==",
"value": "/subscriptions/.../resourcegroups/.../providers/microsoft.insights/components/..."
The request fails with:
"error": {
"message": "The request had some invalid properties",
"code": "BadArgumentError",
"correlationId": "...",
"innererror": {
"code": "QueryValidationError",
"message": "'customEvents' is not a valid table"
There is still a problem. Indeed, consider the following query:
| where Measurements.seq == '' and _ResourceId == '/subscriptions/d...8/resourcegroups/app508-re-mark-test/providers/microsoft.insights/components/app508-re-mark-test-ai'
| summarize count()
This query works and return some count.
Now I want to use the same condition to purge records in the same workspace:
"table": "AppEvents",
"filters": [
"column": "Measurements",
"key": "seq",
"operator": "==",
"value": "''"
"column": "_ResourceId",
"operator": "==",
"value": "/subscriptions/d...8/resourcegroups/app508-re-mark-test/providers/microsoft.insights/components/app508-re-mark-test-ai"
But I get back the following error:
"error": {
"message": "The request had some invalid properties",
"code": "BadArgumentError",
"correlationId": "c08bb441-a316-4989-a527-202a101e515d",
"innererror": {
"code": "QueryValidationError",
"message": "Unsupported column '_ResourceId'"
Note, that omitting the _ResourceId works, but I do want to be able to use it.
What am I missing?
Thank you for your question, and feedback.
What you will need to do, is to filter by the specific resource id, in addition to any other required filter.
"column": "_ResourceId",
"operator": "==",
"value": “/subscriptions/12341234-1234-1234-1234-123412341234/resourceGroups/SomeResourceGroup/providers/microsoft.insights/components/AppInsightResource”
Please note,
The table names have changed between the Classic Applicaiton insights, and the workspace-based Application insights. For example, in your case the table name should be AppEvents instead of customEvents.
You can review this link for other table names changes.
We will also modify the articles to reflect this information.

How to create a fork of a parent repository using Azure DevOps REST API?

How can we create a new repository copying all the contents from a parent repository? I have tried forking an existing repository, but the REST API is throwing 400 Bad Request exception.
The sample request provided in the Microsoft document here is not working as expected and is throwing below exception.
"$id": "1",
"innerException": null,
"message": "A team project ID or name is required in the URL or request body.\r\nParameter name: ProjectReference",
"typeName": "Microsoft.TeamFoundation.SourceControl.WebServer.InvalidArgumentValueException, Microsoft.TeamFoundation.SourceControl.WebServer",
"typeKey": "InvalidArgumentValueException",
"errorCode": 0,
"eventId": 0
How to create a fork of a parent repository using Azure DevOps REST API?
I could reproduce this issue with the sample request body.
To resolve this issue, please try to replace the name with ID of the project:
"name": "forkRepository",
"project": {
"id": "MyFirstProject_ID"
"parentRepository": {
"name": "MyFirstRepo",
"project": {
"id": "MyFirstProject_ID"
My test result:
And the fork repo:

Walmart API- Existing Type error issue- Bulk Items Setup(multiple)

I am able to make API calls to Walmart API through a Postman the bulk items Setup(Multiple) A POST request Response in an Successfully comes in postman, but in Walmart FeedId seeing an error. I am try to another way through excel it's working fine and publish the product in Walmart Successfully. Through API it's not working not publish the product in Walmart can you fix the error. even though I seem to have everything correct.
[enter image description here][1]
200 OK
"feedId": "18486EF565B046D88641274001003195#AU8BCgA",
"additionalAttributes": null,
"errors": null
Authorization : "XXXXXXXXXXXXX"
WM_QOS.CORRELATION_ID: {my arbitrary text key}
WM_SVC.NAME: Walmart Marketplace
Accept: application/JSON
"MPItem": [
"Item": {
"sku": "xxxxxxxx",
"ShippingWeight": "1LB",
"price": " ",
"productIdentifiers": {
"productIdType": "UPC",
"productId": "xxxxxxx"
"productCategory": "xxxxxxxx",
"asin": "",
"additionalProductAttributes": [
"productAttributeValue": "",
"productAttributeName": ""
"additionalOfferAttributes": [
"additionalOfferAttributeName": "",
"additionalOfferAttributeValue": ""
"MPItemFeedHeader": {
"locale": "en",
"sellingChannel": "mpsetupbymatch",
"version": "1.0",
"processMode": "REPLACE",
"subset": "EXTERNAL",
"Mart": "WALMART_US"
Your issue seems to be that ShippingWeight is invalid.
Their spec sheet says
"ShippingWeight": {
"type": "number",
"title": "Shipping Weight (lbs)",
"minimum": 0,
"maximum": 10000000000000000,
"exclusiveMaximum": false,
"multipleOf": 0.001
You need to replace ShippingWeight": "1LB", with ShippingWeight": "1",
Also you don't need to send additionalOfferAttributes if its going to be empty, it is not required.

How to get the Site Id of SharePoint using Graph SharePoint Explorer

How to get the Microsoft SharePoint SiteID using Microsoft Graph API Explorer.
Initially i tried with below API i able to get the Site ID,id
Sharepoint URL:
I output i got is:
"#odata.context": "$metadata#drives",
"value": [
"id": "b!l17-JY9YT67Qp-2TBvsUupBLMUF2SrJHp5VylCDZThT7HpCdF-7uQ6NTp6t-MbR5",
"name": "Documents"
But, when i try with Communication Site
Whose SharePoint URL is:
Graph Explorer API,id
I am getting below error:
"error": {
"code": "itemNotFound",
"message": "The provided path does not exist, or does not represent a site",
"innerError": {
"request-id": "8329dfca-c63b-4af5-80b8-75f26be9e2e8",
"date": "2019-10-31T13:18:33"
A sitePage is a fundamentally different resource than a site.
A site is a container that owns any number of sub-sites, apps, lists, document libraries, etc.
A sitePage is just another resource owned by a site.
The sitePage resource is currently only available in the Microsoft Graph Beta version.
So the query for /SitePages/DevHome.aspx would be:
If you don't yet know the correct id for the page, you can filter the SitePage collection based on the page's name:
/beta/sites/root/pages?$filter=name eq 'DevHome.aspx'
This will return a collection with a single entity (the DevHome.aspx page):
"#odata.context": "$metadata#sites('root')/pages",
"value": [
"eTag": "",
"id": "{id}",
"lastModifiedDateTime": "2014-07-10T05:47:29Z",
"name": "DevHome.aspx",
"webUrl": "SitePages/DevHome.aspx",
"createdBy": {
"user": {
"displayName": "System Account"
"lastModifiedBy": {
"user": {
"displayName": "System Account"
"parentReference": {
"siteId": "{id}"
"contentType": {
"id": "0x0101080062C83F3CFED6744A882F729480DE6C17",
"name": "Wiki Page"
"webParts": [],
"publishingState": {
"level": "published",
"versionId": "1.0"
I should also point out that you're misinterpreting the result of your first query. When you request /v1.0/sites/{tenant}:/{path}:/drives?select=name,id, you are not getting the IDs for each Site, you're getting the IDs for each Drive within that Site. You can find the objects contained within a site in the Relationships section of the Site Resource documentation
Your Graph API call is incorrect.
Try this one :,id
