Loop through entries within a category loop but only show once? - twig

In a CraftCMs site I'm trying to loop through a couple categories, then loop through entries within each of those categories, but without duplicating the entry if it is in both categories.
Here's my base code:
{% set selectedCategories = craft.categories()
.id([12605, 12619])
{% set articleAuthor = entry.id %}
{% for category in selectedCategories %}
{% set articles = craft.entries()
'and', {articleAuthor}, {category}])
.all() %}
{% if articles %}
{% for article in articles %}
// entry data here
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
This works, but if an entry is in both categories it shows in both sections. I want to limit it to showing in whatever may be the first listed section. What am I missing?

In this scenario you can create a variable and check whether a duplicate entry is found or not.
{% set existingIds = [] %}
{% for article in articles %}
{% if entry.id not in existingIds %}
{% set existingIds = existingIds|merge([entry.id]) %}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}


Check if all elements in one array are contained by another | JS Array.every() equivalent

I'm looping over a collection of blog posts (Twig for loop) which appearance depends on tags given.
Here a quick example: I want to display all blog posts that have the tags "foo" and "bar".
It seems pretty easy to check if a post has one of the tags.
However it seems that checking if both tags are contained by a blog post isn't trivial.
What I want to accomplish is what the array.every() method in javascript does.
That's my current solution which works as expected but feels kinda fiddly and overcomplicated:
{% set given_tags_array = data.tags|split(',') %}
{% for post in posts %}
{% set post_categories_array = post.categories|map(category => category.name) %}
{% set bool_buffer_array = [] %}
{# push comparison result in bool array #}
{% for tag in given_tags_array %}
{% set bool_buffer_array = bool_buffer_array|merge([tag in post_categories_array]) %}
{% endfor %}
{# only display posts where all tags match #}
{% if false in bool_buffer_array %}
{% else %}
{# post data goes here #}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
As you can see inside the posts loop I'm checking if every given tag (i.e. "foo" and "bar") is part of the post categories array. I'm pushing the comparison result (boolean) to an empty array to check for any false values afterwards.
Why an array? I tried using a simple boolean variable but if any of the given tags is in the post categories array it resolves to true, which isn't exactly what I want.
So something like that doesn't work for me unfortunately:
{% for post in posts %}
{% set post_categories_array = post.categories|map(category => category.name)|sort|join('') %}
{% if given_tags_array|filter(given_tag => given_tag in post_categories_array) %}
{# post data goes here #}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
With this method I'm always doing an or comparison instead of an and comparison...
So...am I missing something and is there a simpler way to do that twig only?
Using the code you've already provided:
{% set temp = given_tags_array|filter(given_tag => given_tag in post_categories_array) %}
The filter filter returns a new array, this means temp should contain as many elements as your given_tags_array, if they are all inside the post_categories_array.
So if I'm not mistaken you could change your check to the following
{% for post in posts %}
{% set post_categories_array = post.categories|map(category => category.name)|sort|join('') %}
{% set temp = given_tags_array|filter(given_tag => given_tag in post_categories_array) %}
{% if temp|length == given_tags_array|length %}
{# display post #}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}

How to render HTML to a variable

I need to render a list of HTML elements with content and put it into a variable. How can I do this efficient in twig?
e.g. I need to render the post tracking URLs from an order which can have several shippings / parcels.
{% for delivery in order.deliveries %}
{% for trackingCode in delivery.getTrackingCodes() %}
{{ trackingCode }}<br/>
{% endfor %}
{% endfor %}
Instead of printing this directly into the output I like first to put this rendered output into a variable like
{% set output = ... %}
{{ output }}
How can I do this in twig?
Just the concatenate the html to the output variable. Keep in mind you'll need to define to the variable outside the for-loop in order to use it outside the loop.
{% set foo = '' %}
{% for i in 1..10 %}
{% set foo = foo ~ ''~i~'' %}
{% endfor %}
{{ foo|raw }}
After long search I found a better more efficient way
you can use {% set var %} with {% endset %} as a whole output block. Means the whole output will be set to the variable. This makes the life much easier and readable.
{% set trackingText %}
{% for delivery in order.deliveries %}
{% for trackingCode in delivery.getTrackingCodes() %}
{{ trackingCode }}<br/>
{% endfor %}
{% endfor %}
{% endset %}
{% if trackingText|trim is not empty %}
You can track the delivery by using the following URL:<br/>
{{ trackingText }}
{% endif %}

Craft/Twig How to loop multiple key/value pairs and remove duplicates from that loop?

In Craft CMS, I have child entries where each child has a location with "city" and "country" values assigned to it.
I'm looking to output a list of "City, Country" text but remove any duplicates as two or more children might share the same "city,country" pair.
It's important that I can reference the city and country value for each child separately, because I need to use the country value for displaying a flag for each child item in the list.
I've learned about and tried my hand at "twig hash" and "associative arrays" and found usable snippets but can't make it work together for my case.
This does not work:
{% set children = entry.children %}
{% set locations = {} %}
{% for child in children %}
{% set city = child.location.parts.locality %}
{% set country = child.location.parts.country %}
{% if city not in locations %}
{% set locations = locations|merge({ city : country }) %}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% for location in locations %}
{% for k, v in location %}
{{ k }}, {{ v }} <br />
{% endfor %}
{% endfor %}
If you want to let the city be the key of your array you will need to wrap them in parantheses so the variable will get interpreted by twig.
Also you don't need the double for loop, you are building a one dimensional array
{% set locations = {} %}
{% for child in children %}
{% set city = child.city %}
{% set country = child.country %}
{% if city not in locations %}
{% set locations = locations|merge({ (city) : country }) %}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% for k,v in locations %}
{{ k }}, {{ v }} <br />
{% endfor %}

How to add "Read More" in text displayed on several lines but only a certain number of lines with twig

I am using the following function in twig to show a part of the content of the description of a news item saved in a database:
{{ new.description|striptags|truncate(300,true)|raw|nl2br }}
With this function inside a p element in the html, I get the text whose characters do not exceed 300 and then I add "Read More" with an element a:
<p >{{ new.description|striptags|truncate(200,true)|raw|nl2br }}
<a class="href_blue" href="{{ path('new', {'id': new.id}) }}">
<strong> [Read More] </strong></a>
This code works for text that comes in a paragraph with more than 300 characters, but if for example I have another one with several "p" elements that are then changed in twig to elements and I need it to only show me several lines because I have A maximum elevation of the container where it is displayed, I would not know how to do it, since it shows me all line breaks until it does not exceed 300 characters.
To clarify it a little more, I show an image of the result:
What I need is that in the case of Title2 having many line breaks, just show some and add the "Read More" before so that the height of the div is equal to the previous one (to show the example I removed the max- Height and overflow: hidden).
How could I get that?
I greet your help in advance.
You could do something like this in Twig:
{% set paragraphs = new.description|split('</p>') %}
{% set summary = '' %}
{% for i in 1..10 %}
{% set summary = summary ~ paragraphs[i] %}
{% endfor %}
{% set summary = summary ~ '[Read More]' %}
Now you can use the summary variable in your twig file to show the truncated summary.
EDIT #2 based on comments
Then try this instead:
{% set paragraphs = new.description|split('</p>') %}
{% set summary = '' %}
{% for i in 1..(paragraphs|length) %}
{% set summary = summary ~ paragraphs[i] %}
{% if summary|length > 300 %}
{% set shortsummary = summary %}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% set final_summary = shortsummary|slice(:300) ~ '[Read More]' %}
EDIT #3 Code modified with the solution to the problem
{% set paragraphs = new.description|striptags|truncate(300,true)|raw|nl2br %}
{% set paragraphs = paragraphs|split('<br />') %}
{% set summary = "" %}
{% set cont = 90 %}
{% set type = "" %}
{% if paragraphs|length == 1 %}
{% set summary = paragraphs[0] %}
{% if summary|length <= 300 %}
{% set type = "" %}
{% else %}
{% set type = "anything" %}
{% endif %}
{% else %}
{% for i in 1..(paragraphs|length) %}
{% if summary|length + cont + paragraphs[i-1]|length <= 500 %}
{% set summary = summary ~ "<br>" ~ paragraphs[i-1] %}
{% set cont = cont + 90 %}
{% else %}
{% set type = "anything" %}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
//In the case of a description with less than 300 characters the option "Read More" is not shown
{% if type != "" %}
<p>{{ summary|striptags|truncate(300,true)|raw|nl2br }}<a class="href_blue" href="{{ path('new', {'id': new.id}) }}"> <strong> [Read More] </strong></a></p>
{% else %}
<p>{{ summary|striptags|truncate(300,true)|raw|nl2br }}<a class="href_blue" href="{{ path('new', {'id': new.id}) }}"></a></p>
{% endif %}

Scope of variable in jinja2 template

I am writing jinja2 template based application. I am trying to write a logic to set variable.
{% set last_item = none %}
{% for u in users %}
{% if not u.username == user.username%}
{% if g.user.is_bestfriend(u) %}
{% set last_item = 'true' %}
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
but after {% endfor %}, last_item value is again set to none, instead of true. Is there any way to set it to true in jinja2 template?
Since version 2.10 you can do this using a namespace variable, set before entering the scope:
{% set ns = namespace(found=false) %}
{% for item in items %}
{% if item.check_something() %}
{% set ns.found = true %}
{% endif %}
* {{ item.title }}
{% endfor %}
Found item having something: {{ ns.found }}
See also the documentation: http://jinja.pocoo.org/docs/2.10/templates/#assignments
Due to scoping rules in jinja2, you cannot access a variable outside the scope that it was set in. Sorry :(
