Way to atomically remove from depot file that is already opened for edit in Perforce - perforce

Right now I am working on Perforce API integration and there is a question I have not found a correct (from my point of view) answer for. If I have opened a file for edit in a changelist how to mark it for delete without reverting it from the changelist?
Right now I am checking the file if it is not read-only or opened for editing in the changelist. In case it is I firstly revert it and then mark it for delete. I have some concerns with this approach because another user can lock the file between those two calls (revert from the changelist and mark for delete). So there is a question if there is any way to do this in one command.


Is it possible to shelve a deleted file in perforce?

I have a changelist where I've deleted a few files after consolidating their functionality. P4v errors when trying to shelve the removed files with the message "The system cannot find the file specified". (Hey perforce, that's kinda the point).
Is there any way to shelve this as a "pending deletion"? Keeping these files around would cause errors in my code. Even making them blank is a bit sketchy.
Open it for delete instead of edit. This is p4 delete at the command line, or "Mark for Delete" in P4V. (If it's currently open for edit, you might need to revert it first and then open it for delete instead.)

How can you save and restore a list of checked out files in Perforce?

I have, in perforce, a sort of 'basic working set' of files that I keep checked out (and therefore writable) when working. However, every time I commit my changes, this list gets disrupted - some things committed, others reverted - and then I have to waste time tracking down and checking out all these files again.
So, is there some way to save the list of currently checked out files, and then later check out those same files again?
I primarily use P4V, but I have P4Win and command-line Perforce available. I'd strongly prefer a GUI solution, though.
I only want to save and restore the state of which files are checked out, not the contents of those files, so shelving is not the answer
I am aware of the 'Do not submit unchanged' and 'Check out after submit' options. They are not sufficient. For instance, frequently I will have files which are programmatically generated which register as 'changed' when the only thing that is different is the 'File generated on' timestamp; I need to prevent such spurious revisions from being submitted, and I have not found any practical method of searching for and managing such files that doesn't involve the 'revert if unchanged' command.
You can do:
p4 -ztag opened | grep depotFile | cut -d ' ' -f 3 > files.txt
to save a list of files already open in your client. (If you don't have Unix utilities for Windows, you could construct this list by whatever means you want, such as running p4 opened > files.txt and manually editing files.txt in an editor.)
Once you have a list of files, you can open all of them via:
p4 -x files.txt edit
This doesn't meet your preference for a GUI-based solution, but you could create .cmd scripts to perform these actions and then double-click on them (or on shortcuts to them).
The easiest solution would be to exclude those generated files via your workspace specification, e.g., "-//depot/files/ignorablefile.sh"
They can still reside in your local workspace, but the app will not attempt to update them or add them to source control.
You said that shelving's not the answer, but that's what I would go with as the easiest solution (i.e. the one that involves the least scripting and/or fewest manual steps) for the specific question you're asking:
Shelve your pending change (let's call this change 1000).
Move your open files to a new pending change (let's call this change 1001).
Submit change 1001.
Unshelve change 1000.
Sync and resolve.
Now you have the same exact files open (the unshelve opened them) but at the head revision (the sync and resolve does that).
Now, looking past what you asked for to what might make your life easier: rather than reverting the files you don't want to submit (and having some sort of scheme to get them back later, possibly via shelving as described above), what I'd do is move them to another changelist. So instead of:
Identify "unchanged" files.
Revert unchanged files.
Submit remaining files with "reopen" option.
Reopen previously reverted files (somehow).
I'd do:
Identify "unchanged" files.
Move unchanged files to another changelist N.
Submit remaining files with "reopen" option.
Move all files from changelist N back to the default changelist.
All of those except step 1 are simple one-shot commands that you can do from any client. Personally, I'd automate steps 1+2 with a script (I'm assuming it's programmatically possible to determine whether the only diff in one of these files is the timestamp) and put it into P4Win/P4V as a "custom tool".

Recover deleted files from Perforce

I deleted a file from Perforce in the last month. Is there a way to retrieve it from P4?
If so, what command can I use?
Note: I'm not the admin for p4. And I don't want the file back in P4 but I just want it in my local workspace.
Also, I don't know the exact timeframe when I deleted it in last month...What command can I run?
I'm running P4 on windows. I'll appreciate if someone can provide equivalent command for windows
When you delete a file in Perforce, it creates a "deleted" revision, but the archive file is still there.
In the Perforce P4V GUI in the depot veiw, there is a filter symbol on top of the explore pane .
Click on this and select "Show Deleted Depot Files".
Find the file you want to restore and right-click on it. Select "Rollback..." and revert it to the previous revision of that file (before it was deleted.)
By default it will create a new changelist, be sure to select the one you want if you already have one.
On the command line:
p4 sync //depot/folder/subfolder/filename#changelist
You can use either the command line or the GUI, from the command line p4 sync -f forces the files to be resynchronized. For more information see the Perforce Knowledge Base.
If you haven't committed the change list of deleted files to the repository, right click on the folder containing the deleted files in p4v and choose Get Revision. Be sure to check Force Operation and then Click Get Revision. Then the deleted files will be restored from p4 server.
ref: https://forums.perforce.com/index.php?/topic/1479-how-to-restore-files-deleted-in-p4c-workspace/#entry4726

How can I instruct Perforce to merge instead of overwrite or revert when unshelving a file?

How can I instruct Perforce to merge changes into an existing, open, and modified file in the workspace when unshelving a file shelved in the depot? The only options that Perforce appears to offer the user is to overwrite or revert the existing file in the workspace, but this does not allow, for example, to unshelve and integrate changes to the same file from multiple change lists. Is there a way around this limitation?
What I typically do is right-click on the shelved file and select "Diff Against Workspace File". When you open up the Diff tool, you can select a button in the toolbar to "Edit file in right pane". This essentially starts a two-way merge. With each difference you can select the changes you want from the shelved file (differences are selected from the workspace file by default).
However, it would be nice if Perforce added a type of merge feature to do this more automatically.
Edit to add:
Perforce now has a built-in capability to merge files when unshelving. If the user unshelves a file that is also checked out, and "Revert checked out files before unshelving" is unchecked, Perforce will mark that file for resolve. I looked through the release notes and was not able to find in which version this capability was added, but based on this link (see near bottom of p4 unshelve description), it was added no later than 2012.1.
Edited again to add:
That feature was added in release 2011.1 of the server. Here's the release note:
#299614 (Bug #38221, #39099) **
Unshelving a file opened for edit over a file already opened
for edit in the workspace is now allowed. A resolve record is
created when unshelving, and the user must then run 'p4 resolve'
to resolve the workspace files with the shelved files.
If you checkout your file, and then try to submit it, it will give you the option of getting the latest revision without replacing your copy. Then it will subsequently will give you the ability to run a merge tool, where you must resolve any conflicts before submitting.

"Actually, Perforce I don't want you tracking that file after all ..." how do I get Perforce to listen?

Sometimes I "Mark for Add" and add files to Perforce which I actually didn't want Perforce to worry about.
Is there a way to revert it so it just goes back to showing in P4V as an "untracked" item?
See my example:
I've added mil.ico and mil3.ico by mistake. I just want them to go back to looking like test.ico, ie. ignored by Perforce:
Even if I save a copy of the files, then delete, then put them back (all of which is a serious bore), P4V still knows they have a history and marks them as shown:
I just want Perforce to leave a file alone when I tell it to.
If you want to remove the last traces of the files from perforce, your only chance is through p4 obliterate. This will irreversibly remove file revisions or even file's complete history from perforce and will only work with administrator privileges. I don't know if obliterate is available through p4v, on the command line you would issue:
cd directory_of_accident
p4 obliterate accidentally_submitted_file
and if it looks like you and perforce agree on the file to forget
p4 obliterate -y accidentally_submitted_file
to seal the issue.
You can delete the items from the Perforce depot. Keep in mind Perforce will want to delete your local copy of that file so you should save it off in a different location, delete the file in Perforce and move the local version back.
Are you looking at your file structure through the Depot tab or the Workspace tab? It looks like it may be your Depot tab.
Try going to your Workspace tab then click on the Filter icon (looks more like a funnel) and ensure that "Show Files Not in Depot" is selected.
Hopefully looking through the Workspace tab, as opposed to Depot, will hide the deleted files, and selecting the appropriate filters will show your non-Perforce files.
