How to collect Instagram App Secret to generate a long-lived token? - instagram

On this page I generate the access token and with it I can publish the image on my Instagram:
For publish:
function InstagramPost() {
const access_token = 'GENERATE ACESS TOKEN';
const instagram_business_account = 'YYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY';
const image = '';
const text = 'Hello World';
var formData = {
'image_url': image,
'caption': text,
'access_token': access_token
var options = {
'method' : 'post',
'payload' : formData
const container = '' + instagram_business_account + '/media';
const response = UrlFetchApp.fetch(container, options);
const creation = response.getContentText();
var data = JSON.parse(creation);
var creationId =
var formDataPublish = {
'creation_id': creationId,
'access_token': access_token
var optionsPublish = {
'method' : 'post',
'payload' : formDataPublish
const sendinstagram = '' + instagram_business_account + '/media_publish';
UrlFetchApp.fetch(sendinstagram, optionsPublish);
Now I want to take this access token and generate a long-lived one with it!
It asks for Instagram App Secret, but that path indicated (App Dashboard > Products > Instagram > Basic Display > Instagram App Secret) doesn't exist in App Dashboard!
I tried using the App secret as a parameter:
&client_secret={App Secret Key}
But this error occurs:
Sorry, this content isn't available right now
The Facebook API is 100% accessible, so that's not the problem.

In Javascript/NodeJS I couldn't get it working at all (also on PostMan), I was using the request library.
Changed my code to:
const respLong = await axios.get(`${CLIENT_SECRET}&access_token=${accessTokenShort.toString()}`);
And magically this works. I can't tell you why what seems to be the exact same request in Postman and the request library doesn't work.
See pic of the url to get app secret (add your app ID) is:

There is a difference in approach between Basic Display and Instagram Graph API for Business Account.
So the way to convert a short-lived token to a long-lived token for Instagram Business Account is:
Note that Instagram App Secret is not used, instead, use App Id and App Secret.


How do I call Google Analytics Admin API (for GA4) using an OAuth2 client in node.js?

I've noticed that all the node.js code samples for Google Analytics Admin and Google Analytics Data assume a service account and either a JSON file or a GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS environment variable.
const analyticsAdmin = require('#google-analytics/admin');
async function main() {
// Instantiates a client using default credentials.
// TODO(developer): uncomment and use the following line in order to
// manually set the path to the service account JSON file instead of
// using the value from the GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS environment
// variable.
// const analyticsAdminClient = new analyticsAdmin.AnalyticsAdminServiceClient(
// {keyFilename: "your_key_json_file_path"});
const analyticsAdminClient = new analyticsAdmin.AnalyticsAdminServiceClient();
const [accounts] = await analyticsAdminClient.listAccounts();
accounts.forEach(account => {
I am building a service which allows users to use their own account to access their own data, so using a service account is not appropriate.
I initially thought I might be able to use the google-api-node-client -- Auth would be handled by building a URL to redirect and do the oauth dance...
Using google-api-nodejs-client:
const {google} = require('googleapis');
const oauth2Client = new google.auth.OAuth2(
// generate a url that asks permissions for Google Analytics scopes
const scopes = [
"", // View and manage your Google Analytics data
"", // View your Google Analytics data
const url = oauth2Client.generateAuthUrl({
access_type: 'offline',
scope: scopes
// redirect to `url` in a popup for the oauth dance
After auth, Google redirects to GET /oauthcallback?code={authorizationCode}, so we collect the code and get the token to perform subsequent OAuth2 enabled calls:
// This will provide an object with the access_token and refresh_token.
// Save these somewhere safe so they can be used at a later time.
const {tokens} = await oauth2Client.getToken(code)
// of course we need to handle the refresh token too
This all works fine, but is it possible to plug the OAuth2 client from the google-api-node-client code into the google-analytics-admin code?
👉 It looks like I need to somehow call analyticsAdmin.AnalyticsAdminServiceClient() with the access token I've already retrieved - but how?
The simple answer here is don't bother with the Node.js libraries for Google Analytics Admin & Google Analytics Data.
Cut out the middleman and build a very simple wrapper yourself which queries the REST APIs directly. Then you will have visibility on the whole of the process, and any errors made will be your own.
Provided you handle the refresh token correctly, this is likely all you need:
const getResponse = async (url, accessToken, options = {}) => {
const response = await fetch(url, {
headers: {
Authorization: `Bearer ${accessToken}`,
return response;
I use Python but the method could be similar. You should create a Credentials object based on the obtained token:
credentials = google.auth.credentials.Credentials(token=YOUR_TOKEN)
Then use it to create the client:
from import AnalyticsAdminServiceClient
client = AnalyticsAdminServiceClient(credentials=credentials)

UI testing using Cypress with authentication to Azure AD using ADFS

These are my notes for how to UI test an Azure AD single page app using MSAL.js and ADFS (in our case on-premise) and the schema associated with the process of token creation and local storage.
From the tutorial: "It uses the ROPC authentication flow to acquire tokens for a test user account, and injects them into browser local storage before running the tests. This way MSAL.js does not attempt to acquire tokens as it already has them in cache."
After watching the awesome video here:
...and going through the repo here:
I was stuck trying to match my use of on-premise ADFS with MSAL.js 2.0 and session store, with that of the above tutorial and code. So if you are using the link to Azure ending with /adfs/oauth2/token ( as opposed to oAuth /oauth2/v2.0/token ) - then follow the below!!
MOST of the changes I made were from auth.js:
Simply follow the tutorial and copy in that content, then change the following:
const environment = ''; (mine was corporate domain NOT
for the Account entity (const buildAccountEntity) use:
authorityType: 'ADFS',
...and REMOVE the line: clientInfo: "",
for the Access Token entity: (const buildAccessTokenEntity):
...ADD the line: tokenType: 'bearer',
ADD a new function for the Refresh Token (new) entity:
const buildRefreshTokenEntity = (homeAccountId: string, accessToken: string) => {
return {
credentialType: 'RefreshToken',
secret: accessToken,
next I had to MATCH my sessionStorage TOKEN by running it locally using VS Code and logging in then reverse-engineering the required KEY-VALUE pairs for what was stored (results are in next code block!).
Specifically I kept case-sensitivity for 'home account', I blanked-out some values, and had to add in the RefreshToken part, and mine used Session Storage (not local storage), and match the extended expires with the same value (based on my sample run through only):
const injectTokens = (tokenResponse: any) => {
const scopes = ['profile', 'openid'];
const idToken: JwtPayload = decode(tokenResponse.id_token) as JwtPayload;
const localAccountId = idToken.sub; // in /oauth2/v2.0/token this would be: idToken.oid || idToken.sid; however we are using /adfs/oauth2/token
const realm = ''; // in /oauth2/v2.0/token this would be: idToken.tid; however we are using /adfs/oauth2/token
const homeAccountId = `${localAccountId}`; // .${realm}`;
const homeAccountIdLowerCase = `${localAccountId}`.toLowerCase(); // .${realm}`;
const usernameFromToken = idToken.upn; // in /oauth2/v2.0/token this would be: idToken.preferred_username; however we are using /adfs/oauth2/token
const name = ''; // in /oauth2/v2.0/token this would be:; however we are using /adfs/oauth2/token
const idTokenClaims = JSON.stringify(idToken);
const accountKey = `${homeAccountIdLowerCase}-${environment}-${realm}`;
const accountEntity = buildAccountEntity(homeAccountId, realm, localAccountId, idTokenClaims, usernameFromToken, name);
const idTokenKey = `${homeAccountIdLowerCase}-${environment}-idtoken-${clientId}-${realm}-`;
const idTokenEntity = buildIdTokenEntity(homeAccountId, tokenResponse.id_token, realm);
const accessTokenKey = `${homeAccountIdLowerCase}-${environment}-accesstoken-${clientId}-${realm}-${scopes.join(' ')}`;
const accessTokenEntity = buildAccessTokenEntity(
tokenResponse.expires_in, // ext_expires_in,
const refreshTokenKey = `${homeAccountIdLowerCase}-${environment}-refreshtoken-${clientId}-${realm}`;
const refreshTokenEntity = buildRefreshTokenEntity(homeAccountId, tokenResponse.access_token);
// localStorage was not working, needs to be in sessionStorage
sessionStorage.setItem(accountKey, JSON.stringify(accountEntity));
sessionStorage.setItem(idTokenKey, JSON.stringify(idTokenEntity));
sessionStorage.setItem(accessTokenKey, JSON.stringify(accessTokenEntity));
sessionStorage.setItem(refreshTokenKey, JSON.stringify(refreshTokenEntity));
Lastly, in the login function I used the /adfs link as we use on-premise ADFS and MSAL.js v2.0 and did NOT need that client_secret:
export const login = (cachedTokenResponse: any) => {
let tokenResponse: any = null;
let chainable: Cypress.Chainable = cy.visit('/'); // need to visit root to be able to store Storage against this site
if (!cachedTokenResponse) {
chainable = chainable.request({
url: authority + '/adfs/oauth2/token', // was this '/oauth2/v2.0/token',
method: 'POST',
body: {
grant_type: 'password',
client_id: clientId,
// client_secret: clientSecret,
scope: ['profile openid'].concat(apiScopes).join(' '),
form: true,
finally I ran using VSCode terminal 1 (yarn start) then terminal 2 (yarn run cypress open)
rename all files from .js to .ts
update tsconfig to include the cypress type on this line:
"types": ["node", "cypress"],
Now when I run Cypress I can navigate around my site and I am authenticated!! Hope this helped you save an hour or two!!

Google Calendar API and Service Account permission error

I'm trying to integrate the Google Calendar API in my app.
So far i've managed to do this:
Created a new project on Cloud Platform
Enabled Calendar API
Added a new service account with role: Owner
Generated jwt.json
Granted domain-wide for that service account
Shared a calendar with that service account (modify rights)
Enabled in the GSuite the option for everyone out of the organisation to modify the events
Now, my code on node.js looks like this:
const { JWT } = require('google-auth-library');
const client = new JWT(
const url = `${keys.project_id}`;
const rest = await client.request({url});
The error I get is:
Sending 500 ("Server Error") response:
Error: Insufficient Permission
Anyone has any ideea? This gets frustrating.
How about this modification?
I think that in your script, the endpoint and/or scope might be not correct.
Pattern 1:
In this pattern, your endpoint of${keys.project_id} is used.
Modified script:
const { JWT } = require("google-auth-library");
const keys = require("###"); // Please set the filename of credential file of the service account.
async function main() {
const calendarId = "";
const client = new JWT(keys.client_email, null, keys.private_key, [
'' // <--- Modified
const url = `${keys.project_id}`;
const res = await client.request({ url });
In this case, it is required to enable Cloud DNS API at API console. And it is required to pay. Please be careful with this.
I thought that the reason of your error message of Insufficient Permission might be this.
Pattern 2:
In this pattern, as a sample situation, the event list is retrieved from the calendar shared with the service account. If the calendar can be used with the service account, the event list is returned. By this, I think that you can confirm whether the script works.
Modified script:
const { JWT } = require("google-auth-library");
const keys = require("###"); // Please set the filename of credential file of the service account.
async function main() {
const calendarId = "###"; // Please set the calendar ID.
const client = new JWT(keys.client_email, null, keys.private_key, [
const url = `${calendarId}/events`; // <--- Modified
const res = await client.request({ url });
This modified script supposes that you are using google-auth-library-nodejs of the latest version.
JSON Web Tokens in google-auth-library-nodejs

Post Go Live issue with Docusign using node.js

Here is my issue:
We integrated docusign in our application, server side with nodejs using this tutorial ("OAuth JSON Web Token (JWT) Grant" section)
We have done the "Go Live Process": our application is registered in our production account
We have replaced the test config to the production config.
When we try to create an envelope, we get the following error:
PARTNER_AUTHENTICATION_FAILED: The specified Integrator Key was not found or is disabled. Invalid account specified for user
What am I doing wrong ?
async function docusignInit() {
var options;
var env = [40077,50077].indexOf(config.main.port) != -1 ? 'test' :'prod';
if (env == "test") {
options = {
basePath: restApi.BasePath.DEMO,
oAuthBasePath: oAuth.BasePath.DEMO
} else {
options = {
oAuthBasePath: "",
// We called to found the uri
// in production, We must do
// var apiClient = new docusign.ApiClient(options.basePath);
// Otherwise, we get "Error: getaddrinfo ENOTFOUND undefined undefined:443"
var apiClient = new docusign.ApiClient(options.basePath);
var privateKeyFile = fs.readFileSync(`./server/docusign/keys/${env}/private.PEM`);
var res = await apiClient.requestJWTUserToken(config.docusign.integratorKey, config.docusign.userName, [oAuth.Scope.IMPERSONATION, oAuth.Scope.SIGNATURE], privateKeyFile, 3600)
var token = res.body.access_token;
apiClient.addDefaultHeader('Authorization', 'Bearer ' + token);
await sendDocusign({
userId: 1,
firstName: 'foor',
lastName: 'bar',
async function sendDocusign(role) {
var envDef = new docusign.EnvelopeDefinition();
envDef.emailSubject = 'Please signe this';
envDef.templateId = config.docusign.templateId;
var role = new docusign.TemplateRole();
role.roleName = "roleName";
role.clientUserId = role.userId; = role.firstName + " " + role.lastName; =;
envDef.allowReassign = false;
envDef.templateRoles = [role];
envDef.status = 'sent';
var envelopesApi = new docusign.EnvelopesApi();
return await envelopesApi.createEnvelope(config.docusign.userAccountId, {
'envelopeDefinition': envDef
As you are able to generate AccesToken properly in PROD with PROD RSA KeyPair, so please check the endpoint which you using to make API calls to create an envelope. In demo it is always but in PROD it will be a different value depending on where you PROD account exists in the DocuSign data center. For instance if your PROD account is in NA1, then hostname will be will be; if it is NA2 then hostname will be etc.
So it is recommended to make a /userinfo API call with the Access token to know the baseURI to make calls related to envelope. To get the base URI, call the /oauth/userinfo endpoint, supplying your application’s access token as a header.
For the developer sandbox environment, the URI is
For the production environment, the URI is
Documentation related to /userinfo API call is available here. Once you know you BaseURI then append this baseURI with envelopes related endpoint like below:
{base_uri} + "/restapi/v2.1/accounts/" + {account_id}
considering your error seems that you're missing the integratorKey or you're writing it in the wrontg way. According to that LINK is possible that you miss the brackets inside the intregrator key?
The integrator key must be placed in front of the user ID that is in
the Username node of the UsernameToken. The integrator key must be
wrapped with brackets, “[ and ]”.
An example of the api in the above documentation:
<wsse:Security soap:mustUnderstand="1">
<wsu:Timestamp wsu:Id="Timestamp-8838aa24-9759-4f85-8bf2-26539e14f750">
<wsse:UsernameToken xmlns:wsu="" wsu:Id="SecurityToken-7c7b695e-cef7-463b-b05a-9e133ea43c41">
<wsse:Username>[Integrator Key Here]2988541c-4ec7-4245-b520-f2d324062ca3</wsse:Username>
<wsse:Password Type="">password</wsse:Password>

DocuSign Node SDK not returning loginInfo in Production

I've built out an integration using DocuSign's Node SDK. While testing using a DocuSign sandbox account, the authentication flow works just fine using the example in the docs.
I'm now trying to do the same within a live DocuSign production account using the Integrator Key that was promoted from the sandbox account. authApi.login() seems to work just fine, I get no error and the status code of the response is 200. However, the value of loginInfo comes back as exports {} with no account info included.
I've made sure to change the base path from to and as far as I can tell from the docs, there doesn't seem to be anything else I need to make the switch to production. Here is the code I am using:
apiClient.addDefaultHeader('Authorization', 'Bearer ' + token);
const authApi = new docusign.AuthenticationApi();
const loginOps = {
apiPassword: true,
includeAccountIdGuid: true
authApi.login(loginOps, function (err, loginInfo, response) {
if (err) {
if (loginInfo) {
// loginInfo returns 'exports {}' so the variables below cannot be set.
const loginAccounts = loginInfo.loginAccounts;
const loginAccount = loginAccounts[0];
const baseUrl = loginAccount.baseUrl;
const accountDomain = baseUrl.split('/v2');
const accountId = loginAccount.accountId;
docusign.Configuration.default.setDefaultApiClient(apiClient); endpoint will only work if your PROD account is in NA1, if your PROD Account is in NA2, then you need to use and if it is in NA3 then This is the main reason you should use /oauth/userinfo call with OAUTH2 Access Token to know your base URL, and then call all APIs with this baseURL. You can find more details at
