DAPR init fails "error downloading daprd binary" - dapr

In Windows 10, trying to perform 'dapr init' in Powershell in administrator mode. Everytime i try dapr init fails.
PS C:\Users\xxxxx> dapr init
Making the jump to hyperspace...
Container images will be pulled from Docker Hub
Installing runtime version 1.7.4
Downloading binaries and setting up components...
error downloading daprd binary: open C:\Users\xxxxx.dapr\bin/daprd_windows_amd64.zip: Access is denied.
Any suggestions would be much appreciated.


Azure App service linux ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'html2text'

I am trying to run a python flask app on azure app service for linux and I am deploying it using git hub actions, but I am running in to ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'html2text' Error. Below are app service logs :
I am new to app service and flask applications and dont understand what is the reason as the build of the application is fine and all dependencies from requirement.txt are installed.
Here are the logs of my build showing the package getting installed :
I need support here guys ! Thanks.
I have deployed Python Flask app in Azure using GitHub Actions.
Please Check the below Work around
Make sure you are using the latest Python version
No module named 'html2text'
Create a python flask app in Local environment and push it to Git new repository.
In Azure Portal => Deployment Center => Settings => Select GitHub as Source and provide the required details and Save.
Workflow in GitHubAction :
Verify,html2text must be installed in dist-packages folder.
Issue will be resolved with the latest python version. If you are still getting the same error, Install the html2text.
In VSCode, Terminal run the below command to install html2text
pip install html2text

Why does the docker container exits immediately? on PLC

I am running docker on a WAGO-PFC 8204 device and successfully able to install an image for node-red flow based editor. However, when i am trying to run the image, it creates a container but automatically exits. I am not running this image on a linux machine itself but instead of other device. I ran docker logs [container name] but output was Error: fatal error, line 0. Please see the image attached.
Please help anyone if you can. Thanks
This is because version 3.0.0 of the Node-RED Docker container will not run on old versions of Docker that do not support 64bit time on a 32bit OS.
You can try adding --security-opt=seccomp=unconfined to the docker run command or upgrade docker/libseccom to a supported version of the latest apline base container.
Details of the minimum version are in the release notes on github
Work around:
Use the nodered/node-red:2.2.2 container rather than the new 3.0.0 (latest) tags

How to use Celery on Windows pycharm with Docker

just found out that celery does not support windows anymore. Unfortunately I need to work with it.
I tried creating a docker linux repository and installed python3.8 on it(usr/bin/python3).
I also configured the python interpreter as follows:
Server : docker
Image name ubuntu:latestvim
Python interpreter path : /usr/bin/
Somehow I keep getting the same erro message:
Can't retrieve image ID from build stream
Can someone instruct me how to develop with celery on my windows platform?

Error creating channel using testnetwork on Hyperledger Fabric

I am currently learning about hyperledger fabric, and am having issues creating channels on the testnetwork. I am on windows 10 and have the latest version of the fabric and docker.
When I run this command ./network.sh up createChannel in my git bash I get this error
Error on outputChannelCreateTx: could not generate default config template: error parsing configuration:
could not create application group: failed to create application org: 1 - Error loading MSP configuration
for org Org1MSP: could not load a valid ca certificate from directory
CreateFile C:\fabric-samples\test-network\organizations\peerOrganizations\org1.example.com\msp\cacerts:
The system cannot find the file specified.
+ res=1
Failed to generate channel configuration transaction...
Create channel failed
I am unsure as the source of this issue. Do I need to install the samples and binaries again? Is it where I'm running the commands?
I'm pretty sure that you will get more troubles cause you're using Windows 10. Even if you use git-bat (or
Cygwin like, etc), you should aware that most of script was written for linux (especially for ubuntu-based linux). Next step, when you work with chaincode-nodejs, it will install some required libraries, some only works on Linux OS. Please consider switching to Linux
P/s . I'm using ubuntu 20.04 LTS for Fabric 2.2. It works perfect.

run command lxrun failed

I use the command(cmd) "lxrun /uninstall /full /y" to uninstall my sublinux in my Windows 10.Then,I use the cmd "lxrun /install /y" to reinstall,but there is problem I encountered as flows:
- Beta features -
This will install Ubuntu distributed by Canonical on Windows Under the terms of its license, see this link:
Downloading from the Windows app store ...
Error: 0x80072f7d
Downloading from the Windows app store ...
Error: 0x80072f7d
Downloading from the Windows app store ...
Error: 0x80072f7d
Can not be downloaded from the Windows app store. Please check the network connection.
I ensure that other applications include Windows App Stor can access the Internet,becase I tried and successed just now.
so,I have no idea and has anyone ever encountered this problem?
