run command lxrun failed - linux

I use the command(cmd) "lxrun /uninstall /full /y" to uninstall my sublinux in my Windows 10.Then,I use the cmd "lxrun /install /y" to reinstall,but there is problem I encountered as flows:
- Beta features -
This will install Ubuntu distributed by Canonical on Windows Under the terms of its license, see this link:
Downloading from the Windows app store ...
Error: 0x80072f7d
Downloading from the Windows app store ...
Error: 0x80072f7d
Downloading from the Windows app store ...
Error: 0x80072f7d
Can not be downloaded from the Windows app store. Please check the network connection.
I ensure that other applications include Windows App Stor can access the Internet,becase I tried and successed just now.
so,I have no idea and has anyone ever encountered this problem?


Run App Blocked Due To Certificate Revocation

I'm running Windows 10 Pro with the latest updates. Just today I started having an issue with a piece of legacy software: Wise (used to make installers). When I try to run it, I get the below error:
"This app has been blocked for your Protection" "An administrator has blocked you from running this app."
Running the app as admin does not resolve the issue.
After doing some poking around, I believe the issue is the certificate. It is SHA-1, expired 10 years ago, and is marked "This certificate has been revoked by its certification authority".
That is all well and good, except this vendor is effectively gone. So I can't get a new version of the software. How do I run this program in the mean time?
Edit: Running the program through an admin command prompt seems to work. Is that the only option?
I've had a similar issue with a signed executable having its certificate revoked, so here's what I did to unsign the executable using the Widnows SDK tool SignTool.exe.
Download the .iso file from
Mount the .iso, browse to Installers directory and install this component: Windows SDK Signing Tools-x86_en-us.msi (it's like 7 MB installed and you don't need to install the whole SDK, only that component)
CMD as admin, navigate to: C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\10\bin\10.0.18362.0\x64
Run this (for your .exe): signtool.exe remove /s "Path to file you want to un-sign here"
(e.g. signtool.exe remove /s "C:\Program Files (x86)\Altiris\Wise\WiseClient.exe")
Executable should now be unsigned.
Ref: How to install SignTool.exe for Windows 10 and

Web Platform Installer: Python Installer - Downloaded file failed signature verification and may have been tampered with

I'm trying to install WFastCGI 2.1 Gateway for IIS and Python 3.4 via the Web Platform Installer in Microsoft Server Manager's IIS Manager.
Python Installer fails with the error: "This product did not install successfully: Downloaded file failed signature verification and may have been tampered with". Python 3.4.2 (32-bit) and WFastCGI 2.1 Gateway for IIS and Python 3.4 subsequently fail with the error: "This product cannot be installed because a product that it depends on did not install successfully".
I noticed that the direct download link in the prerequisites tab launches this URL, which explains that pytools has been migrated to PTVS. Maybe this is part of the problem?
I'm following this tutorial about deploying a Flask web app on IIS. Please help me find solutions to make this installation successful or provide alternatives that will allow me to deploy on IIS. Thank you!
I had the exact same issue, and as mgrollins mentioned on his comment, using wfastcgi directly is the solution.
In my case I followed a very similar tutorial (here) up to where you finish installing IIS, then instead of installing the Web Platform Installer, I downloaded Python from, installed it (for all users and adding to PATH), performed the "Downloading Package" and "Enabling wfastcgi" steps from the wfastcgi project page,, meaning:
pip install wfastcgi
After that you can continue following the tutorial from where it says "Setup your site - copy the " . (I found the file on the Scripts folder of the Python Install directory)
Another item worth mentioning, during “Add Module Mapping” there should be a | between the Python.exe and your site directory, if you miss it the side won't load, so for example it should look like:
C:\Program Files\Python36\python.exe|C:\inetpub\wwwroot\mysite\

Installation of Azure Machine Learning Workbench fails on Windows 10

I tried to install the azure machine learning workbench from here. Once I double click on the downloaded MSI file, it shows the first screen about licensing terms. Once I click on Continue, it shows dependencies. When I click Install, it starts installation. It downloads Miniconda with Python 3.5.2. While trying to install asn1crypto 0.23.0, it suddenly stops and displays 'Installation fails'. I tried running the MSI file with log option but no error is reported in the log.
Here are my machine details:
Windows 10
Version 1709 (OS Build 17017.1000)
How can I troubleshoot this?
you can have a look at the installer log (%TEMP%\AmlInstaller\Logs). See if there is any obvious error... What version of windows are you running, is it a preview?

DockerToolbox-1.12.2 - Windows 7 - Error: connect ENOENT //./pipe/docker_engine

I have installed DockerToolbox-1.12.2.exe in Windows 7 from link. After installation, if I try to launch Kitamatic, I am getting
Error: connect ENOENT //./pipe/docker_engine.
I have tried RETRY SETUP and USE VIRTUALBOX options available, but didn't helped much. Can anyone suggest, how to proceed?
Because on Windows 7, docker is not supported native. So, you must have Virtual Box installed on your machine. If it is not already installed, you can re-run the docker toolbox installer, it asks you to install the Oracle VirtualBox with installation.
If it is already installed on your machine, open it and check if there is any default VM created in it and what is the error you are facing when you click on Use VirtualBox?

node.js + azure sql database

i'm struggling with the microsoft's node.js sql client.
I've installed it, without any errors using the guide at the github page, and everything works perfect locally. but when i use git to push it to azure, i get the error:
Native sqlserver module not found. Did you remember to run node-gyp configure build?
Application has thrown an uncaught exception and is terminated:
Error: Unable to load shared library C:\DWASFiles\Sites\bid110\VirtualDirectory0\site\wwwroot\node_modules\msnodesql\build\Release\sqlserver.node
I've also looked at this guide, even though some parts is outdated. I've also cheked that all the files are uploaded to the server. the node_modules/msnodesql and node_modules\msnodesql\build\Release\ folders with all its subfolders are there as well.
Any ideas what I might be doing wrong here?
Please check if your msnodesql is x86 or x64. If your local machine was x64 with x64 Python, and you installed msnodesql through npm install msnodesql then you should get a x64 version. But on Windows Azure Web Site your application will be running in x86, so you might need to a x86 version of msnodesql. You can install through NPM from a x86 machine, or you can download the compiled version at
I also have a blog post about this hope that helps.
