Rhizovision Image- Trying to find missing .dll files that prohibit my program from starting up - dllimport

I am trying to run my Rhizovision Imager software, but when I hit the app to execute, I am prompted with the errors that says I am missing .dll files. I was wondering if anyone else has had this problem? For example, an error pops up that I am missing "gcbase_md_vc120_v3_0_v5_0.dll"

I found this occurs if you have a different version of Pylon installed. Download and install the following "pylon_5_Runtime_5.0.12.11830". If you also wish to install the Pylon Viewer, download and install that first, then re-install the 5_Runtime above. Hope that helps!


Error--rescode.err_missing_license_file(1008): License cannot be located

I was running a python program which uses CVXPY to solve a optimization problem involving semi-definite constraints. Initially the code ran well when I was using the default solver provided by CVXPY. Then I tried to use MOSEK as the optimization solver. Since it has to be installed, I tried installing it from command prompt using a pip installer. However the installation was interrupted midway (I am unaware of the specific reasons). Now whenever I am trying to run the code, it is prompting an error-
rescode.err_missing_license_file(1008): License cannot be located. The default search path is ';C:\Users\dsouv\mosek\mosek.lic;'.
I can understand that somehow the default search path has been changed due to the failed installation of MOSEK. Even after calling the default solver of CVXPY, I am still getting the same error.
Things I have tried:
Reinstalling CVXPY.
Reinstalling MOSEK from the Anaconda Powershell Prompt.
Even after trying out these, the error still persist. Any suggestions to solve this issue is welcome. Also please me if you need any other informtion.
You should install the license file separately. I.e. do step 3 at

I cannot run Gazebo and Rviz Due to Missing sdformat.dll and image_transport.dll

Hello there hope you are all well.
Few days ago I installed ROS on my Windows-10 computer by following the tutorials on their site. I worked with TurtleSim and some other features of ROS without any problem. However when I try to run Gazebo, I get an error saying sdformat.dll is missing. And when I try to run Rviz, I get an error saying image_transport.dll and resource_retriever.dll is missing. I tried updating ROS but it did no good. I asked about this on ROS' official answer site but no one responded. Is there any CMD command or chocolatey feature which I can use to repair missing files? If not, what can I do to resolve this error?
Thank you so much

Anaconda Navigator does not open (Windows 10)

I just downloaded and installed Anaconda3 on windows 10 platform.
Apparently, the installation process finished successfully however I can't open Anaconda Navigator.
What I'm doing is just clicking on "Anaconda Navigator" icon from start menu.
After a while an empty console window pops up twice, then it desappears immediately without showing an error message and nothing seems to happen after that.
I've been reading about similar errors and found out that running this command, conda update --all might solve the problem.
I tried it out, but ended up getting a network connection problem for a particular URL.
But my internet connection is working fine since I'm actually able to access that URL from the browser and get a response.
It's worth mentioning that I've already uninstall Anaconda3 and set up the following user environment variables.
Any help would be appreciated, thanks in advance!
Finally found a solution to this problem, I recommend you to read the official documentation and follow the steps described there in order to make sure everything was installed correctly.
Check out this article:
After trying to starting up Anaconda Navigator from the console I got this specific error that helped me to get a final solution.
Basically I just had to move some files within anaconda3 installation folder from one path to another.
Navigate to %ANACONDA_HOME%\Library\bin, there you will find the files listed below
So, just move them to this path: %ANACONDA_HOME%\DLLs
Give it a try one more time and you will be able to run it.
%ANACONDA_HOME% refers to Anaconda3 installation folder in your computer.
This answer is based on this link: Anaconda navigator not launching windows 10 (Spyder as well)

Package Control in Sublime3 not working?

Note: I´ve searched for sublime here at the forum first, in order to post a question, because I wasn´t sure if this question was adequate for this specific forum and wanted to compare it with other posts. If it shouldn´t be here, please tell me so, and I´ll gladly close it here and open it in any other stackoverflow´s forum. Thanks.
I´ve just installed sublime3. After that I´ve installed package control.
But even when I try and install some packages using package control not all packages get installed, even when I get the "successfully installed" message at the bottom of the window.
To install a new package I go to preferences/package control/install package, and after getting the "successfully installed message" I go to /list packages and it´s not there.
I realised that maybe that´s because some packages are not compatible with sublime 3 (even there it shouldn´t be the successfully installed message there).
So, I´ve tried the latest sublime3 version of emmet, but it seems that´s not working (I´ve tried some shortcuts without any success). So I´ve watched Chris Coyer screencast to check out if I´ve missed something, but it still won´t work.
I´ve tried installing it manually: I´ve went to C:\Program Files\Sublime Text 3\Packages (I´ve installed the x64 package, but for some reason it´s not installed into \Program Files (x86)).
And then I copy/paste the unzipped folders of /emmet-sublime-master and /PyV8 (I´ve tried naming the folder just emmet).
And still, it won´t work. This kinda happened to me with a lot of packages, I´ve installes several of them, and when I go to preferences/package control/list packages, I get only 3 of them.
I came across this issue as well. This thread (https://github.com/wbond/package_control/issues/874) directed me to delete the entry for Package Control under "Ignored Packages" in my User Settings File. Once that was deleted, I restarted, and it worked as expected.
In SublimeText go to Preferences -> Settings. In the opened file Preferences.sublime-settings remove Package Control from ignored_packages list (see below). Save the file and restart Sublime.
"font_size": 11,
"Package Control" <---- REMOVE
For me, Package Control was already removed from ignored_packages, so that didn’t help. But the Sublime Text console held messages which indicated the problem. (Press Ctrl+` to open the console.)
PermissionError: [Errno 13] Permission denied: '/home/myuser/.config/sublime-text-3/Cache/Package Control/merged-ca-bundle.crt'
And changing ownership on the Package Control directory allowed me to use Package Control again:
chown -R myuser:myuser '/home/myuser/.config/sublime-text-3/Cache/Package Control/'
For me, after try to remove and reinstall the Sublime and verified the ignored_packages, I installed python and restart the sublime. So it worked.
In Terminal:
sudo apt install python python3
I am using Ubuntu 20.04.

unable to symbolicate crash log from a MonoTouch program

I have a MonoTouch app that I built in debug and uploaded to the device. I ran the app in the debugger and the app died without the debugger catching anything. I have a .crash log for it. I ran:
symbolicatecrash myapp.crash myapp.dSYM
It got symbol information for Apple stuff like CFRunLoopRunInMode and UIApplication, but not for anything in my program.
Is there a different way I need to symbolicate MonoTouch crash logs?
We had this same problem and we created a work around...
When we ran symbolicatecrash with the -v parameter (verbose) we saw it was complaining about not having a binary file inside the dSYM package. So we manually copied the binary file from within the app package into the dSYM package and that worked. Something like [MyProject].app/[MyProject] to [MyProject].app.dSYM/[MyProject].
We then created this as a Custom Command to run After Build:
cp ${TargetDir}/${ProjectName}.app/[MyProject] ${TargetDir}/${ProjectName}.app.dSYM/${ProjectName}
Note the [MyProject] portion as the binary created in the app package is a different name than the project name for us for some reason.
Now all builds symbolicate fine from terminal and within Xcode organizer. I hope there's a less band-aid way, but we were in a time crunch and this worked.
I had this problem and posted a patched version of symbolicatecrash to github. Replace /usr/local/bin/symbolicatecrash with this and you should be back in business.
tholsens answer is correct but when using Xcode >=4.3 (which is installed as an application) you need to run xcode-select first:
sudo xcode-select -switch /Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer
Otherwise you'll get strange errors like 'does not contain slice armv6', etc.
