I cannot run Gazebo and Rviz Due to Missing sdformat.dll and image_transport.dll - windows-10

Hello there hope you are all well.
Few days ago I installed ROS on my Windows-10 computer by following the tutorials on their site. I worked with TurtleSim and some other features of ROS without any problem. However when I try to run Gazebo, I get an error saying sdformat.dll is missing. And when I try to run Rviz, I get an error saying image_transport.dll and resource_retriever.dll is missing. I tried updating ROS but it did no good. I asked about this on ROS' official answer site but no one responded. Is there any CMD command or chocolatey feature which I can use to repair missing files? If not, what can I do to resolve this error?
Thank you so much


bash: /home/linuxbrew/.linuxbrew/bin/mongo: Permission denied [MongoDB 4.4 set up on AWS cloud 9 IDE]

I'm trying to install Mongodb version 4.4 on a AWS IDE (using a Mac and Ubuntu set up). I receive the following error message:
bash: /home/linuxbrew/.linuxbrew/bin/mongo: Permission denied
It seems it's a permission issue, however I have no idea to to rectify this. Any ideas or steps to take to resolve this?
it seems there is already a discussion about this error on the MongoDB forum.
Here is the link
They closed it as Won't fix.
The final answer was provided by Mathew Robinson as:
Closing this as Won't Fix, it seems that Linuxbrew is a very small
subset of homebrew users and we support from source builds as well as
Linux packages for all distributions we support.
In the case of Linuxbrew it would just be a way to run our from source
builds that we already document how to do.
I have the same problem
the problem is that you use homebrew and the files are in a restricted area which means Linux can't modify it.
I solved it by:
full this guide to Install MongoDB Community Edition :
then, instead of using mongod use mongosh which allows you to add data to the table.
I tried mongod and it never works and I don't know why.
it give aborting after fassert() failure\n\n"} so mongosh work fine.

How do I update kernel-utils?

Brace yourself, I'm a Windows admin messing with a CentOS 6 server.
Let's start by saying I know very little about Linux.
I'm trying to load an rmmagent, GFI/MaxFocus's agent. It's failing the dependency check on kernel-utils and unzip.
error: Failed dependencies:
kernel-utils is needed by rmmagent-1.0.2.centos6-1.2.x86_64
unzip is needed by rmmagent-1.0.2.centos6-1.2.x86_64
I Googled myself to death, but I think I just don't know enough about Linux to make this go.
Can someone educate me or point me to the right place to learn how to do this? Thanks!
PS: I got unzip installed without issue.
We had the same issue. We spoke to the LogicNow support and they give us this solution:
wget -c ftp://rpmfind.net/linux/Mandriva/official/9.1/i586/Mandrake/RPMS/ksymoops-2.4.8-1mdk.i586.rpm
yum install ksymoops-2.4.8-1mdk.i586.rpm

installing node.js on a new ubuntu machine won't work

Ok, I have this whole new machine on which I just freshly installed Ubuntu 12.10. I'm trying to install node.js by following the instructions on this website. The first time I did that it worked like a charm, but then I had some troubles installing packages because nodejs --version and node --version gave two different results. I thought then that the best idea was to do a rm -rf /usr/var/node or something like that. That resulted in a total mess up of everything.
By trying to call sudo apt-get install nodejs again, I get the following error message:
Errors were encountered while processing:
E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)
I really tried everything, from apt-autoremove to clean to whatever, I cannot possibly figure out why this is not working anymore. Any ideas?
Edit: it's funny how people gives -1 without even reading the question. If these smart alecks think this question is stupid or inappropriate, they could simply write so or help me out, since I'm struggling with this. Also, removed some of the output, since people cannot read until the end of it.
Try install the locales packages, and run dpkg-reconfigure locales to set the locales "en-US" for the system.

Getting Node to work on windows 7 enterprise

For the better part of a day now I've been trying to get node.js to work on my computer.
Even though I get no errors during installation, whenever i try to run node or npm from the command line I only get the error "Evented I/O for V8 JavaScript has stopped working" and then nothing happens.
I really have no clue why it isn't working and what I have to do to get it to work! Has anyone else ever had the same problem and were you able to fix it somehow?
It seems the problem was with ansicon which I installed together with cucumber.
I was able to fix the problem by running "ansicon -u" in my x64 folder

Installing gitorious issue

I am struggling with the installation of gitorious (on an Ubuntu 12.04 distribution) on my local server following this tutorial : http://cjohansen.no/en/ruby/setting_up_gitorious_on_your_own_server
After fixing some some config, I went running this command : env RAILS_ENV=production /etc/init.d/git-daemon start, I keep on having this message Starting git-daemon: FAILURE!!!, without finding any log message. After googling, I found it could be a config problem in the /etc/init.d/git-daemon config file : I put it here
Hmm... Can't say I can pinpoint the problem. Can you get any messages out of dmesg | tail?
I remember having some problems with the git-daemon, and I think they boiled down to some problem with ActiveMQ. Unfortunately, I can't remember how I fixed it.
There also seems to be a pretty neat, concise install script that streamlines the setup process for Ubuntu 12.04: https://gist.github.com/4236547
PS: You might want to get an account on pastebin to make your config file more easily accessible.
