How to convert a Yii2 local website to a desktop executable? - linux

I currently have a local basic Yii2 website with an external database on XAMPP. Is there a way I could convert this application to a native desktop application that can run on Windows and the Linux OS?
I wish to build the desktop app myself and not use automatic builders like Web2Desk
It'll come as an .exe file which can be run to install the app. The app would not need any 3rd-party software (for the database for example). I'm thinking kind of like the Slack desktop application.
Can you please help?


How to create a browser instance (pupeeteer) with firebase and use it in my app (node.js)?

I created a firebase project. This communicates with a mobile application (node.js). As part of this project I want to use pupeeteer.
I have no problem launching functions using pupeeteer in firebase.
The problem is that I want to make the user perform actions. So I have to display the web page (pupeeteer) in the application via a browser generated by the server (with a firebase function?)?
However I have no idea how to launch a browser instance in the background and close it at the end of processing?
Can you help me ? Is this the right solution?
I want to use this :
This library does 2 things:
Download the chromium binaries and launch a Chromium process.
Connect to this process with Websocket and send json commands to control the browser.
Due to limitations on mobile platforms (iOS and Android), it is not possible to launch an external Chromium process on iOS and Android. So, step 1) does not work on mobile.
You can still use puppeteer-dart on Flutter either with:
Flutter on Desktop (macOS, windows, Linux)
Flutter on mobile BUT with the actual Chrome instance running on a server and accessed from the mobile app using puppeteer.connect
The website reports that this library works with Android and iOS. The supported platform list is detected automatically and can't be manually modified to express the current limitations

Flutter desktop app for Linux - but Linux server not running desktop

Question: Is there any way to provide a terminal connection with a canvas to a Flutter app being hosted on a non-gui Linux server?
Context: We have a lot of character-based tools running on (CentOS) Linux server. It would be great to write them (or a wrapper around them) as GUI apps using Flutter. I don't need full window management, just things like GUI components, mouse text selection, cut-n-paste, drag-n-drop, SDI design UI.
Is there any way to accomplish that without installing desktop software on the server? I know there's a Raspberry Pi setup for flutter apps on Linux WITHOUT installing desktop. Would anything like that work?

Executable application with node.js

Is it possible to create an application (like a Windows executable) with visual interface using node.js?
Question arises because I was looking at an application (exe file in windows) which apparently runs javascript code and use a "web-style" presentation (probably encapsulating a Browser object) so controls look pretty much as a web application but running in a windows application.
Is there any known tool for this?

Can my Azure Mobile Service run locally?

I am new to Azure. I am following this tutorial in setting up my .Net server for azure and ios client.
I am testing my ios client on simulator. Can I run my .NET server on my location machine with put publish it to azure? If yes, how can I figure my client to talks to this location machine?
And in the tutorial, it creates a Database Table. If I run it locally, do I need to setup my location DB server?
Not on a mac (which you need for iOS development). With the .NET backend you can run the service locally on a Windows machine, but it will be running off of localhost.
For iOS development, you have two choices. If you use the JavaScript / node.js backend, where all of your development can be done in the Mac (you can configure the service via Git locally or directly in the portal). If you use the .NET backend (the link you mentioned), then you need the Mac for the client-side development, and a PC (or Windows running in the Mac on an emulator such as parallels) to develop the server (you need Visual Studio for that).
And regarding your question about the table, when you run it locally, it will use Entity Framework Code First (by default), so you don't need to create the table in your (local) database - it will create it automatically for you.

Autorun desktop app and check if it is running from a Windows 8 App

I´m developing a Windows 8 App, and it needs a desktop app running on background to work properly.
So i have two questions:
1.- The OS is a Windows 8.1 Industry Embedded. I need to autorun the desktop app and my Windows 8 app at startup.
Here explains how to do so with a Windows 8 App, but not with a desktop app, so i´m using this other solution to add the application to the Windows Startup folder, but i´m not sure if this is the best way.
2.- Then, when my app starts, i should check if the other app is running or not to work in one way or another. How can i check that? I´m developing with HTML and Javascript.
Yes that is the 'proper' solution to starting a desktop app on startup. Otherwise you can look at creating a windows service that manages the app lifecycle.
By design, winRT apps are not supposed to talk to desktop applications, but if you are sideloading the winRT app (i.e., not through the Windows Store), you could run a local server with your desktop app, and then enable local loopback with localhost in your winRT app and communicate that way.
