okta integration with Azure ad - azure

I am new to Azure as well as okta and now I am trying to configure okta users with Azure ad ,
I had created an application under enterprises application in Azure ad and provide access to all users in azure ad, now I want to provide access to one of my partner who uses okta but not azure ad now have to proved access to okta users to access my application which is in Azure ad.

This question is a little vague, but it sounds like you need to create a guest profile in Azure AD, locked down with RBAC (Very Important), to allow access specifically to your App. Imho you should let your partner worry about configuring their own Okta application, since you're basically working as their IT team if you start going into their Okta account to make changes. Also, if you break something, it's now your companies problem.


Restrict Azure B2C to organizational accounts

I have two separate web applications, one built with .NET Framework and the other built with .NET Core. Both web applications make up one solution which we ship to our customers. The solution itself is a SaaS subscription-based solution, where users would be able to sign-up with using either a Microsoft/Office 365, GSuite, or organizational account (basic username/password). We would like to restrict sign-up to organizational/business accounts only.
As I understood, Azure B2B is mainly useful when you have something internal and you would like to give external users some limited access to it. Given that I have a multi-tenant SaaS solution, I believe that Azure B2C makes more sense.
Furthermore, in our solution, we would also want the ability for external users to access Tabular Models in Azure Analysis Services and SSRS.
Is access to only organizational accounts, something that can be configured through Azure AD B2C?
Can access be granted to external users to Azure Analysis Services or other Azure tools when using Azure B2C?
You have two options
Option 1, Using Azure AD External identities solution - recommended
You can use newly released self service sign up solution in Azure AD external identities . You can very well restrict sign up to other Azure AD accounts only. However for sign up using other federation systems - you need to try on. I think as of today only Google and Facebook are supported apart from Azure AD.
Option 2, use Azure AD B2C and use app only authentication.
Azure AD B2C consumer accounts are by default not supported by Azure services or Office. But you can use app based authentication to provide these services. Your client app will call your backend api using Azure AD B2C token. Your backend app can perform all auth validations and then call the backend Azure or any other service using app only authentication mode.

Azure AD B2C to authenticate corporate Azure AD accounts

Azure AD B2C newbie here. I have a Single Page Application hosted in Azure & it uses Azure Functions. I want to allow users in many organisations to login to my application using their existing corporate email address, & authenticated in their company's Azure AD, which I have no access to.
For instance I want people in company Contoso to access my Azure SPA by logging in with their existing Contoso email addresses "john.smith#contoso.com". Authentication takes place in Contoso's Azure AD.
Do I use the Azure AD B2C Identity Experience Framework & Custom Policy for this? Any guidance would be helpful.
This isn't the best case for use of Azure AD B2C.
I recommend you use the "multi-tenant" pattern to configure your single-page application to accept sign-ins from any Azure Active Directory tenant

Authentication WebAPI service that will use Azure AD and Azure B2B

This isn't a specific problem question but a "cry for help".
My problem is this. Our organization is in the process of implementing Office365.
Until now there were tens of applications with their own authentication and authorization but in the process most of them will be rewritten to use within O365 environment.
We are facing the problem of creating one endpoint (ASP.NET WebAPI app) which will be used to authenticate a user with his credentials from Active Directory (or B2B AD on Azure because some apps are used outside) and tell if this user is allowed to use app that asked to log him.
I'm just wondering through documentations and sample code but can't decide what will be a good practice in this scenario. Should we just build each app and use Azure Active Directory provider to authenticate. Or is it possible to setup ONE api that will hold all apps Ids and its userIds - then it will check user credentials against AD and give app token/cookie...
My best bet is to try this: http://www.tugberkugurlu.com/archive/simple-oauth-server-implementing-a-simple-oauth-server-with-katana-oauth-authorization-server-components-part-1
But create Provider for AzureAD. But then its still question about this B2B AD part.
Please help by pointing to some up to date resources..
You should register each of your B2B application within your Azure Active Directory and configure them to use AAD as the Identity Provider.
Then you can administrate everything you want (e. g. which user has access to which application) within the Azure Active Directory blade from the Azure Portal.
You are getting this backwards. If you have apps integrated with Azure AD you don't have to create endpoint which will validate users right to use apps but you are assigning right to use an app in Azure AD. This is whole point.

Azure AD application - Can it be part of a Security Group?

I am creating a rest API which I am securing using OAuth2 client-credentials flow in Azure Active Directory. This requires me to set up the clients who should get access to my API as applications in Azure AD.
I would really like to take the AD thing a step further and have SQL Database access using AD Security Groups.
The question is; can I add an AD application to a security group and get Azure Active Directory login to work?

Two Factor Logins on Azure Portal

What am I missing here? I'm thinking of moving my data center to Azure. I've created a corporate virtual network that has my ADs, my certificates, basically the family jewels of the company that I'm trying to build in the cloud. I've plugged up every obvious security hole that I can think of except one: the login to the Azure Portal is just a simple user id/password. If someone picked off my Microsoft Live user id, all they need is a password cracker. And a disgruntled or dismissed employee could easily cause havoc. Is there some way to lock down the portal? Does anyone in the security business think these Azure web sites are secure?
You can use Azure AD to properly secure the portal authentication. Azure AD is designed to securely authenticate applications in the cloud and it is supported by the majority of Microsoft solutions like Azure Portal. It will provide features like MFA, access control, self-service password reset, etc.
Although Microsoft Accounts also support some of these features, you can't force your users to specific policies, that's why Azure AD is important for enterprise level security.
Once you create a directory for your company through Azure Portal and synchronize your AD objects with Azure AD using the AAD Connect tool you will be able to login to Azure Portal using your corporate credentials and force users to use Multi-factor authentication or even apply other policies.
Azure Active Directory features and capabilities
Azure Active Directory Hybrid Identity Design Considerations
Integrating your on-premises identities with Azure Active Directory
