Google Forms to Notion API - node.js

I am working on creating an API to send google form responses to a notion database. I want to send a response to the database each time a form submission is completed, however, the forms API only has two methods for retrieval retrieving all the responses at once or a specific response by the id.
How would I create a trigger, with either google app scripts or something else to send this data to my API endpoint.


How to get and pass user conversation data to backend API in Azure Bot Framework Composer v1.4.0?

I am new to Azure Bot Framework Composer.
I am creating chatbot using Azure Bot Framework Composer(without writing code) which need to be launch in Angular Web Application from Azure Cloud after deployment.
In my chatbot project, need to fetch the user conversation data and send it to backend API from Azure Bot Framework Composer.
How to achieve this?, anyone help on this.
You can view the conversation data using ${conversation} scope and from dialog stack can access required information. To get last conversation data can use ${turn.Activity}. For sending to backend API, create HTTP post method and pass the data in the body of your request.
Without knowing more details on your chatbot project, one reasonable approach to take is to use the Send HTTP Request action in the composer.
After you obtain the values from the conversation that you are looking for, (can be stored in conversation / dialog variables), you could then pass it onto an HTTP send request and deliver that to your backend API.
With this, you can send any payload to your backend API.

Edit request in js before sending it to fullfillment endpoint

I need to edit request before sending it to endpoint.
Using Web Demo integration I'm able to send request to the endpoint.
But I can't edit the request in order to provide some extra data to request. Extra data is stored in localStorage so I need to do this in javascript.
I've already connected the agent to an endpoint that handle the request using fullfillment. The problem is that request misses data I can retrieve only from the browser. From fullfillment I can set headers and basic auth but statically and it is not enough.
So I need to add a step in request building/sending:
User write or tell something to embedded chat (Web Demo integration)
Dialogflow recognize intent, params, generate the request.
Additional step: Update the request in javascript
Forward cutomized request to the endpoint
Maybe it's not possible using Web Demo integration. In Documentation can't find a way to just send string or audio in order to receive the generated request.
First of all you will need a custom chat integration, not the default Dialogflow one. Something like Smooch or Kommunicate. The default web demo should only be used for testing your bot. There is NO way you would want to use that in a production environment.
I would save whatever is in the local storage in a database such as Firestore. Once that data is in the database you can use it to modify your request in your fulfillment.
So what I would do:
Have a way to identify a user and save its local storage to the database (as soon as someone clicks on your chat window or opens the chat window)
Once an intent is triggered you check which user is contacting you (through the way that you identified the user) and get all data from the database
Request the data in your fulfillment server
There is no other way in which this is possible. You can't change requests before your query hits Dialogflow.

get JSON generated by a webhook hosted onlilne

I am making a plagariam check and then it communicates to the server of the company via webhook, the response is then recorded in RequestBin, which generates a JSON response in their website, how do I extract the information from the website to my node js code?
The webpage looks like this: my online webhook
What I need is to get that raw JSON.
You cannot get data via API from RequestBin.
RequestBin doesn't provide API for you to catch the responses. It is built for manual testing where a person checks the data using their UI.
If you wish to check the response, register a WebHook with the company that points to your server where your app resides.

How to make an Approval step in Azure Logic app calling my own APIs similar to office365 approval connector?

I wanna build a small workflow using Azure Logic Apps that contains an "Approval" step, which is simply an API call in my own system, similar to office 365 approval connector.
However, from what I found on the internet, the only way to make a long running task in Azure Logic Apps is to use Webhooks.
In Webhooks, I could not set a value to the parameter I created "Bool-Approved".. so, How can I check it later in a condition step?
The other possible solution maybe is to use Swagger to have an "Bool-Approved" parameter. However, it does not support long running action!
What's the possible solution for me?
As you mentioned, the way to do it is to use the Webhook action, and for that you need to implement the Subscribe/Unsubscribe pattern described here. The webhook action will allow you to get any payload (via an HTTP Post) from the instance-based webhook you are subscribing to.
The points below are a summary of this blog post:
To implement the Subscribe/Unsubscribe Webhook pattern you need to consider:
Subscription store: A database to store the unique message Id and the
instance-based callback URL provided by the webhook action.
Subscribe and Start Request Processing API: this is a RESTful API that is in charge of starting the processing of the request and storing the
Unsubscribe and Stop Request Processing API: this is another RESTful API that is only going to be called if the webhook action on the main workflow times out. This API is in charge of stopping the processing and deleting the subscription from the store.
Instance-based webhook: this webhook is to be triggered by your own custom approval event. Once triggered, your webhook is in charge of getting the instance-based callback URL from the store and invoking it. After making the call back to the main workflow instance, the subscription is to be deleted. This is the webhook that is in charge of sending the payload you require to the waiting webhook action in your Logic App.
The subsequent actions will be able to use that response body, so you can implement your conditions, etc.
You can follow the blog post mentioned above to see a detailed example and get more details on how to implement it.
make you api return HTTP code 200 if the response if "ok" and 400 if the response is "not ok". This way you can force logic app to behave the way you need it to behave..

Retrieving Power Form URL with API

Currently I'm using a template, creating an Envelope from that template and uploading documents and sending with the Sender View all through the API. What I would like to do is use a power form that when I hit send I can somehow retrieve that url with the API and save it to my DB. How can I get that signing URL with the API ?
That is currently not available through the API, you must use the web UI to perform this action at this time.
This may change at a later date, however I do not have any information on when that may be.
Your best option on getting it in the API is contacting your DocuSign Account Manager to submit an Enhancement Request (DocuSign Customer Support can also help you submit that as well).
