I have a Text that overflows and I can't figure out why - flutter-layout

Why, oh why, is the text double underlined and how to fix it?

wrap the whole thing in a scaffold.


How to make the `CocInlayHints` background color transparent in `.vimrc`

This is a follow up question to Change the color of the type hint in coc.nvim's rust-analyzer
I'm wondering if it's possible to change the background color of inlay hints from Rust Analyzer in Vim. Adding a hex #ffffff00 doesn't seem to work, nor does just 0.
After some more experimenting I was able to find that if you just remove the option for a background color in the examples provided in the aforementioned question, it will not have a background as desired. For me, that looks like:
"For Types hint
hi default CocInlayHint ctermfg=71
The part to remove is ctermbg=0. I also removed other parts from the example provided but it seemed to have no effect so I've left them out here as well.

After Effects expression: Color change with keyframes

I am pretty new to expressions in AE and I wasn't able to find a solution for my problem so I hope you can help me out with this.
I use this expression to get global colors for my animation:
comp("COLOR CONTROL").layer("Control").effect("Color 1")("Color")
It works perfectly, but I have a few layers where the color needs to gradually change by using keyframes. The problem is that I don't know how to address these keyframes with an expression.
I guess it's something with "key(1)" and "key(2)" but I wasn't able to find any hint how to do this simple expression. Can anybody help me with this?

Drawing ruled lines in UITextView

In a UITextView I want to draw ruled lines along with the text. For that, I subclass UITextView and overwrite drawRect. Seing a few post on the subject (including on this site), that seems the right way to start.
Here is the loop where I draw the lines:
for (int x=1;x<numberOfLines;x++) {
baselineOffset in this code is constant, meaning I step by self.font.lineHeight
but seeing the picture below (with the slow shifting between the lines and the text) I am obviously not using the right value for incrementing
the y coordinate (here called yPos). What should I use?
Has anyone got an idea of what could be the problem?
Thank you for any tip.
Use font.leading instead of font.lineHeight.

hl-line-mode emacs color change

Emacs' hl-line-mode is just what i need but i would like to change it's horrible yellow color, anyone know how can i do that?
I use (set-face-background hl-line-face "gray13").
here's what it looks like with a black background.
Very subtle. Mostly I notice it when moving the cursor, which is what I wanted.
If you want to see a display of all the various colors, try (list-colors-display). It will show a list of colors in a new buffer.
EDIT: heh heh, since I am getting upvoted for pretty pictures,
here it is "live":
(ps: that animated gif was produced with the Cropper tool and the AnimatedGif plugin.)
M-x customize-group RET hl-line RET
and modify "Hl Line face".
Alternatively, you could use (for example):
(set-face-background 'hl-line "#333333")
edit: cheeso's answer would be the more robust approach for that second version.
On top of all the nice answers, you can also do it with use-package as follows:
(use-package hl-line
(hl-line ((t (:background "#aaaaaa")))))
hl-line is the customizible face added in Emacs 22 according to the author of hl-line+.

underlining text in sifr

I've recently been getting into using sifr as a healthy alternative to generating text as image using php. I've got a question about underlining text, for a website design I need to be able to specify the thickness of the underline and the distance from the text, is there any way to accomplish this with sifr? If not, is there a way to be able to solve this with css? I've been trying to get my head around it, but since I haven't found a way to get the exact width of the sifr text, I'm doubting whether it's possible at all.
Any thoughts on this? They're much appreciated.
Kind regards,
I suspect that Flash renders a fake underline, and no, you can't change how it looks. The only option would be to render a border underneath the Flash movie using HTML & CSS, but I don't that'll work very well.
With sIFR 3, if you specify the fitExactly: true option in the replacement, the Flash movie will be the same width as the internal text.
