I'm very new to haskell.
How can I return (x1,x2) and print it out from my code?
qqq x
| x < 0 x1 = mod (-x) 10
| 1 < x && x < 99 x1 = mod x 10
| x2 = mod x 10
You are using guards the wrong way. You seem to see these as if statements, that you then can use for assignements. In Haskell, you do not assign values to a variable, you declare these. You can work with:
qqq :: Integral a => a -> (a, a)
qqq x
| x < 0 = (mod (-x) 10, x2)
| 1 < x && x < 99 = (mod x 10, x2)
where x2 = mod x 10
Here each guard thus has a condition before the equation sign (=), and at the right side returns a 2-tuple with as first item an expression for x1, and as second item x2.
You should also implement extra case(s) for x == 1 and x >= 99, these are not covered by the two guards.
Implement the interval2 :: Int -> Int -> Int -> [Int] function,that lists numbers from the first parameter to the third parameter, the stepping's size is the second parameter. Using [n..m], [n,k..m] or [n..] is prohibited.
For example:
interval2 1 1 10 == [1,2..10]
interval2 10 1 0 == [10,11..0]
interval2 10 (-1) 0 == [10,9..0]
interval2 1 2 10 == [1,3..10]
interval2 10 2 0 == [10,12..0]
interval2 0 (-2) (-10) == [0,(-2)..(-10)]
interval2 1 (-1) 10 == [1,0..10]
interval2 0 (-10) (-1000) == [0,(-10)..(-1000)]
So far, I've managed to write some cases, but they didn't do the job very well.
interval2 x y z | x < z && y > 0 = [x] ++ interval2 (x+y) y z
| x < z && y < 0 = [x] ++ interval2 (x-y) y z
| x > z && y > 0 = [x] ++ interval2 (x-y) y z
| x > z && y < 0 = [x] ++ interval2 (x+y) y z
| x == z || x > z = [z]
There are basically two cases when you should emit a new value:
if x <= z and y > 0; and
if x >= z and y < 0.
In both cases that means the list contains x as first element and should recurse on the interval with x+y. In case none of these conditions are not met, then we have reached the end of the list.
This thus means that the function looks like:
interval2 x y z
| (x <= z && y > 0) || (x >= z && y < 0) = …
| otherwise = …
where I leave implementing … as an exercise.
Naming is important. When learning, naming is very important.
What is x? What is y? What is z? Are all of them the same, conceptually?
No, as the exercise describes it, it is
interval2 :: Int -> Int -> Int -> [Int]
interval2 from stepSize to =
this already gets you half way there towards the solution. Yes it does.
Or actually, you have a contradiction. According to the title of your post, it is
interval2b :: Int -> Int -> Int -> [Int]
interval2b from numSteps to =
But in any case, solving the first one first, you seem to get lost in the multitude of tests. Instead of doing all of them in one function, why not do a test to decide which of several functions to use to do the job; then write each of those functions being already able to assume certain things, namely those which we've tested for:
interval2 from stepSize to
| stepSize > 0 = increasing from
| stepSize < 0 = decreasing from
| otherwise = []
increasing from
| from
and now it is easy to see which test to perform here, isn't it?
> to = []
| otherwise = from : increasing ....
decreasing from
| from
and similarly here.
I hope this helps you manage this complexity so you'll be able to complete this code yourself.
Why does GHCi give incorrect answer below?
λ> ((-20.24373193905347)^12)^2 - ((-20.24373193905347)^24)
>>> ((-20.24373193905347)**12)**2 - ((-20.24373193905347)**24)
I would implement Haskell's (^) function as follows.
powerXY :: Double -> Int -> Double
powerXY x 0 = 1
powerXY x y
| y < 0 = powerXY (1/x) (-y)
| otherwise =
let z = powerXY x (y `div` 2)
in if odd y then z*z*x else z*z
main = do
let x = -20.24373193905347
print $ powerXY (powerXY x 12) 2 - powerXY x 24 -- 0
print $ ((x^12)^2) - (x ^ 24) -- 4.503599627370496e15
Although my version doesn't appear any more correct than the one provided below by #WillemVanOnsem, it strangely gives the correct answer for this particular case at least.
Python is similar.
def pw(x, y):
if y < 0:
return pw(1/x, -y)
if y == 0:
return 1
z = pw(x, y//2)
if y % 2 == 1:
return z*z*x
return z*z
# prints 0.0
print(pw(pw(-20.24373193905347, 12), 2) - pw(-20.24373193905347, 24))
Short answer: there is a difference between (^) :: (Num a, Integral b) => a -> b -> a and (**) :: Floating a => a -> a -> a.
The (^) function works only on integral exponents. It will normally make use of an iterative algorithm that will each time check if the power is divisible by two, and divide the power by two (and if non-divisible multiply the result with x). This thus means that for 12, it will perform a total of six multiplications. If a multiplication has a certain rounding-off error, that error can "explode". As we can see in the source code, the (^) function is implemented as:
(^) :: (Num a, Integral b) => a -> b -> a
x0 ^ y0 | y0 < 0 = errorWithoutStackTrace "Negative exponent"
| y0 == 0 = 1
| otherwise = f x0 y0
where -- f : x0 ^ y0 = x ^ y
f x y | even y = f (x * x) (y `quot` 2)
| y == 1 = x
| otherwise = g (x * x) (y `quot` 2) x -- See Note [Half of y - 1]
-- g : x0 ^ y0 = (x ^ y) * z
g x y z | even y = g (x * x) (y `quot` 2) z
| y == 1 = x * z
| otherwise = g (x * x) (y `quot` 2) (x * z) -- See Note [Half of y - 1]
The (**) function is, at least for Floats and Doubles implemented to work on the floating point unit. Indeed, if we take a look at the implementation of (**), we see:
instance Floating Float where
-- …
(**) x y = powerFloat x y
-- …
This thus redirect to the powerFloat# :: Float# -> Float# -> Float# function, which will, normally be linked to the corresponding FPU operation(s) by the compiler.
If we use (**) instead, we obtain zero as well for a 64-bit floating point unit:
Prelude> (a**12)**2 - a**24
We can for example implement the iterative algorithm in Python:
def pw(x0, y0):
if y0 < 0:
raise Error()
if y0 == 0:
return 1
return f(x0, y0)
def f(x, y):
if (y % 2 == 0):
return f(x*x, y//2)
if y == 1:
return x
return g(x*x, y // 2, x)
def g(x, y, z):
if (y % 2 == 0):
return g(x*x, y//2, z)
if y == 1:
return x*z
return g(x*x, y//2, x*z)
If we then perform the same operation, I get locally:
>>> pw(pw(-20.24373193905347, 12), 2) - pw(-20.24373193905347, 24)
Which is the same value as what we get for (^) in GHCi.
The problem:
You are given a function plusOne x = x + 1. Without using any other (+)s, define a recursive function addition such that addition x y adds x and y together.
(from wikibooks.org)
My code (it does not work -- endless loop):
plusOne x = x + 1
addition x y
| x > 0 = addition (plusOne y) (x-1)
| otherwise = y
How to connect the plusOne function to the addition recursive function?
How should it be written?
You are mixing up x and y in your recursive case
addition x y | y > 0 = addition (plusOne x) (y - 1) -- x + y == (x + 1) + (y - 1)
| otherwise = x -- x + 0 = x
using == and 0
addition = add 0 where
add a y x | a == y = x
| otherwise = add (plusOne a) y (plusOne x)
I was reading the Haskell Prelude and finding it pretty understandable, then I stumbled upon the exponention definition:
(^) :: (Num a, Integral b) => a -> b -> a
x ^ 0 = 1
x ^ n | n > 0 = f x (n-1) x
where f _ 0 y = y
f x n y = g x n where
g x n | even n = g (x*x) (n `quot` 2)
| otherwise = f x (n-1) (x*y)
_ ^ _ = error "Prelude.^: negative exponent"
I do not understand the need for two nested wheres.
What I understood so far:
(^) :: (Num a, Integral b) => a -> b -> a
The base must be a number and the exponent intege, ok.
x ^ 0 = 1
Base case, easy.
g x n | even n = g (x*x) (n `quot` 2)
| otherwise = f x (n-1) (x*y)
Exponention by squaring... kind of ... Why is the f helper needed? Why are f and g given single letter names? Is it just optimization, am I missing something obvious?
_ ^ _ = error "Prelude.^: negative exponent"
N > 0 was checked before, N is negative if we arrived here, so error.
My implementation would be a direct translation to code of:
Function exp-by-squaring(x, n )
if n < 0 then return exp-by-squaring(1 / x, - n );
else if n = 0 then return 1; else if n = 1 then return x ;
else if n is even then return exp-by-squaring(x * x, n / 2);
else if n is odd then return x * exp-by-squaring(x * x, (n - 1) / 2).
Pseudocode from wikipedia.
To illustrate what #dfeuer is saying, note that the way f is written it either:
f returns a value
or, f calls itself with new arguments
Hence f is tail recursive and therefore can easily be transformed into a loop.
On the other hand, consider this alternate implementation of exponentiation by squaring:
-- assume n >= 0
exp x 0 = 1
exp x n | even n = exp (x*x) (n `quot` 2)
| otherwise = x * exp x (n-1)
The problem here is that in the otherwise clause the last operation performed is a multiplication. So exp either:
returns 1
calls itself with new arguments
calls itself with some new arguments and multiplies the result by x.
exp is not tail recursive and therefore cannot by transformed into a loop.
f is indeed an optimization. The naive approach would be "top down", calculating x^(n `div` 2) and then squaring the result. The downside of this approach is that it builds a stack of intermediate computations. What f lets this implementation do is to first square x (a single multiplication) and then raise the result to the reduced exponent, tail recursively. The end result is that the function will likely operate entirely in machine registers. g seems to help avoid checking for the end of the loop when the exponent is even, but I'm not really sure if it's a good idea.
As far as I understand it exponentiation is solved by squaring as long as the exponent is even.
This leads to the answer why f is needed in case of an odd number - we use f to return the result in the case of g x 1, in every other odd case we use f to get back in the g-routine.
You can see it best I think if you look at an example:
x ^ n | n > 0 = f x (n-1) x
where f _ 0 y = y
f x n y = g x n
where g x n | even n = g (x*x) (n `quot` 2)
| otherwise = f x (n-1) (x*y)
2^6 = -- x = 2, n = 6, 6 > 0 thus we can use the definition
f 2 (6-1) 2 = f 2 5 2 -- (*)
= g 2 5 -- 5 is odd we are in the "otherwise" branch
= f 2 4 (2*2) -- note that the second '2' is still in scope from (*)
= f 2 4 (4) -- (**) for reasons of better readability evaluate the expressions, be aware that haskell is lazy and wouldn't do that
= g 2 4
= g (2*2) (4 `quot` 2) = g 4 2
= g (4*4) (2 `quot` 2) = g 16 1
= f 16 0 (16*4) -- note that the 4 comes from the line marked with (**)
= f 16 0 64 -- which is the base case for f
= 64
Now to your question of using single letter function names - that's the kind of thing you have to get used to it is a way most people in the community write. It has no effect on the compiler how you name your functions - as long as they start with a lower case letter.
As others noted, the function is written using tail-recursion for efficiency.
However, note that one could remove the innermost where while preserving tail-recursion as follows: instead of
x ^ n | n > 0 = f x (n-1) x
where f _ 0 y = y
f x n y = g x n
where g x n | even n = g (x*x) (n `quot` 2)
| otherwise = f x (n-1) (x*y)
we can use
x ^ n | n > 0 = f x (n-1) x
where f _ 0 y = y
f x n y | even n = f (x*x) (n `quot` 2) y
| otherwise = f x (n-1) (x*y)
which is also arguably more readable.
I have however no idea why the authors of the Prelude chose their variant.
My homework was to provide a function that computes 'x^y mod n' -for any n < (sqrt maxint32)
So I started by writing doing this:
modPow :: Int -> Int -> Int -> Int
modPow x y n = (x `mod` n) ^ (y `mod` n) `mod` n
Which seemed to work fine, for any number of n, although my next homework question involved using x^n mod n = x (Camichael numbers) and I could never get modPow to work.
So I made another modPow using pseudocode for mod exponentiation, -from wikipedia:
modPow2 :: Int -> Int -> Int -> Int
modPow2 x y n
= loopmod 1 1
loopmod count total = if count > y
then total
else loopmod (count+1) ((total*x) `mod` n)
Which now correctly produces the right answer for my next question, (x^n mod n = x) -for checking for Camichael numbers.
ALTHOUGH, modPow2 does not work for big numbers of 'y' (STACK-OVERFLOW!!)
How could I adjust modPow2 so it no longer gets a stackoverflow in the cases where y > 10,000 (but still less than sqrt of maxint 32 -which is around 46,000)
Or is there a fix on my original modPow so it works with x^n mod n = x? (I always do 560 561 561 as inputs and it gives me back 1 not 560 (561 is a carmichael number so should give 560 back)
Thanks alot.
Your formula for modPow is wrong, you can't just use y mod n as the exponent, it will lead to wrong results. For example:
Prelude> 2^10
Prelude> 2^10 `mod` 10
Prelude> 2^(10 `mod` 10) `mod` 10
For a better modPow function you could use that x2n+1 = x2n ⋅ x and x2n = xn ⋅ xn and that for multiplication you actually can simply use the mod of the factors.
Where did you get your formula for modPow from?
(x ^ y) `mod` n = ((x `mod` n) ^ (y `mod` φ n)) `mod` n where φ is Euler's totient function.
This is probably because the argument total is computed lazily.
If you use GHC, you can make loopmod strict in total by placing a ! in frontof the argument, i.e.
loopmod count !total = ...
Another way would be to force evaluation of total like so: Replace the last line with
else if total == 0 then 0 else loopmod (count+1) ((total*x) `mod` n)
This does not change semantics (because 0*xis 0 anyway, so the reminder must be 0 also) and it forces hugs to evaluate total in every recursion.
If you are looking for implementation ( a^d mod n ) then
powM a d n
| d == 0 = 1
| d == 1 = mod a n
| otherwise = mod q n where
p = powM ( mod ( a^2 ) n ) ( shiftR d 1 ) n
q = if (.&.) d 1 == 1 then mod ( a * p ) n else p