Why does GHCi give incorrect answer below?
λ> ((-20.24373193905347)^12)^2 - ((-20.24373193905347)^24)
>>> ((-20.24373193905347)**12)**2 - ((-20.24373193905347)**24)
I would implement Haskell's (^) function as follows.
powerXY :: Double -> Int -> Double
powerXY x 0 = 1
powerXY x y
| y < 0 = powerXY (1/x) (-y)
| otherwise =
let z = powerXY x (y `div` 2)
in if odd y then z*z*x else z*z
main = do
let x = -20.24373193905347
print $ powerXY (powerXY x 12) 2 - powerXY x 24 -- 0
print $ ((x^12)^2) - (x ^ 24) -- 4.503599627370496e15
Although my version doesn't appear any more correct than the one provided below by #WillemVanOnsem, it strangely gives the correct answer for this particular case at least.
Python is similar.
def pw(x, y):
if y < 0:
return pw(1/x, -y)
if y == 0:
return 1
z = pw(x, y//2)
if y % 2 == 1:
return z*z*x
return z*z
# prints 0.0
print(pw(pw(-20.24373193905347, 12), 2) - pw(-20.24373193905347, 24))
Short answer: there is a difference between (^) :: (Num a, Integral b) => a -> b -> a and (**) :: Floating a => a -> a -> a.
The (^) function works only on integral exponents. It will normally make use of an iterative algorithm that will each time check if the power is divisible by two, and divide the power by two (and if non-divisible multiply the result with x). This thus means that for 12, it will perform a total of six multiplications. If a multiplication has a certain rounding-off error, that error can "explode". As we can see in the source code, the (^) function is implemented as:
(^) :: (Num a, Integral b) => a -> b -> a
x0 ^ y0 | y0 < 0 = errorWithoutStackTrace "Negative exponent"
| y0 == 0 = 1
| otherwise = f x0 y0
where -- f : x0 ^ y0 = x ^ y
f x y | even y = f (x * x) (y `quot` 2)
| y == 1 = x
| otherwise = g (x * x) (y `quot` 2) x -- See Note [Half of y - 1]
-- g : x0 ^ y0 = (x ^ y) * z
g x y z | even y = g (x * x) (y `quot` 2) z
| y == 1 = x * z
| otherwise = g (x * x) (y `quot` 2) (x * z) -- See Note [Half of y - 1]
The (**) function is, at least for Floats and Doubles implemented to work on the floating point unit. Indeed, if we take a look at the implementation of (**), we see:
instance Floating Float where
-- …
(**) x y = powerFloat x y
-- …
This thus redirect to the powerFloat# :: Float# -> Float# -> Float# function, which will, normally be linked to the corresponding FPU operation(s) by the compiler.
If we use (**) instead, we obtain zero as well for a 64-bit floating point unit:
Prelude> (a**12)**2 - a**24
We can for example implement the iterative algorithm in Python:
def pw(x0, y0):
if y0 < 0:
raise Error()
if y0 == 0:
return 1
return f(x0, y0)
def f(x, y):
if (y % 2 == 0):
return f(x*x, y//2)
if y == 1:
return x
return g(x*x, y // 2, x)
def g(x, y, z):
if (y % 2 == 0):
return g(x*x, y//2, z)
if y == 1:
return x*z
return g(x*x, y//2, x*z)
If we then perform the same operation, I get locally:
>>> pw(pw(-20.24373193905347, 12), 2) - pw(-20.24373193905347, 24)
Which is the same value as what we get for (^) in GHCi.
I'm very new to haskell.
How can I return (x1,x2) and print it out from my code?
qqq x
| x < 0 x1 = mod (-x) 10
| 1 < x && x < 99 x1 = mod x 10
| x2 = mod x 10
You are using guards the wrong way. You seem to see these as if statements, that you then can use for assignements. In Haskell, you do not assign values to a variable, you declare these. You can work with:
qqq :: Integral a => a -> (a, a)
qqq x
| x < 0 = (mod (-x) 10, x2)
| 1 < x && x < 99 = (mod x 10, x2)
where x2 = mod x 10
Here each guard thus has a condition before the equation sign (=), and at the right side returns a 2-tuple with as first item an expression for x1, and as second item x2.
You should also implement extra case(s) for x == 1 and x >= 99, these are not covered by the two guards.
The problem:
You are given a function plusOne x = x + 1. Without using any other (+)s, define a recursive function addition such that addition x y adds x and y together.
(from wikibooks.org)
My code (it does not work -- endless loop):
plusOne x = x + 1
addition x y
| x > 0 = addition (plusOne y) (x-1)
| otherwise = y
How to connect the plusOne function to the addition recursive function?
How should it be written?
You are mixing up x and y in your recursive case
addition x y | y > 0 = addition (plusOne x) (y - 1) -- x + y == (x + 1) + (y - 1)
| otherwise = x -- x + 0 = x
using == and 0
addition = add 0 where
add a y x | a == y = x
| otherwise = add (plusOne a) y (plusOne x)
Please help, I've been trying to get this code to work but I can't find the errors. Below is my code
sumToN f x 1 = f (x 1)
sumToN f x n = f x n + f x (n-1)
facOfN 0 = 1
facOfN n = n * facOfN (n-1) sgfr
sineApprox x n = ((-1) ^ n) * ((x ** (2*n+1))/facOfN(2*n+1)
sine x n = sumToN (sineApprox x n)
When I try to load the file I get the following error.
ERROR file:F:\sine.hs:8 - Syntax error in expression (unexpected `;', possibly due to bad layout)
Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.
As already said in the comments, you've forgotten to close a paren. It'll work like that:
sineApprox x n = ((-1) ^ n) * ((x ** (2*n+1))/facOfN(2*n+1))
Note that this problem would have been obvious with a better text editor. Being a beginner, I suggest you switch to iHaskell, which has a very simple interface and yet reasonably powerful editor features.
The problem would also have been obvious if you hadn't used so many unnecessary parens. The following can be omitted just like that, some can be replaced with $. While we're at style...
sumToN f x n -- checking ==1 is not safe in general
| n<=1 = f $ x 1
| otherwise = f x n + f x (n-1)
facOfN = product [1..n]
sineApprox x n = (-1)^n * x**(2*n+1) / facOfN (2*n+1)
sine x = sumToN . sineApprox x
On another note: in general, you should always use type signatures. This code actually has problems because all the counter variables are automaticall floating point (like everything else). They should really be Ints, which requires a conversions in the factorial†:
sumToN :: Num n => (Int -> n) -> Int -> n
sumToN f x n
| n<1 = 0
| otherwise = f x n + f x (n-1)
facOfN :: Num n => Int -> n
facOfN = product [1 .. fromIntegral n]
sineApprox :: Fractional n => n -> Int -> n
sineApprox x n = (-1)^n * x^(2*n+1) / facOfN (2*n+1)
sine x = sumToN . sineApprox x
†BTW, explicitly using factorials is almost always a bad idea, as the numbers quickly get intractibly huge. Also, you're doing a lot of duplicate work. Better multiply as you add along!
I want to write a Haskell program that calculates the sum of numbers between 2 given numbers.
I have the following code:
sumInt :: Int -> Int -> Int
sumInt x y
| x > y = 0
| otherwise = x + sumInt x+1 y
But when I compile it I get the following error:
SumInt is applied to too few arguments.
I don't understand what I'm doing wrong. Any ideas?
You need parentheses around x+1:
| otherwise = x + sumInt (x + 1) y
The reason is that function application binds more tightly than operators, so whenever you see
f x <> y
This is always parsed as
(f x) <> y
and never as
f (x <> y)
My homework was to provide a function that computes 'x^y mod n' -for any n < (sqrt maxint32)
So I started by writing doing this:
modPow :: Int -> Int -> Int -> Int
modPow x y n = (x `mod` n) ^ (y `mod` n) `mod` n
Which seemed to work fine, for any number of n, although my next homework question involved using x^n mod n = x (Camichael numbers) and I could never get modPow to work.
So I made another modPow using pseudocode for mod exponentiation, -from wikipedia:
modPow2 :: Int -> Int -> Int -> Int
modPow2 x y n
= loopmod 1 1
loopmod count total = if count > y
then total
else loopmod (count+1) ((total*x) `mod` n)
Which now correctly produces the right answer for my next question, (x^n mod n = x) -for checking for Camichael numbers.
ALTHOUGH, modPow2 does not work for big numbers of 'y' (STACK-OVERFLOW!!)
How could I adjust modPow2 so it no longer gets a stackoverflow in the cases where y > 10,000 (but still less than sqrt of maxint 32 -which is around 46,000)
Or is there a fix on my original modPow so it works with x^n mod n = x? (I always do 560 561 561 as inputs and it gives me back 1 not 560 (561 is a carmichael number so should give 560 back)
Thanks alot.
Your formula for modPow is wrong, you can't just use y mod n as the exponent, it will lead to wrong results. For example:
Prelude> 2^10
Prelude> 2^10 `mod` 10
Prelude> 2^(10 `mod` 10) `mod` 10
For a better modPow function you could use that x2n+1 = x2n ⋅ x and x2n = xn ⋅ xn and that for multiplication you actually can simply use the mod of the factors.
Where did you get your formula for modPow from?
(x ^ y) `mod` n = ((x `mod` n) ^ (y `mod` φ n)) `mod` n where φ is Euler's totient function.
This is probably because the argument total is computed lazily.
If you use GHC, you can make loopmod strict in total by placing a ! in frontof the argument, i.e.
loopmod count !total = ...
Another way would be to force evaluation of total like so: Replace the last line with
else if total == 0 then 0 else loopmod (count+1) ((total*x) `mod` n)
This does not change semantics (because 0*xis 0 anyway, so the reminder must be 0 also) and it forces hugs to evaluate total in every recursion.
If you are looking for implementation ( a^d mod n ) then
powM a d n
| d == 0 = 1
| d == 1 = mod a n
| otherwise = mod q n where
p = powM ( mod ( a^2 ) n ) ( shiftR d 1 ) n
q = if (.&.) d 1 == 1 then mod ( a * p ) n else p