How to apply ConfigMaps to AKS Clusters via Terraform? - terraform

I currently deal 10-15 environment 100% IaC with Terraform in Azure. One of the recent projects was to change some log collection settings for all AKS Cluster. Here is a link of how to do it via kubectl -
What I've found so far?
Terraform has a kubernetes_config_map resource which I was able to successfully create. (
My next question is how do I apply or attach the kubernetes_config_map resource to the AKS cluster? Assuming I want this applied to all the namespaces. I wasn't able to find config_map parameter on any of the resources.
We also use helm_release, is it possible to attach/pass that kubernets_config_map to the helm_release?
Any guidance would be greatly appreciated. Thanks..


How to add a new resource to an existing resource group in Terraform

This would appear to be a fairly simple and basic scenario but I'm frankly at a loss on how to get around this using Terraform and would appreciate any suggestions.
The issue is this. In Azure, I have a number of resource groups, each containing a number of resources, including virtual networks, subnets, storage accounts, etc. What I would now like to do is add new resources to one or two of the resource groups. Typical example, I would like to provision a new virtual machine in each of the resource groups.
Now, so far all of the documentation and blogs I seem to come across only provide guidance on how to create resources whereby you also create a new resource group, vnet, subnet, from scratch. This is definitely not what I wish to do.
All I'm looking to do is get Terraform to add a single virtual machine to an existing resource group, going on to configure it to connect to existing networking resources such as a VNet, Subnet, etc. Any ideas?
I tested for ECS by destroying the launch configuration.
terraform destroy -target module.ecs.module.ec2_alb.aws_launch_configuration.launchcfg
I recreated the launch configuration and it worked:
terraform plan -target=module.ecs.module.ec2_alb.aws_launch_configuration
terraform apply -target=module.ecs.module.ec2_alb.aws_launch_configuration
Also, you can go read more on Terraform target here:
If you just want to be able to reference your existing resources in your TF script, you normally would use data sources in TF to fetch their information.
So for resource group, you would use data source azurerm_resource_group, for vnet there is azurerm_virtual_network and so forth.
These data sources would allow you to only reference and get details of existing resources, not to manage them in your TF script. Thus if you would like to actually manage these resources using TF (modify, delete, etc), you would have to import them first to TF.

Regarding terraform script behaviour

I am using Terraform scripts to create azure services, I am having some doubts regarding Terraform,
1) If I have one environment let say dev in azure having some azure resources how can I copy all the resources to new environment lest say prod using terraform script.
2)what are the impact of re-run the terraform file with additional azure resources, what it will do.
3)What if I want to create an app service with the same name from Terraform script that already present in the azure will it update the resource or do nothing after terraform execution completed.
Please feel free to answer the question, it will be great help.
To answer your questions:
You could create a new workspace with terraform workspace new and copy all configuration files (.tf) to the new environment, then run terraform init, plan, apply.
The terraform will compare the content in your current state file with your configuration file, then update the new attributes or creating new resources other than re-creating the existing resources.
You could run terraform import to import existing infrastructure into Terraform. For referencing existing resources in the portal, you can use data sources.

How can I apply one of my resources by name in Terraform?

Terraform will try to deploy all resources defined on Terraform configuration files. There are a lot of resources in my application, like lmabda, api gateway, ECS etc. I wonder whether I can specify deploying only one resource. For example, I want to deploy one lambda only and don't want to apply other resources. How can I make it in Terraform?
terraform apply -target=aws_lambda_function.test_function
More information on the usage of -target can be found in the terraform apply documentation.

Is it possible to change subnet in Azure AKS deployment?

I'd like to move an instance of Azure Kubernetes Service to another subnet in the same virtual network. Is it possible or the only way to do this is to recreate the AKS instance?
No, it is not possible, you need to redeploy AKS
edit: 08.02.2023 - its actually possible to some extent now:
I'm not sure it can be updated on an existing cluster without recreating it (or the nodepool)
I know its an old thread, but just responding in case someone might find it useful. You cannot change the subnet of the AKS directly. However, you can always change the subnets of the underlying components. In our case, we had a simple setup of 2 nodes and a LoadBalancer. We created a new subnet and change the subnets on these individual components. It worked for us, so do ensure to check the services and the pods, to ensure correct working.

alicloud_cs_managed_kubernetes vs alicloud_cs_kubernetes on terraform

So on Alibaba Cloud module in terraform and found identic resource:
what is the different of that? i cannot differentiate that two resource
biggest difference is,
Managed kubernetes cluster, that means you can't control kubernetes master.
kubernetes cluster, you need create master as well.
master_instance_types = ["ecs.n4.small"]
Specifically speaking the differences between alicloud_cs_managed_kubernetes vs alicloud_cs_kubernetes on Terraform are can be addressed detailly with the help of parameter reference provided on official documentation.
But, the major difference between Kubernetes and Managed Kubernetes is
You don't need to manage the master node in Managed Kubernetes
