mlflow UI server doesn't start - mlflow

When I run mlflow UI inside my repository and environment (anaconda), I receive the following error
Cannot open C:\Users\XXX\Anaconda3\envs\haea\Scripts\
Running the mlflow server failed. Please see the logs above for details
When I checked the anaconda environment folder, I don't see a waitress-serve-script there, that might be the reason, but I can't find other online resources for the issue. Any recommendations would help.
What I have tried so far
Reinstalling mlflow
Creating a new environment
Manually install waitress (pip install waitress)


Failed to start kibana service. Error: Cannot find module '#kbn/apm-config-loader'

I am working on Kibana and Elasticsearch. I was creating my own plugin following different tutorials but still hang on this work. During the creation of plugin through kibana-plugin-generator I have installed many other things to generate plugin like yarn nvm etc etc. but still fail to generate. After that when I start kibana service the following error occurs:
kindly help me to resolve this:
Failed to start kibana service
Are you trying to build a custom version of Wazuh kibana plugin, or a new kibana plugin unrelated to wazuh?
From the logs it seems a dependency is missing. You could try installing the yarn dependencies with:
# yarn kbn clean
# yarn kbn bootstrap
This would bootsrap it again and download the dependencies.
I hope this solves your question. Cheers

Django app 'deployment successful' to Azure, but URL is just showing the default page instead of my code's app

I'm trying to deploy my app to Azure app service through VScode and I followed tutorial steps and can see this within my output on Azure App Service output terminal:
11:24:00 PM trendallarchive: Activating virtual environment...
11:24:00 PM trendallarchive: Could not find or requirements.txt; Not running pip install
I can see there was an issue with my requirements.txt file, but I'm not sure why it couldn't find it. Would this be the cause of my code not deploying? even though it says deployment successful? If the requirements.txt file exists then how come I am receiving this output?
Thanks in advance

Google App Engine: cv2 error on Flask app

I have a Flask app that I want to deploy on the Google App Engine. Everything checks out fine, the requirements file contains all the modules which get installed successfully. But towards the end I get this error:
from .cv2 import *
ImportError: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
I read on various blogs and other similar stackoverflow questions that you need to install libsm6 using:
sudo apt-get install libsm6
But even after I did that, I still get the same error. How do I solve this?
The App Engine runtime has a fixed set of system packages that are included in the runtime and unfortunately libsm6 is not one of them. In addition, it's not possible to install additional system packages.
However, this is an ideal use case for Cloud Run, which lets you define your own runtime via a Dockerfile. See the quickstart for an example:

PM2 starting Meteor App not working

I have in one Digital Ocean Linux Ubuntu 16.041 droplet an instance of a Meteor app. Moreover, I installed Node.js version of 4.4.0
I created the respective bundle on the path ~/MyApplication/bundle. As a matter of fact, I automated with a config.json file the execution which its body contains the following code:
My main.js file is created from the Meteor build --directory ~/myDirectory/ command and contains the following code:
process.argv.splice(2, 0, 'program.json');
process.chdir(require('path').join(__dirname, 'programs', 'server'));
That being said, I run my application with pm2 through the config JSON file with pm2 start config.json
It starts the application, but several ms afterwards it is errored. The log error show the following exception regarding the typo, but seems the mainjs file is created fine. Any suggestions to solve it?
In the end, I had to update the node version in the server from 4.4.0 to 8.9.1. After doing that changes, I also had to install the dependencies within the bundle/programs/server/ using npm install

Cannot deploy node.js app on GAE

I'm having trouble deploying my node.js app to GAE.
It's a simple app that connects to my Firebase and updates a value. Just to get started.
Whenever I try to deploy the app it fails. Runs fine locally.
I deleted my project and started a fresh one, and deployed the default 'hello-world' app after downloading the zip and it worked fine.
I installed firebase on the project via the cloud shell.
var Firebase = require("firebase");
to the app.js file and it no longer deploys.
I am new to GAE and cannot understand why it won't deploy. I feel like if i'm having trouble just including firebase in an app, I'm in for a tough time.
This is the error I get. The only think I have added to the original hello-world app is the firebase dependency. I remove that and it deploys fine again.
Updating service [default]...failed.
ERROR: ( Error Response: [13] Timed out when starting VMs. It's possible that the application code is unhealthy. (0/2 ready, 2 still deploying).
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
I fixed the issue by installing the firebase npm on my local machine again. I noticed when I was installing it on the server (even with --save) it wasn't updating the package.json file for some reason and it hadn't updated it locally either. But it still ran on my local machine without the package mentioning a firebase dependency. Not sure why that would be the case.
It seems to be working now.
Before you can require the "firebase" package you need to install it.
To install the latest version of the package using the command line:
Navigate to the project root directory
Run npm install --save firebase
You will now have Firebase, and all the packages that it depends on, installed in your app.
The --save argument makes the command save the package installation configuration to the package.json file, so that the package is installed when you run the npm install command to set up the project on another computer, or when your app is deployed to Google App Engine.
You can check the logs for error. To check it goto your project at google console ( and then Menu-> Logs.
Usually this error comes when app couldn't start while deploying. 1st check if the app local environment. If it is working fine then check if any environment variable is required to set and not set properly on cloud.
