DataGrip copy all text inside a cell with limit - jetbrains-ide

How to copy all text in a cell without changing the cell limit size ?

The current workaround is to use Save to file which loads (and then saves) the full data.
Please see and follow DBE-9310 to support it natively.


AnyLogic: False number format when exporting data to excel

I collect various data in time plots. If I copy the timeplot data and then paste it into Excel, the number format is often wrong. For example, I often get a date like Aug 94 instead of the actual number from the TimePlot. Unfortunately, I can't easily format this date into a number either, since the formatted number does not match the actual number from the timeplot. If I format the date in the same format as the number above and below, then I get the number 34547. However, this number does not correspond to the actual number of the TimePlot. Anyone know how I can prevent this problem?
You can only solve this on the Excel side, AnyLogic provides the raw data for you. Excel then interprets stuff. You can test it by pasting the chart raw data into a txt or csv file.
So either fix your Excel settings or paste into a csv, then into an xlsx.
Or better still: Do not manually paste at all. Instead, write your model results into the AnyLogic database and export to Excel from there: this takes away a lot of the pain for you. Check the example models to learn how to do that.
This is not AnyLogic question, rather an Excel & computer formatting problem. One way of resolving this is changing computer's date and time settings.
Another way is to save your output at txt file in AnyLogic. Replace all . with ,. Then open empty Excel, select Text format for the columns. Copy-paste from the txt file.
In Excel there are a few options
when you paste use paste as text only option
But this does not always work as Excel will still try to format the stuff for you
Use the Paste Special option and then choose text
Also possible this will not work, based on your Excel settings.
Paste using the text import wizard
(This works for me without fail)
On step 2 choose tab delimited
On step 3 choose Column format as text for every column (you need to select them in the little diagram below)
You will then see the data exactly as it came from AnyLogic. See the example below where I purposefully imported some text which has something that Excel will think is a date. You will now be able to see what in your data made Excel thing your data needed to be formatted the way it is and then you can fix it. (post a new question if you struggle with this conversion)
But as noted by other answers first prize is to write all the important data to external files. But I know that even I sometimes want to export data from a chart and review it in Excel. Option 3 works for me everytime

VBA code to extract data from website by continuing number series of data

I desperately need your help to extract data from this webpage, here I have to enter number and than it reflect the information. I want a macro that can enter value in that field and than extract data in excel.
This is the website address
I will put number value in IGM field and it will show data that I need in excel, after that I will add next number in IGM field that will reflect data and that needs to be copied on excel. I need this loop to be continued to a desired number e.g. starting number is 11105 and ending value is 11200. Please help I cannot attach screen shot here.
You could try Selenium (although it is doable without). I have never used it in VBA, but it appears to be available on Github. The other way is using the COM interface (only available in Internet Explorer), but that is kind of an old fashioned solution, compared to Selenium.

How do I return conditional formatting properties without adding additional rules in Excel VBA?

If a cell has conditional formatting that uses an Icon Set (my current situation is using the Traffic Light Icon Set), is there a way to identify in VBA what particular icon is showing in that cell?
The motivation behind it is that it will correspond to a red/amber/green value which I'm exporting in a SQL statement, so I need to find it in VBA.
I can add new rules and select icon sets just fine:
Set Newiconset = Range("H3").FormatConditions.AddIconSetCondition
It's returning the properties of an existing set of rules that has me hung up.
Thanks for your help - I scoured StackOverflow for a solution and couldn't find it. If someone's solved this, let me know and I'll gladly remove my question.
Bad news: what I'm looking to do technically isn't possible.
Here's why:
Excel data is stored in XML files in a main Zip file (you can experiment with this by renaming an xlsx file to zip and opening it). Inside the data is stored in XML files, and when you finally find your workbook, you can see that the data is stored as the actual conditions themselves, with the range values and such. Excel then takes those and computes the result on the fly every time you look at that file. States are not saved when saving the file unfortunately. It's worth noting though that the current state of formulas is stored - I'm assuming this is how accessing values from external workbooks is handled.
This explains why you can set and read the rules just fine, but since there's nothing officially to read a value from you can't "get" the data.

How to copy an excel sheet to a text container

I do use selenium to automate the website I work. Here I have a rare scenario where a text container that represents data like a spreadsheet. So user is given with an option to copy data from spreadsheet and paste it the text container.
I would like to copy data from a sheet and paste same in the test container as a whole. So the test container displays the data in a table, as it looks in excel.
Can anyone please help me with your suggestions......
You don't need to automate a real Excel instance (you can't anyway), or the copy/pasting process. Just write the code to directly set a fixed amount of data (e.g. read from a file) into your container, and from then you can verify that it all appears / was saved etc.
How you get the test data into your test case, so that it can get inserted into the container, depends upon the way the container works.
If it's efficient enough, you can just use POI to load the contents of an Excel file (packaged in your project alongside your test), manipulate it into whatever format the container needs, and then set it.
If it's more efficient, just extract the test data once and store it in a text file for setting into the container, if that allows you to drop POI.

display preceeding zeros in csv file when viewing in excel

Is this at all possible?
If I open up my file in standard text editor e.g. notepad the preceeding zeros are displayed.
e.g. 000485001 shows up.
Although this doesn't happen in excel. All that's displayed is 485001
Just wondering if there's a way around this?
Yes, when you're importing (or using 'Text to columns') you can explicitly indicate the data type for a column (instead of General). If you select 'Text' the zeros will not be dropped.
Unfortunately you only see the dialog to specify this option when Excel is already open and you use either File/Open or Data/Text to Columns. If you just double click a .csv in the explorer you don't get this choice.
Excel tries very hard to determine the type of value it's importing. If it looks like a number, it will treat it like a number, and drop all the leading zeros as it reads it in. There's no way to get them back once they're lost.
You might try to import the file using the wizard that lets you set the data type for each column.
Rather than writing your data as a CSV file, use the SYLK (Symbolic Link) format instead. This format includes information about the style of a column, so that Excel will not try to auto-guess the type of data.
The easiest way to get started with this format is to export a small file from Excel and use that as a template.
Ok got around this by inserting a text character before the number i.e. #000485001
Simple enough!
