isolate pod connection without network policy - linux

kindly I have one question
I want to isolate pod connection in one namespace, to actually not accepting any traffic apart from specified pod label that we can allow.
I came across about network policy in kubernetes, but the limitations is, my current production setup, the network policy is disabled, and to enable it, kubernetes will re-create all the nodes in nodepools, which something that not acceptable on production.
is there any other workaround for this matter, or maybe use istio?
but really need idea how to get it done.
ps : my existing cluster running on GKE
thank you


How to enable Calico network policy on the existing AKS cluster

I want to enable Calico network policy on existing AKS cluster. Is there any way to do that?
I found the following statement on the official Microsoft documentation that, "You can't enable network policy on an existing AKS cluster. To use Azure Network Policy, you must use the Azure CNI plug-in and define your own virtual network and subnets."
But I raising this question because what if we need to implement this on the existing production level clusters??
If there is no option then for only this thing we need to do various time consuming operations on that production servers and then we have to enable policy.
Please help me on this.
Thank you.
I'm afraid you can't enable the network policy on the existing AKS cluster. It shows here:
The network policy feature can only be enabled when the cluster is
created. You can't enable network policy on an existing AKS cluster.
Yes right now there is no option to add network policy on existing AKS cluster, We have to recreate entire cluster environment. I am in same situation like I need to do it in multiple environments
Has there been any update about this is 2022? I would like to implement this, however destroying all the production clusters only for this will be a nightmare, not to mention required downtime.
Can we install calico some other-way e.g via a helm chart so that we will not need to destroy the AKS cluster?
I am also open to other tools which do the same job. My goal is to restrict/control inbound/outbound pod traffic for increased security.

Create Azure Kubernetes ingress controller to limit 1 connection per pod

I'm using Azure Kubernetes Service and have a unique scenario where I want to allow only one connection per pod. I used the "advanced" networking option to set up my cluster such that each pod has its own internal IP address. The problem is, all of these pods are behind a public load balancer IP address, and the load balancer decides where to route the traffic.
I need to either A) set up a rule such that the load balancer only allows one connection per pod and routes new traffic to new pods, 1 per request, or B) set up an ingress controller to do the same. I think B) is the solution but I have no clear path on how to do this. I see that you can route by URL, but you'd have to set up a rule for each pod, which is definitely not a good idea. Is there any way to set up a rule that just limits 1 session per pod? Or some other method that works similarly.
This is a very good question. Based on solutions you suggested in the second part of your question, I would like to add my input here. However, it's not limited or possible only to use these, there are most effective advanced ways people are establishing connections to their pods.
A.) I am looking at how are you routing your traffic to your pods from a load balancer, in general each pod inside Kubernetes cluster by defaults get's its own ip. If we know this how you managing traffic flow from external world to each pod. I can add my answer to A part of possible solutions. But not advisable to go this method, because it is more likely your pod dies and a new pod with new ip might get created you need to manually route traffic to the newly created pod, which is why people opted for kubernetes rather than manually managing docker containers on a VM. But I might be wrong, you might be having different complex system it is debatable though.
B.) Like you said, and researched Ingress and Services is also a solution, unfortunately there are no ingress controller annotations available as of now that only limits one connection per pod, but like you said URL based would be one part of the solution but again as you already identified there will be a overhead with this way it is more like single service per single pod and a sub domain for each service. It is more like single deployment with a unique service associated with it and a unique service with unique subdomain. It's a complex setting but doable.
Edit Based on Comments (Removed HPA)
Based on the information you added I can suggest a different approach, but it is kinda wrong way of using kubernetes, but again it is debatable based on the kind of system you are planning to achieve. Run a proxy server (HAProxy, NGINX, or your fav) on it is own on one of the node and route traffic from the outside world to your pod directly with the internal ip of the pod in your proxy. And you can route based on number of connections, etc from the proxy config remember this is not your kubernetes pod, it's a standalone service your OS running. But caution when node dies pod dies, so is the ip address of the pod.
But this is something we shouldn't do, I am sure in couple of weeks or so you will get the bigger picture of K8s and it's moving parts, you might say this is wrong as there is lot of manual setup overhead.
Hope this is helpful.
I'm fairly new to the k8s world, but as I understand it you should be able to do this with the annotation in a Nginx Ingress Controller:
That way you should be able to limit the number of connections to 1 per 'upstream' or pod.
I.e. the Load Balancer directs traffic to Nginx, Nginx proxies the traffic to pods with one concurrent request per pod.

Subnets in kubernetes

I'm still experimenting with migrating my service fabric application to kubernetes. In service fabric I have two node types (effectively subnets), and for each service I configure which subnet it will be deployed to. I cannot see an equivalent option in the kubernetes yml file. Is this possible in kubernetes?
First of all, they are not effectively subnets. They could all be in the same subnet. But with AKS you have node pools. similarly to Service Fabric those could be in different subnets (inside the same vnet*, afaik). Then you would use nodeSelectors to assign pods to nodes on the specific node pool.
Same principle would apply if you are creating kubernetes cluster yourself, you would need to label nodes and use nodeSelectors to target specific nodes for your deployments.
In Azure the AKS cluster can be deployed to a specific subnet. If you are looking for deployment level isolation, deploy the two node types to different namespaces in k8s cluster. That way the node types get isolation and can be reached using service name and namespace combination
I want my backend services that access my SQL database in a different subnet to the front-end. This way I can limit access to the DB to backend subnet only.
This is an older way to solve network security. A more modern way is called Zero Trust Networking, see e.g. BeyondCorp at Google or the book Zero Trust Networks.
Limit who can access what
The Kubernetes way to limit what service can access what service is by using Network Policies.
A network policy is a specification of how groups of pods are allowed to communicate with each other and other network endpoints.
NetworkPolicy resources use labels to select pods and define rules which specify what traffic is allowed to the selected pods.
This is a more software defined way to limit access, than the older subnet-based. And the rules are more declarative using Kubernetes Labels instead of hard-to-understand IP-numbers.
This should be used in combination with authentication.
For inspiration, also read We built network isolation for 1,500 services to make Monzo more secure.
In the Security team at Monzo, one of our goals is to move towards a completely zero trust platform. This means that in theory, we'd be able to run malicious code inside our platform with no risk – the code wouldn't be able to interact with anything dangerous without the security team granting special access.
Istio Service Entry
In addition, if using Istio, you can limit access to external services by using Istio Service Entry. It is possible to use custom Network Policies for the same behavior as well, e.g. Cilium.

Internet connection from a pod inside an AKS cluster

I am trying to send an http request from my pod to the outside, but it seems impossible.
I currently have implemented a loadbalancer with fixed IP, but so far I just tested connections to the service.
Is there any specific constraint for it? Is it possible to overcome the issue?
Your worker nodes where your pods live are probably in private subnets (it's good practice to keep them there) and if that is the case then it's not Kubernetes problem. You should setup NAT to allow outbound traffic. I'm not familiar with Azure, but you should also check other abstractions that control your traffic (like Security Group or NACLs in AWS)

Azure k8s pods to cluster external communication via internal IPs

I am migrating from GCP to Azure. My use case is simple: I have a k8s cluster running some web crawlers which needs to talk to Elastic and Cassandra clusters (not in the k8s cluster) using internal IPs. All of these components can be in the same Azure Region (e.g: East US). I understand from this discussion that VNET peering is the way to go.
This solution did not work for me. I am still unable to reach my Cass/ES cluster from the pods. I believe this solution is outdated, is there some other approach to accomplish this, that I am missing ?
We can use Azure route table to achieve that, then we can ping pod IP address out of your k8s Vnet.
I have answered your another question here, please check it.
If you would like further assistance, please let me know:)
