I get this error when trying to get the list of transformers for a ColumnTransformer like this after the fit has been called via GridSearchCV. My ultimate goal is to get the feature names after the preprocessor step:
Calling the get_feature_names_out() on the clf (the pipeline) doesn't work because it ways the ColumnTransformer hasn't been fitted yet.
It's because of the grid search. That clones the estimator for each candidate fit including the final refit, so the original estimator you passed never gets fit. The final (re)fitted model lives in the grid search object's best_estimator_ attribute, so something like grid_search.best_estimator_.named_steps['preprocessor'].transformers_ should work (and indeed, get_feature_names_out() should work on this object as well).
I'm trying to use a regression model I have implemented in combination with the GridSearchCV class of scikit-learn to optimize the hyper-parameters of my model. My modelclass is nicely build following the suggestions of the scikit-api:
class FOO(BaseEstimator, RegressorMixin):
def __init__(self,...)
*** initialisation of all the parameters and hyperparameters (including the kernelfunction)***
def fit(self,X,y)
*** implementation of fit: just takes input and performs fit of parameters.
def predict(self,X)
*** implementation of predict: just takes input and calculates the result
The regression-class works as it should, but strangely enough, when I study the behavior of the hyperparameters, I tend to get inconsistencies. It appears one hyper-parameter is correctly applied by GridSearchCV, but the other one is clearly not.
So I am wondering, can someone explain to me how gridsearchCV is working (from the technical perspective)? How does it initialise the estimator, how does it run it over the grid?
My current assumption of the workings and required use of GridsearchCV is this:
Create a GridSearchCV instance (CVmodel=GridSearchCV(MyRegressor,param_grid=Myparamgrid,...)
Fit the hyperparameter(s) via: CVmodel.fit(X,y). Which naively would work like this:
> Loop over Parameter-values
> - create esimator instance with parameter value(and defaults for the other params)
> - estimator.fit
> - result[parameter-value]=estimator.predict
However, experience shows me this naive idea is quite wrong, as the hyper-parameter associated with the kernel-function of my regressor is not correctly initialized.
Can anyone provide some insight into what GridSearchCV is truly doing?
After quite some digging I discovered, scikit-learn does not create new instances (as would be expected in OOP) but rather updates the properties of the object via the set_params method. In my case, this worked fine for the hyperparameter which is directly defined by the same keyword in the __ init __ method, however, it breaks down when the hyperparameter is a property of the static method set during the __ init __ method. Overriding the set_params method (which many tutorials advise against) to deal with this fixes the problem.
For those interested in more details, I wrote this all up in a tutorial myself.
I usually get to feature importance using
regr = XGBClassifier()
regr.fit(X, y)
where type(regr) is .
However, I have a pickled mXGBoost model, which when unpacked returns an object of type . This is the same object as if I would have ran regr.get_booster().
I have found a few solutions for getting variable importance from a booster object, but is there a way to get to the classifier object from the booster object so I can just apply the same feature_importances_ command? This seems like the most straightforward solution, or it seems like I have to write a function that mimics the output of feature_importances_ in order for it to fit my logged feature importances...
So ideally I'd have something like
xbg_booster = pickle.load(open("xgboost-model", "rb"))
assert str(type(xgb_booster)) == "<class 'xgboost.core.Booster'>", 'wrong class'
xgb_classifier = xgb_booster.get_classifier()
Are there any limitations to what can be done with a booster object in terms finding the classifier? I figure there's some combination of save/load/dump that will get me what I need but I'm stuck for now...
Also for context, the pickled model is the output from AWS sagemaker, so I'm just unpacking it to do some further evaluation
Based on my own experience trying to recreate a classifier from a booster object generated by SageMaker I learned the following:
It doesn't appear to be possible to recreate the classifier from the booster. :(
https://xgboost.readthedocs.io/en/latest/python/python_api.html#xgboost.Booster has the details on the booster class so you can review what it can do.
Crazy things you can do however:
You can create a classifier object and then over-ride the booster within it:
xgb_classifier = xgb.XGBClassifier(**xgboost_params)
xgb_classifier._Boster = booster
This is nearly useless unless you fit it otherwise it doesn't have any feature data. (I didn't go all the way through this scenario to validate if fitting would provide the feature data required to be functional.)
You can remove the booster object from the classifier and then pickle the classifier using xgboost directly. Then later restore the SageMaker booster back into it. This abomination is closer and appears to work, but is not truly a rehydrated classifier object from the SageMaker output alone.
If you’re not stuck using the SageMaker training solution you can certainly use XGBoost directly to train with. At that point you have access to everything you need to dump/save the data for use in a different context.
I know you're after feature importance so I hope this gets you closer, I had a different use case and was ultimately able to leverage the booster for what I needed.
I was able to get xgboost.XGBClassifier model virtually identical to a xgboost.Booster version model by
(1) extracting all tuning parameters from the booster model using this:
import json
(2) implementing these same tuning parameters and then training a XGBClassifier model using the same training dataset used to train the Booster model before that.
Note: one mistake I made was that I forgot to explicitly assign the same seed /random_state in both Booster and Classifier versions.
I saw both transformer and estimator were mentioned in the sklearn documentation.
Is there any difference between these two words?
The basic difference is that a:
Transformer transforms the input data (X) in some ways.
Estimator predicts a new value (or values) (y) by using the input data (X).
Both the Transformer and Estimator should have a fit() method which can be used to train them (they learn some characteristics of the data). The signature is:
fit(X, y)
fit() does not return any value, just stores the learnt data inside the object.
Here X represents the samples (feature vectors) and y is the target vector (which may have single or multiple values per corresponding sample in X). Note that y can be optional in some transformers where its not needed, but its mandatory for most estimators (supervised estimators). Look at StandardScaler for example. It needs the initial data X for finding the mean and std of the data (it learns the characteristics of X, y is not needed).
Each Transformer should have a transform(X, y) function which like fit() takes the input X and returns a new transformed version of X (which generally should have same number samples but may or may not have same features).
On the other hand, Estimator should have a predict(X) method which should output the predicted value of y from the given X.
There will be some classes in scikit-learn which implement both transform() and predict(), like KMeans, in that case carefully reading the documentation should solve your doubts.
Transformer is a type of Estimator that implements transform method.
Let me support that statement with examples I have come across in sklearn implementation.
Class sklearn.preprocessing.FunctionTransformer :
This inherits from two other classes TransformerMixin, BaseEstimator
Class sklearn.preprocessing.PowerTransformer :
This also inherits from TransformerMixin, BaseEstimator
From what I understand, Estimators just take data, do some processing, and store data based on logic implemented in its fit method.
Note: Estimator's aren't used to predict values directly. They don't even have predict method in them.
Before I give more explanation to the above statement, let me tell you about Mixin Classes.
Mixin Class: These are classes that implement a Mix-in design pattern. Wikipedia has very good explanation about it. You can read it here . To summarise, these are classes you write which have methods that can be used in many different classes. So, you write them in one class and just inherit in many different classes(A form of composition. Read These Links - Link1 Link2)
In Sklearn there are many mixin classes. To name a few
ClassifierMixin, RegressorMixin, TransformerMixin.
Here, TransformerMixin is the class that's inherited by every Transformer used in sklearn. TransformerMixin class has only one method which is reusable in every transformer and that is fit_transform.
All transformers inherit two classes, BaseEstimator(Which has fit method) and TransformerMixin(Which has fit_transform method). And, Each transformer has transform method based on its functionality
I guess that gives an answer to your question. Now, let me answer the statement I made regarding the Estimator for prediction.
Every Model Class has its own predict class that does prediction.
Consider LinearRegression, KNeighborsClassifier, or any other Model class. They all have a predict function declared in them. This is used for prediction. Not the Estimator.
The sklearn usage is perhaps a little unintuitive, but "estimator" doesn't mean anything very specific: basically everything is an estimator.
From the sklearn glossary:
An object which manages the estimation and decoding of a model...
Estimators must provide a fit method, and should provide set_params and get_params, although these are usually provided by inheritance from base.BaseEstimator.
An estimator supporting transform and/or fit_transform...
As in #VivekKumar's answer, I think there's a tendency to use the word estimator for what sklearn instead calls a "predictor":
An estimator supporting predict and/or fit_predict. This encompasses classifier, regressor, outlier detector and clusterer...
From the sklearn-style API of XGBClassifier, we can provide eval examples for early-stopping.
eval_set (list, optional) – A list of (X, y) pairs to use as a
validation set for early-stopping
However, the format only mentions a pair of features and labels. So if the doc is accurate, there is no place to provide weights for these eval examples.
Am I missing anything?
If it's not achievable in the sklearn-style, is it supported in the original (i.e. non-sklearn) XGBClassifier API? A short example will be nice, since I never used that version of the API.
As of a few weeks ago, there is a new parameter for the fit method, sample_weight_eval_set, that allows you to do exactly this. It takes a list of weight variables, i.e. one per evaluation set. I don't think this feature has made it into a stable release yet, but it is available right now if you compile xgboost from source.
EDIT - UPDATED per conversation in comments
Given that you have a target-variable representing real-valued gain/loss values which you would like to classify as "gain" or "loss", and you would like to make sure the validation-set of the classifier weighs the large-absolute-value gains/losses heaviest, here are two possible approaches:
Create a custom classifier which is just XGBoostRegressor fed to a treshold where the real-valued regression predictions are converted to 1/0 or "gain"/"loss" classifications. The .fit() method of this classifier would just call .fit() of xgbregressor, while .predict() method of this classifier would call .predict() of the regressor and then return the thresholded category predictions.
you mentioned you would like to try weighting the treatment of the records in your validation set, but there is no option for this in xgboost. The way to implement this would be to implement a custom eval-metric. However, you pointed out that eval_metric must be able to return a score for a single label/pred record at a time, so it couldn't accept all your row-values and perform the weighting in the eval metric. The solution to this you mentioned in your comment was "create a callable which has a ref to all validation examples, pass the indices (instead of labels and scores) into eval_set, use the indices to fetch labels and scores from within the callable and return metric for each validation examples." This should also work.
I would tend to prefer option 1 as more straightforward, but trying two different approaches and comparing results is generally a good idea if you have the time, so interested how these turn out for you.
I simply have failed to understand the documentation for this class.
I can fit data using it, and get the scores for features, but it this all this class is supposed to do?
I can't see how I can use it to actually perform regression using the model that was fit. The example in the documentation above is simply creating an instance of the class, so I can't see how that is supposed to help.
There are methods that perform 'transform' operation, but no mention of what kind of transform that is.
so is it possible to use this class to get actual predictions on new test data, and is it possible to use it in cross fold validation to compare performance with other methods I'm using?
I've used the highest ranking features in other classifiers, but I'm not sure if more than that is possible with this classifier.
Update: I've found the use for fit_transform under feature selection part of the documentation:
When the goal is to reduce the dimensionality of the data to use with another classifier, they expose a transform method to select the non-zero coefficient
Unless I get an answer that says I'm wrong, I'll assume that this classifier indeed does not do prediction. I'll wait before I answer my own question.
Randomized LR is supposed to be a feature selection method, not a classifier in and of itself. Its API matches that of a standard scikit-learn transformer:
randomlr = RandomizedLogisticRegression()
X_train = randomlr.fit_transform(X_train)
X_test = randomlr.transform(X_test)
Then fit a model to X_train and do classification on X_test as usual.