Vaadin Whitelabel Error Page "Failed to install Node" - node.js

I am using the Vaadin sping boot web app starter and everytime I run the application java file to start the web page, I always get
There was an unexpected error (type=Internal Server Error, status=500). java.lang.IllegalStateException: Failed to install Node"
Followed by hundreds of lines of error messages all related to either node or zip END header not found.
Even though I have Node.js installed on my Laptop.
I'm using JDK 18, Windows 10, IntelliJ community edition 2022.1.2 and Vaadin 22.
Any help on how to get my localhost up and running would be greatly appreciated.

Since you did not mention any build automation tool that you use, you can solve the problem by installing two missing tools (Node.js and npm) manually.
Go to
Choose and download installer
Make sure npm is also installed (select the option)


Appium Inspector don't open on Linux Ubuntu

I cannot open Appium inspector on Linux Ubuntu.
In the same folder I have 3 files:
Appium-Inspector-linux-2022.2.1.AppImage /
Appium-Server-GUI-linux-1.22.2.AppImage /
When I open the Appium-Server-GUI-linux-1.22.2.AppImage file, start the server e click on the button to open Appium Ispector, it open a web page.
to fix this, it was necessary:
1: Start Appium Server
I did this, executing Appium-Server-GUI-linux-1.22.2.AppImage file.
2: Start Appium Inspector through of file Appium-Inspector-linux-2022.2.1.AppImage
3: Create the capabilities
After that, the Appium Inspector still don't open throught on Appium Server button, but it make it open and you can use.
Since the release of Appium v1.22 they have changed how the Appium Inspector works. I refer you to their official documentation on GitHub, citing:
Appium Inspector is released in two formats:
As a desktop app for macOS, Windows, and Linux. You can get the most
recent published version of this app at the Releases section of this
repo. Simply grab the appropriate version for your OS and follow
standard installation procedures (but see the note below for macOS).
As a web application, hosted by Appium Pro. (It's currently a known
issue that the web version does not work on Safari). Please make sure
to read the note below on CORS as well.
If you like to work the old way, download Appium Desktop v1.21 or below.
install latest appium-inspector
open appium-inspector and insert "/wd/hub" in Remote Path

Cannot uninstall / repair / install Node.JS to my system

I installed node.js to work on a discord bot with VSCode but it didn't work.
I reinstalled it but ticked the 'install chocolatey' box this time, halfway through the installation I got 3 trojan alerts from my AV, and cancelled the installation.
Since then, I have been unable to uninstall, repair or reinstall Node.JS, through the Windows 10 uninstall function or from the Node.JS .msi file.
Each time I try, I get the same error message:
"The Windows Installer Service could not be accessed. This can occur if you are running Windows in safe mode, or if the Windows Installer is not correctly installed."
I've removed all instances of Node.JS from my program files and %appdata%, I've ensure the Installer Service is running, and yet the Node.JS application still shows in the Uninstall Tool and when I try to uninstall / modify / reinstall, it shows the same error, and seems to think it's still installed on my system! Not even Node.JS commands work in my CMD!
I've got no idea how to fix this, and I don't want to use glitch anymore to write my bot, so please help- or it seem's I'll have to factory reset my PC and hope that resolves the issue.
Thanks in advance, guys.
EDIT: I tried installing a newer version hoping it would overwrite old Node.JS files. Didn't work. Issue still occurring.
Do these:
Open command prompt as Administrator and run /sfc scannow. It will scan and replace corrupted files.
Restart your PC when the scan is done.

How to fix error when installing node.js on windows 7 32bit

For the Screenshot
I can't install node.js [node-v6.10.3-x86.msi], and i trying to search at stackexchange and find this one:
node.js Setup Wizard ended prematurely
After i follow the instruction and try to "running the MSI" via command prompt as Administator but fails.
I try to deleting some registry like this HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Perflib_V2Providers but didn't take effect
And this the Logs on the installation
So what should i do? Thanks a lot

Set version Info does not exist error after installing MSBuild Extension Pack for DotNetNuke module creation

The PC at work finally kicked the bucket and I needed to install MSBuild Extension Pack on my new PC so that I could continue creating DNN modules for my website. For whatever reason after I install it, I am getting the same error as if it is not installed
Set version Info does not exist in project c:\users\...
Here is what I have tried:
Uninstalling and reinstalling
Restarting computer and VS several times
Starting new project and trying to build it (gives same error)
Looking online for documentation and/or videos on how to install this properly (no luck)
My current version of windows is win7 x64 and the version of DotNetNuke that I am creating modules on is DNN 6.2.5. The version of MSBuild I have installed is 3.5.14 and 4.0.11. I am using VisualStudio 2012.
Did I miss a step in installation? Should I have used Community tasks?
After several restarts (and several rinse and repeat of the above 'tried' list), I installed MSBuild.Community.Tasks.v1.4.0.00.msi. After installing this my module template was able to build the project without error. Unfortunately, due to lack of documentation I do not know if you need both the extension pack AND community tasks in order for this to work, only that community was necessary in this case. For this reason I will leave the extension pack installed for now.

cant't get NetBeans to compile Java ME

I've been trying for the past 5 hours to make my java ME application to compile without any luck.
W7 64X
NetBeans 7.0
Java JDK 32X
Error Message:
Execution failed with error code 1.
I've done the following things trying to fix it.
Added runMidlet to DEP.
turned off my anti-virus/firewall.
reinstalled and rebooted 5 times prolly.
and something I found on google.
Please edit <javamesdk_installdir>\toolkit-lib\modules\bootstrap\conf\ and reconfigure the to:
And one other thing that can be the causes for this issue is the Port 1299 might be taken
Please edit <javamesdk_installdir>\toolkit-lib\modules\bootstrap\conf\ and change
device-manager.object-registry.port=1299 to: device-manager.object-registry.port=1999
the only thing that has changed since I started is that now I get the error after 10 sec and before it was after 24sec.
Any kind of help is appreciated!
mine solved by installing standalone Java ME SDK then in the netbeans go to Tools > Java Platform then remove default J2ME Platform, next click Add Platforms and locate your new Java ME SDK.
if that still failed try uninstall Java ME Plugin in Tools > Plugins > Installed then install Mobility in Available Plugins Tab
I do not know how you added JME SDK 3, but check bellow my setup
