Trying to print a generator object with a short code - python-3.x

It probably has been asked before,
But I couldn't find something like that,
I'm trying to print a generator object:
print(*[n[c]for c in range(len(n))if n[c]!=n[c-1]or c==0],sep="")
I usually use something like that, however, I'm wondering if it's the most efficient way to do it
(without changing the fact that the expression is in the print)
Thanks for your time


Extension of an existing function in Python

I came across an issue and I would love to get your help.
I am working with a certain codebase at work, and came across a function which returns 2 values, let's call this function my_func.
In some other function, my_func's output is being unpacked, for example:
a,b = my_func()
The thing is, I want to expand my_func to return 3 values instead of 2, however my_func is sort of an "interface function" which means that it is implemented by a lot of classes and I'm trying to avoid going to each of these classes and extend it's implementation directly.
I was wondering if there's something I can do to get the following results:
a,b,c = my_func()
without getting any unpacking exception. I would like if possible that c will get the value None from the "old implementation" classes.
Is this a good / bad practice? would love to get your opinion and help.

Python 3 Tips to Shorten Code for Assignment and Getting Around TextIO

I've been going through a course and trying to find ways to shorten my code. I had this assignment to open a text file, split it, then add all of the unique values to a list, then finally sort it. I passed the assignment, but I have been trying to shorten it to learn some ways to apply any shortening concepts to future codes. The main issues I keep running into is trying to make the opened file into strings to turn them into lists to append and such without read(). If I don't used read() I get back TextIO errors. I tried looking into it but what I found involved importing os and doing some other funky stuff, which seems like it would take more time.
So if anyone would mind giving me tips to more effectively code this that are beginner friendly I would be appreciative.
romeo = open('romeo').read()
mylist = list()
for line in romeo.split() :
if line not in mylist:
I saw that set() is pretty good for unique values, but then I don't think I can sort it. Then trying flip flop between a list and set would seem wacky. I tried those swanky one line for loop boys, but couldn't get it to work. like for line not in mylist : mylist.append(line) I know that's not how to do it or even close, but I don't know how to convey what I mean.
So to iterate:
1. How to get the same result without read() / getting around textIO
2. How to write this code in a more stream lined way.
I'm new to the site and coding, so hopefully I didn't trigger anyone.

make menhir find all alternatives?

I would like to change the behavior of menhir's output in follwoing way:
I want it to look up all grammatical alternatives if it finds any, and put them in a list and get me back this ambigouus interpretation. It shall not reduce conflicts, just store them.
In the source code of menhir, it seems to me, that I have to look in "". The resultant syntactically determined token comes in a variant type item "Accepted v" as a state of a checkpoint of the grammatical automaton. This content is found by a function "accept env prod" before, that is part of a bundle of recursive functions, that change the states.
Do you have a tip, how I could change these functions to put all the possible results in the list here and proceed as if nothing happened? Or do you think, that this wont work anyway?
What you are looking for is a GLR parser generator (G is for generalized). Menhir is not such tool, and I doubt you could modify it easily to do what you want.
However, there is another tool that does exactly what you want: dypgen.

How to represent an anonymous function as a string

I want to represent a function like x->x^2 as a string - simply doing string(x->x^2) doesn't work, is there any way around this?
You could create a function from string using fun=eval(parse("x->x^2")) but as far as I know it's an irreversible process.
Just because something works, doesn't mean it is a solution... Suppose f is the anonymous function. With f = x->x^2. Then the following:
join(map(strip,match(r"line \d*:\n(.*)\n",string(f.code)).captures),"\n")
return x ^ 2
More can be extracted using regular expressions from f.code. Also note this doesn't work for non-anonymous functions. And it isn't something one should rely on to work. Perhaps some other way to implement the functionality would be best.

Where can I find an overview of how the ec2.instancesCollection is built

In boto3 there's a function:
The documentation:
Say it returns a list(ec2.Instance) I wish...
when I try printing the return I get this:
ec2.instancesCollection(ec2.ServiceResource(), ec2.Instance)
I've tried searching for any mention of an ec2.instanceCollection, but the only thing I found was something similar for ruby.
I'd like to iterate through this instanceCollection so I can see how big it is, what machines are present and things like that.
Problem is I have no idea how it works, and when it's empty iteration doesn't work at all(It throws an error)
The filter method does not return a list, it returns an iterable. This is basically a Python generator that will produce the desired results on demand in an efficient way.
You can use this iterator in a loop like this:
for instance in ec2.instances.filter():
# do something with instance
or if you really want a list you can turn the iterator into a list with:
instances = list(ec2.instances.filter())
I'm adding this answer because 5 years later I had the same question and went round in circles trying to find the answer.
First off, the return type in the documentation is wrong (still). As you say, it states that the return type is: list(ec2.Instance)
where it should be:ec2.instancesCollection.
At the time of writing there's an open issue in github covering this -
When you call the filter method a ResourceCollection is created for the particular type of resource against which you called the method. In this case the resource type is instance which gives an instancesCollection. You can see the code for the ResourceCollection superclass of instancesCollection here:
The documentation here gives an overview of the collections:
To get to how to use it and actually answer your question, what I did was to turn the iterator into a list and iterate over the list if the size is > 0.
testList = list(ec2.instances.filter(Filters=filters))
if len(testList) > 0;
for item in testList;
This may well not be the best way of doing it but it worked for me.
