create react app not working Module Error (from ./node_modules/postcss-loader/dist/cjs.js): - node.js

create react app is not working recently and I get this error

Node couldn't find your project's modules. Have you tried
npm i


node.js react native error module not found. create react app

I have n[enter image description here]( idea what went wrong. I ran npm start annd got this error.
I have tried searching for the issues but the solutions I saw was not working

React app throwing error while i am importing docusign-esign module

create a react app
create-react-app demodocusign
Then install docusign-esign using npm.
npm install docusign-esign
Then import docusign in your app.js
const docusign = require("docusign-esign");
import docusign from "docusign-esign"
Then start the app
npm start
Then see the console or terminal ,its saying Module not Found Can't resolve 'ApiClient'
Note-Its working in Node express server but if i try to do the same thing in react ,it is throwing error
So the issue is that this is client side code and our node.JS npm package can only be used from the server. You can only make the API calls from your server.
Make sure you have code like this in your .js code:
var docusign = require('docusign-esign');
docusign.ApiClinet // whatever you are doing with it.

Create React Native app could not installed

As we know Create React Native App is the easiest way to start building a new React Native application. But I tried to install this but I got failed.
I am using Node v8.10.0 and npm v4.2.0.
Error Attached below.
I stucked here.
Final Error
Go to Task Manager by ctrl+alt+del and close all the node.js processes. Then rerun the command create-react-native-app <yourname>, this time try it with other name instead of "AwesomeProject".

Trying to use axios to make API call in a React/Phoenix App (using Brunch)

I'm trying to make use of the axios library to call some API endpoints.
My project setup is a Phoenix app (with brunch for asset management) and a React app (all in the web/static/js directory)
Most npm modules are ok, I do:
npm install --save _module-name_
Then I add the module to the brunch-config.js into the npm whitelist array.
Which I've done with axios, so it doesn't complain that it cannot find the library.
However, when I try and use axios e.g
I get the following error in the JS Console:
Cannot find module "axios/lib/adapters/xhr"
It's like brunch isn't loading in the axios dependencies (even though I can see that file if i navigate to node_modules/axios/lib/adapters
Has anyone had this issue (with any npm module and brunch/phoenix) and if so how do you go about fixing it?
It seems to be a wider spread problem with brunch.
I also cannot use "React-Bootstrap" I get a similar error where it cannot find the sub-dependencies....
I had the same issue and updated brunch to the latest (2.7.5 at the time), which resolved my issue.

'require' statement in index.js causes error saying mailchimp module cannot be found

I'm using this API for a web app I'm making that uses mailchimp:
Here's the node.js API page
I'm also using this git repo to understand how to use the API: example repo
I cloned the repo, ran npm install express in the express directory of the repo, then ran node app
when I did that, I got this error: Error: Cannot find module './node_modules/mailchimp-api/mailchimp'
The require statement that names this module (in index.js) is:
var mcapi = require('./node_modules/mailchimp-api/mailchimp');
I checked the path, it should be correct. is there something I'm missing?
You need to run npm install in the express directory of the repo so that all of the modules are installed. You are missing the mailchimp module.
