Create React Native app could not installed - node.js

As we know Create React Native App is the easiest way to start building a new React Native application. But I tried to install this but I got failed.
I am using Node v8.10.0 and npm v4.2.0.
Error Attached below.
I stucked here.
Final Error

Go to Task Manager by ctrl+alt+del and close all the node.js processes. Then rerun the command create-react-native-app <yourname>, this time try it with other name instead of "AwesomeProject".


create react app not working Module Error (from ./node_modules/postcss-loader/dist/cjs.js):

create react app is not working recently and I get this error
Node couldn't find your project's modules. Have you tried
npm i

NativeScript-Vue Webpack Can't resolve 'styles/style-one' on setup

I'm new to NativeScript and I'm trying to create a new app using vue, following the instructions here:
NOTE: I'm using vue-cli v3, so instead of vue init nativescript-vue/vue-cli-template <project-name>, I had to use vue create <project-name> then vue add vue-cli-plugin-nativescript-vue.
I am getting the following error when doing tns preview on my android device:
Does anyone know what I'm doing wrong? I'm trying to create a simple mobile app, and I'm getting an error on the setup phase. Thank you!
node v10.20.1
vue-cli v3.11.0
tns v6.5.0
Reading a bit more in this article for the vue-cli-plugin-nativescript-vue plugin:
Renaming my CSS files from style-one.css to style-one.native.css for mobile did the trick. I'm able to successfully run the app in my phone now.

Create-react-app npm run build too slow

I am relatively new to using React and am following create-react-app tutorials. I am creating a simple webchat service using, React, and Express in a Node environment.
I've finished writing the majority of the features for the React app and am now working on the server end to connect the apps via Working on the front-end was each because I could just run "npm start" to serve a dev version of my app. However, now that I am working on the server side, implementing, whenever I find an issue on the front-end, I have to rerun "npm run build" which takes ~15-30 seconds each time.
I am sure there is a faster way to debug issues like this without having to compile my react app into static files every time. Please advise.
You should run the front end using npm command on cmd panel npm start and debug the backend server side using VSCode Debugger using the node js extension. This way you can run both on dev easily. Plus it give you advance debugging features.

node.js server.js module'simple debug' error

I am fairly new at node.js, I am using the most recent node.js available .12 on windows 8.1 OS. I am tring to run a program that controls some robotics using a gesture control device, but whenever I run the node server.js I receive the following:
throw error
module cannot be found 'simple debug'
I ran npm install simple debug to see if the modules didn't install correctly with original node.js. There are two modules simple and debug and they are installed. I tried the faye install and express solutions and got nothing.
Does anyone have any ideas how to solve this?
Assuming you're using this module, you should consider adding the hyphen for simple-debug instead of simple debug.

Issue with Node-based Cordova Hook

I'm playing around with the Cordova hooks capabilities and I'm trying to test using a node application as a hook. In this article: it references running node applications, so I know it's possible.
I've created a simple node application that I'm using to test the before prepare and after prepare process:
#! /usr/bin/env node
console.log("this is a node module");
When I run my prepare, I get the following error:
C:\Users\jwargo\dev\lunchmenu>cordova prepare
The system cannot find the path specified.
Hook failed with error code 1: C:\Users\jwargo\dev\lunchmenu\hooks\before_prepare\test.js
I can't find any information anywhere about what an error code of 1 means here.
I've tested the node code and it runs fine with "node test.js" and when I execute test.js from the command line Windows simply launches my default editor.
So, can anyone tell me what I'm doing wrong or what I need to do to be able to execute a node application as a hook with the Cordova CLI?
Figured it out with some help from the Cordova dev team. The space in my shebang was causing the problem. I removed it and the problem went away.
